Well sorry to end the round of good scores here, but I only got 9/20, and I am an Atheist. I should have gotten the Archbishop of Canterbury but I couldn't spell it close enough, and I knew three others, I just couldn't think of the them off the top of my head. So I could have gotten 13/20, but that is still pretty bad.
Roman Catholic: 20/20. Though was agnostic/Wiccan for a time, looked into Taoism, read tons of other stuff, etc., before coming back to the Christianity, then studied theology, entered a monastery, left (but still devout Catholic), and...now I'm here. Well, not just here on jetpunk. But also.
From what I counted so far (and I wasn't certain how to classify some,) 11 Christians missed 13, and 21 non-Christians missed 39. This small sampling doesn't support your info, Ozchris. And Elan, even though I am Christian I try to study all religions. It doesn't work to make a blanket statement about all Christians (or any other religion). We run the gamut from ultra-liberal to ultraconservative in our beliefs.
Atheist - 20/20 - Had a hard time spelling Elysian though. And it took me a solid 45 seconds to remember that the last book of the bible is Revelations...I kept thinking Ragnarok.
What's ironic about being a proud Christian? If you believe that you are saved by grace through faith...it means you're proud of who Jesus is, not of any works that made you a Christian.
@camus: I was well into adulthood when I learned that the "seven deadly sins" isn't in the Christian Bible - but rather could be classified as 'fan fiction' written by later writers, and eventually summarized by Dante.
There have been different surveys with different results. Atheists score highly when it comes to knowledge of every religion, and especially "world religions" which this quiz is about. Mormons and Jews sometimes score higher than atheists on knowledge about Christianity and Judaism, respectively, but trail then when it comes to knowledge of Islam, Hinduism, Norse mythology etc. Atheists often score better on quizzes about Christianity than Catholics or mainstream Protestants. This quiz was a very easy 20/20 for this atheist.
Faithful Christian 19/20. This quiz is a perfect example of why I like Jetpunk. The quizzes really get my grey matter warmed up and besides learning new stuff I learn new viewpoints on a lot of different stuff by people who know what they're talking about. I also learn facts on subjects not only from books, but from a real walking, talking people. The debates are great. Keep it up!
Actually the whole Islam and wives thing isn't necessarily correct. The verse that the idea comes from is often mistranslated. It is actually speaking about finances of men caring for orphans, and IF (key word) they cannot care for them well, they are allowed to marry more than one women to serve as mother figures. The 4 women is listed as more of an example, as in if it takes four women to care for the orphans, you are allowed to marry four. Of course, the last part of that verse is: "But if you fear you will not be fair, then only one [wife], or what your right hand possesses. This is best that you do not face financial hardship". Again, this is all a conditional situation. IF you are caring for orphans, and you need more women to help out, you are permitted, if not, don't. Four is an example, not the extent, and polygamy overall is discouraged.
Then why did the most perfect and noble man who ever existed, whose soul God created before anything else in the Universe, His gift to mankind, the seal of the prophets, whose inerrant and upright example lives on in the sunnah for all people to emulate and aspire to... why did he have at least 15 wives and several sex slaves? (and uniquely forbid them all from marrying again after his death, so worried about caring for them was he)
Please don't answer that. The question is rhetorical. Also, Islam is a living religion practiced by over a billion people. The way it is practiced and understood by the majority is more relevant than the interpretations of isolated apologists attempting to fit the religion into a Western moral framework.
Also interesting about the verse (and similar ones) that you quote: "then only one wife, or what your right hand possesses." Do you know what the part about "what your right hand possesses" means? This is where god is giving you permission to rape your slaves. Consent isn't even a concept in old Islamic, Christian, and Jewish texts. It's only about what you are legally allowed to have sex with and what you are not. And slaves were you property so of course you could do whatever you wanted with them. Saudis use this justification today to force themselves on their Filipina maids. For god is so merciful, and so wise.
In the question about Indian religions, I think you should do one of two things:
Either keep "Indian religions" in the question and also accept 'moksha' along with 'nirvana'.
Or change "Indian religions" to specifically Buddhism.
Moksha is essentially the Hindu word for the same concept as Nirvana in Buddhism so it should probably accept as well if you are asking about any Indian religions.
Your point is correct. Though, as nirvana means 'extinction' and moksha means 'liberation,' arguably moksha is the more correct answer, if not the sole correct answer.
Growing up, we used the terms "Hebrew Scriptures" for the Jewish Bible and "Greek Scriptures" for the New Testament... together they made up "The Bible".
To be fair, and this is coming from somebody who did just now get 100% on the Quiz, and who also has attended Quaker meeting numerous times, and has a strong Quaker heritage in his ancestral background, the clue "Friends" really is so vague that nobody at all can be blamed for not knowing the answer. The fuller formal name for the 'Quaker' Religion is "The Religious Society of Friends".
I couldn't think of a single denomination known as Friends! Thankfully, I did pretty well on the rest of the quiz, and had time left to try every possible christian denomination I had ever heard from. One of my first guesses was "amish", because it's similar to "amis", which means friend in French.
I went to a Quaker school and got it instantly, I heard Quakers often referred to simply as 'Friends'. Many letters we got from the school addressed us as 'Friends'.
It would be much appreciated if you would change the question about the Book of Revelation to “the Christian Bible” or “the New Testament.” Later, the inclusion of Jesus’ birth makes it obvious which Bible is being referenced, so no problem on that one as I see it.
Had Buddhist influences growing up along with some Hinduism, but not really devout to a certain religion/teaching. More spiritual than anything. Although I still don't eat meat.
Wonder if he knew 'what's in the box??'
Please don't answer that. The question is rhetorical. Also, Islam is a living religion practiced by over a billion people. The way it is practiced and understood by the majority is more relevant than the interpretations of isolated apologists attempting to fit the religion into a Western moral framework.
Either keep "Indian religions" in the question and also accept 'moksha' along with 'nirvana'.
Or change "Indian religions" to specifically Buddhism.
Moksha is essentially the Hindu word for the same concept as Nirvana in Buddhism so it should probably accept as well if you are asking about any Indian religions.
Thanks, and it was a good quiz!
Had Buddhist influences growing up along with some Hinduism, but not really devout to a certain religion/teaching. More spiritual than anything. Although I still don't eat meat.
I am however Agnostic and got 20/20