
SAT Vocabulary Words Starting With D

Can you guess the definitions of these words that commonly appear on the Scholastic Aptitude Test?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 30, 2020
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First submittedApril 28, 2020
Times taken17,804
Average score80.0%
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1. Destitute (adjective)
Predicted to happen
Sexually promiscuous
Well-informed and intelligent
Having wasted his inheritance, he was now destitute
2. Dilettante (noun)
A person attracted to members of the same sex
A person who enjoys fine art
A person with poor eyesight
An amateur who dabbles in a field
He was merely a dilettante with no real talent
3. Dearth (noun)
A critical mistake
A lack
A rich soil
Something that causes bad luck
There was a dearth of fresh water available to the hurricane survivors
4. Diabolical (adjective)
With a diabolical cackle, Dr. Evil kicked his hapless victim into the pit
5. Diatribe (noun)
A blemish
A close-knit social group
A random or unexpected occurrence
A sharp attack or criticism, especially a lengthy one
He wrote a lengthy diatribe explaining that only a fool could think Cyprus was in Asia
6. Dissident (noun)
A person who disagrees with the ruling power
An armored glove
One who displays unconventional fashion choices
One who engages in combat
During Pinochet's reign, dissidents were thrown from helicopters into the ocean
7. Deluge (noun)
A great flood
A powerful emotion, especially sadness
A wind that comes from the north
The "winding down" of the plot that happens after the climax
As soon as Noah and his family were safely aboard, the deluge began
8. Disinter (verb)
To cut off part of the body
To lose interest
To remove from a tomb
To shoot from a cannon
The victim was disintered to collect forensic evidence
9. Duplicity (noun)
An unexpected change
Deceptiveness; saying one thing and doing another
Having a variety of colors
Quickness to anger
Undeceived by the con man's duplicity, she went inside and called the police
10. Deadpan (adjective)
Deeply weathered and grooved
Marked by pretend seriousness or impassivity
Totally dedicated and unwavering
His comedy is more deadpan than slapstick
11. Defame (verb)
To coat with a thin layer or resin or oil
To formally accuse in court
To ignore
To tell a lie in order to harm another's reputation
They tried to defame the governor with allegations of corruption
12. Dogma (noun)
A complete collection
Behavior typically exhibited by dogs
Doctrine set forth by a religious leader or organization
Persistence; tenacity
According to Catholic dogma, the sacramental bread becomes the actual body of Christ
13. Debacle (noun)
A crystal wine glass or goblet
A fiasco
A high-class party
Material used to patch a hole
The debacle ended with the surrender of the colonel's entire regiment
14. Disenfranchise (verb)
To deprive of food
To deprive of one's freedom
To deprive of one's income
To deprive of the right to vote
The disenfranchised peasants sought to overthrow the aristocracy
15. Drudgery (noun)
A small room next to a kitchen
Dastardly deeds
Dirty laundry or other soiled objects
Tedious, menial labor
The law clerk's days were filled with drudgery but his nights were filled with carefree exuberance
Level 87
Apr 30, 2020
Nice example sentence for "diatribe" :)
Level 58
May 26, 2020
Hahaha sure to get the masses riled
Level 62
Aug 17, 2023
Funny since Cyprus in Asia is the standard.
Level 87
Apr 30, 2020
Pedant alert, but I think you mean the "eucharistic" wafer, not the baptismal one. In baptism, it's water.
Level ∞
Apr 30, 2020
Not pedantry at all. A dumb mistake from me now fixed.
Level 69
Apr 30, 2020
15/15. What do I win?
Level ∞
Apr 30, 2020
A smug sense of self-satisfaction.
Level 72
May 3, 2020
and 5 points
Level 28
May 29, 2020
Haha lol
Level 72
May 3, 2020
I don't think the description for deadpan is a great one. I would say something like expressionless.

(and if you look at parts of the description, unwavering comes closer than pretend seriousness)

Level 74
May 6, 2020
12/15. Not too bad for a French guy...
Level 68
May 7, 2020
And all the quizzers say

He’s pretty fly for a French guy

Level 72
May 26, 2020
Kind of sad the "disenfranchise" is the most missed word on the list.
Level 68
Jun 11, 2021
To be fair, 'disenfranchise' can kind of cover pretty much all of the given choices.
Level 76
May 26, 2020
If this is the sort of thing that appears in the SATs, the USA's reputation makes a lot more sense.
Level ∞
May 26, 2020
Didn't do so well, eh?

All snark aside, questions like this don't actually appear on the SAT. It is more about reading comprehension which requires the knowledge of word meanings.

Level 50
May 26, 2020
Slightly disappointing that only 52% got “disenfranchised” correct.
Level 56
May 26, 2020
Think there’s a mistake in the description. You don’t need the word “in”.
Level ∞
May 26, 2020
Level 72
May 26, 2020
I like the concept of a clerk struggling with substance abuses as opposed to menial work!
Level 41
May 26, 2020
For a 12 year old and getting 8 out of 15, I am quite proud of myself. BTW ILY I love your quizzes.
Level 75
May 26, 2020
As a non-native speaker, I'm surprised I got 11/15. I only knew three or four. The rest were just hunch-based guesses.
Level 65
May 26, 2020
Disenfranchisement is not limited to a deprivation of the right to vote. It can also involve the deprivation of any right or privilege.
Level 68
May 27, 2020
I agree. It's a particularly specific, technical definition. If I say "The young today are disenfranchised," I don't think it would be understood that the young are deprived of the vote.
Level 23
May 27, 2020
I posted the same argument before reading your comment. Then I googled it just to make sure I was correct:

deprive (someone) of a right or privilege.

"a measure that would disenfranchise people from access to legal advice"

Level 47
Aug 9, 2024
Therefore, the correct option among those presented is actually the one with "freedom"...
Level 38
May 26, 2020
12/15! Being bilingual French/English actually helped me!
Level 23
May 27, 2020
Disenfranchise has two correct answers, as depriving one of a right/freedom is also a commonly and correct use of the word. In fact, I'd argue that the use of the word in most vernacular refers to the latter answer, and not specifically the right to vote.

Just sayin'.

Level 71
May 29, 2020
Interesting, got disenfranchise
Level 91
Mar 1, 2023
I think “a person who enjoys fine art” is too close to the correct answer for comfort. I was stumped between the two, and even when I looked up “dilettante” I still wasn’t 100% sure
Level 72
Jan 9, 2024
"Drudgery" is misspelled in the example sentence.
Level 41
May 11, 2024
drudgery is misspelled in the example sentence - it says "drugery"
Level ∞
May 11, 2024
Level 80
Jun 26, 2024
I may be going insane, but is there a youtuber that uses "diatribe" as like their fanbase name? I thought it was Paint but seemingly not... I fear it may be the former!