
Satellite Images Quiz #1

Guess what is pictured in these satellite images.
All images from the Landsat satellite
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 26, 2018
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First submittedApril 18, 2011
Times taken120,590
Average score82.4%
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body of water
U.S. state
metro area
body of water
U.S. state
mountain range
body of water
Level 81
Nov 7, 2013
Very easy. Though some of these could have multiple right answers it's usually obvious what you're going for. Only one that's a bit iffy I'd say is Michigan.. the picture is more centered on Lake Michigan than the state of Michigan, and there's almost as much of Wisconsin in frame.
Level 59
Nov 7, 2013
Pretty sure they did that so the entirety of the Upper Peninsula was included in the picture.
Level 65
Nov 7, 2013
You can't forget about the "Yoopers".
Level ∞
Jun 15, 2017
Yoopers get very upset when their peninsula is omitted on maps of Michigan!
Level 53
Mar 3, 2023
im sure the 13 people living there wouldn't care too much
Level 90
Feb 1, 2019
You could just give it the Alaska treatment, a scaled down image in the corner.
Level 45
Apr 19, 2020
im from Rockland in Ontonagon County, Upper Michigan
Level 39
Apr 1, 2022
And so is the Italy one. It must be San Marino.
Level 54
Apr 8, 2016
Iffy in what way? Only part of Wisconsin is on the far left of the view, while the entire state of Michigan is showing and is centered, just like the answer to every other square in the quiz.
Level 70
Feb 1, 2019
Surely if the clue would have said "lake", you would have still typed Michigan
Level 31
Nov 20, 2013
I can never seem to spell San Francisco right... I just assumed that I was wrong and moved on to the next :(

(I copy/pasted San Francisco for this post).

Level 81
Dec 15, 2013
Can you spell Francis?
Level 81
Apr 8, 2016
Pretty sure that San Francisco isn't named after your lady friend.
Level 50
Jan 10, 2024
named after St Francis or San Francisco De Assisi, and he was a dude
Level 74
Apr 8, 2016
Agree, most likely it was named before. :)
Level 81
Apr 9, 2016
But was she a saint?
Level 81
Feb 1, 2019
The comment we were responding to seems to have gone away.
Level 43
Feb 1, 2019
I did the same thing
Level 67
Jun 1, 2014
All the hard specific ones are in the USA! How is the international audience possibly going to get those?
Level 43
Jun 2, 2014
"All"? There are three answers in the USA (Michigan, Washington, and San Francisco). Baja California is part of Mexico; the Black Sea and the Red Sea are just northwest and southwest (respectively) of the Middle East; Tibet/Himalayas is a region in Asia. Maybe you are also referring to the Gulf of Mexico, which borders the US? But it also borders Mexico and various Caribbean nations. (All the ones I didn't mention are sovereign countries, by the way.)
Level 72
Dec 6, 2018
but the black and red sea werent hard. Neither is himalayas hard to guess, only so many (famous) mountainranges it could be.

(and maybe they meant the americas and not just usa, or assumed the california one was part of the usa, not a weird assumption given the name (I know.. baja is in front of it, but well, if you dont know the place you wouldnt have known that either ;) )

