I agree. It took me forever to get hieroglyph because of the wording. I was also thinking like "ankh, eye of Horus, scarab... none of these begin with H".
Well, in ancient greek, one of the words for dad was, "pappa". It's hard to say whether that particular word would have been used in Macedonia or not, since they had a fairly distinct dialect of Greek, but "pappa" is where the English term "pop" comes from, so OP most likely isn't that far off...
I have a minor objection to this clue. Tyrant isn't really a 1:1 synonym for Autocrat, is it? You could say that all tyrants are autocrats, but not all autocrats are tyrants; some can be benevolent dictators. Also, tyranny refers to opression and injustice, which can come in different shapes and sizes, and isn't strictly confined to single autocrats; it could also come from an oligarchy, an aristocracy, or a beaurocracy.
For some reason the quiz is not accepting the (W) answer for the last question. I am typing the answer multiple times correctly and it is like it isn't even registering it. Is there a glitch or is there a problem on my end?