Somme people on this site are probably under 100 years old, making the video games they played growing up more relevant to their lives than a battle that happened before they were born.
whether they lived through the somme or played sonic growing up probably factors little into their knowledge of these things; the somme is a historic battle and sega made sonic, these are general knowledge facts that you don't have to experience first hand to know
No, you don't have to experience thing first-hand in order to know them, but it does make it easier to remember. Consider also how frequently people are exposed to information. How much of the average person's education focused on the Battle of the Somme? It probably featured on a single test I took in middle school, and maybe one more in high school. Meanwhile, people my age who were kids in the early '90s played Sonic games regularly over the course of years, seeing the "Sega" logo pop up every time the fired up the game, hundreds of times if not more. And of course however many hundreds of times they saw commercials for Sonic games, which all prominently featured the Sega logo.
Seriously, I'm not going to judge people because they remember a fact they've been exposed to countless times in a fun context over the course of years better than they remember one that they were exposed to a couple of times in a not-so-fun context.
But "judging" people who know the trivial answers but not the serious ones when you score them the other way around is one of the greatest pleasures in a jetpunker's life!
Yea, it is about exposure. I dont think I have ever been exposed to somme, history was not one of my chosen subjects. And afaik not covered in elementary school. I have never played sonic, but you do come across him here and there.
My mum lives in the middle of the Somme battle area, so I know it very well. Every couple of miles there is a war cemetery - thousands and thousands in total. Pretty much 0 buildings in the area are pre-war, but they've rebuilt them beautifully.
Check out the Thiepval Memorial if you ever need to sober up: it's engraved with the names of 72,337 British and S African soldiers whose remains were never identified.
(Many of the bodies are buried in the cemeteries around the area, with the inscription "A soldier of the Great War known unto God", and some of them were simply never found.)
Wow, sanskrit is low !! (feels like not knowing about hyroglyphs and pyramids, something you learn in primarary/elementary school) And I hadnt heard about shinto or somme
My brain obviously is not working today, for the spanish city one I tried so many places beginning with s in Spain, I even tried San Cugat(it's not even a city) and still didn't get the answer.
Seriously, I'm not going to judge people because they remember a fact they've been exposed to countless times in a fun context over the course of years better than they remember one that they were exposed to a couple of times in a not-so-fun context.
Check out the Thiepval Memorial if you ever need to sober up: it's engraved with the names of 72,337 British and S African soldiers whose remains were never identified.
(Many of the bodies are buried in the cemeteries around the area, with the inscription "A soldier of the Great War known unto God", and some of them were simply never found.)
Thanks for the Indian references. It's nice to see something that's not about the U.S. on this website!
Your biggest fan,
Clearly I haven't wasted enough time on computer gaming... Clearly.