Level 74
Aug 3, 2017
Michigan should be easy because of its distinctive shapes - the lower peninsula looks like a mitten and the U.P. (land of the yoopers) looks like the back end of a dog jumping into Wisconsin. (See the tail, bottom, and hind leg?)
Level 68
Aug 3, 2017
I'm from New Zealand and I got them all! So pleased, so fun. The hardest one was the metro area, but I got it with a minute to go!
Level 44
Aug 4, 2017
Agreed. I did get both of the states right but I still think it's weird to include such specific images.
Level 62
Jan 27, 2021
They're not hard though. At least not harder than some of the countries. Michigan and Washington are fairly easy due to shape and geographical location. Considering USA is size of Europe it's only fair to include states just as countries in Europe were included. Except for Baja California which isn't even in the US was easy/medium difficulty
Level 33
May 16, 2024
Right, so Russian oblasts and Brazilian states and Canadian provinces are all fair game, yeah? All easy?
Level 50
Jul 26, 2014
Cool quiz!
Level 79
Aug 26, 2014
Didn't take Baja California though I typed it in multiple times.... :-(
Level 55
Sep 6, 2015
It accepts it as soon as you type Baja. Were you typing Baha by any chance...?
Level 51
Apr 16, 2015
I just had a big duh moment. I recognized exactly where the Red Sea was, but didn't know what it was called. As soon I saw the name, I realized duh, what sea is between Egypt and Israel that the Israelites would have passed through? Knew my Bible stories and geography, but couldn't put them together, apparently.
Level 80
Aug 28, 2015
Far too easy. I got 100% with over 2 mins to spare. You really should knock off at least a minute.
Level 48
Oct 26, 2018
why? just because you're a hot shot, give the rest of us foreigners a chance
Level 58
Feb 1, 2019
For you it might have been easy, but that doesn't mean it's easy for everyone. This quiz isn't all about you, you know.
Level 48
Apr 8, 2016
Wow…I didn't get San Francisco.
Level 72
Apr 9, 2016
Technically, the image of Italy is also an image of Vatican City and San Marino, so they should be accepted as the correct answers as well ;)
Level 57
Apr 9, 2016
And Monaco.
Level 32
Apr 10, 2016
Yes, but Vatican City and San Marino are central to the image, whereas Monaco is right on the edge, like Jamaica in the image of Cuba
Level 28
Aug 3, 2017
FreddyM, Jamaica isn't isn't in the image of Cuba ;)
Level 75
Mar 29, 2019
and Malta
Level 70
Feb 16, 2017
If anyone was dumb enough to put Vatican when it asked for the country......... they deserve to get it wrong..... I suppose for the Australian question you went for East Timor ..... Gordon Bennet!
Level ∞
Mar 26, 2018
Maybe I should write some code to auto-delete any comment that starts with the word "technically" :)
Level 70
Oct 26, 2018
As well as "This might be pedantic, but..." and probably any comments made from my IP address to be on the safe side
Level 90
Feb 1, 2019
^^ A humble pedant.
Level 73
Aug 9, 2021
Most of sentences starting with "Technically," really mean "Not technically,". Which is rather annoying to pedants like me. :)
Level 48
Nov 1, 2021
It's not zoomed in nearly enough. Italy is the main focus of the image. You wouldn't say a picture of an apple is a picture of DNA, either.
Level 58
Apr 18, 2016
I wouldn't have expect American calling this peninsula "Baja California", well I learn something.

I was trying all the things but I'd search for long, "lower", "south", "low", "under" x)

Level 68
Feb 28, 2021
Well it is part of Mexico, so...
Level 61
Dec 23, 2016
Please make a part 2!
Level 71
Jan 27, 2017
Love this quiz. Go Tibet!
Level 14
Jul 21, 2017
Can you make it more clear that it is Michigan not Wisconsin?
Level 66
Aug 3, 2017
Only one of those two states is complete in the frame already.
Level 59
Aug 3, 2017
Easy, it took me 1 min and 35 seconds only though about 50 seconds got wasted to scroll the screen - Disadvantage of playing in a mobile phone.
Level 40
Aug 4, 2017
Forgot San Francisco ;(
Level 45
Jan 4, 2018
16/17.... missed san francisco and I have to say, surprised only 41% got it
Level 16
Apr 16, 2018
I was kinda surprised too.
Level 24
Oct 26, 2018
Bay area also works.
Level 61
Aug 4, 2022
Most non americans will have not seen a satelite picture from san francisco. Hard to compare to cuba, italy or australia. Not common knowledge worldwide.
Level 72
Dec 6, 2018
Missed all the american ones...

And the last two because somehow I thought I already reached the end ( was distracted by a demanding kitty here) probably would ve gotten himalayas, (if it wasnt alps or andes it would ve been my 3rd answer I guess, or maybe after pyrenees however you write it in english first)

Level 65
Feb 1, 2019
Should really remove the "baja" type-in for Baja California

It really makes no sense (specially for Spanish speakers), since it just means "lower".

To me it's just like having South as a type-in for South Dakota.

Level 61
Aug 4, 2022
thank you
Level 80
Feb 1, 2019
Got all of them with 2:40 remaining first try :D
Level 45
Feb 1, 2019
hahaha i didnt know that one peninsula in california, but i thougt one of the pictures is "Bahamas" so i typed in Baha and slided with my finger from "h" to "j" so it went baja and i guessed it lol
Level 74
Feb 1, 2019
Baja California is a peninsula in Mexico, not part of the US state of California.
Level 38
Feb 1, 2019
10/10 with 3:00 remaining.
Level 59
Feb 4, 2019
Why are we expected to know administrative subregions of the USA but no other country? Cornwall? Brittany? Chelyabinsk Oblast? Even Sicily or Crete or Hokkaido or Zanzibar? But no, it's only ever the USA that's considered important enough. So egotistic.
Level 64
Feb 4, 2019
To state the manifestly obvious, no one here "expects" you know know anything. There are also quite a number of quizzes in which Crete, Sicily, Zanzibar, and other islands/areas are answers.
Level 71
Apr 3, 2020
What an ignorant statement! Has Jetpunk never asked you to identify the Isle of Wight? I'd have thought that would have been easy enough for you to guess. Here's a thing, on the counties of England Quiz, last time I took it, Cornwall was the most guessed, so your example fails straight away: clearly jetpunk quizzers are very likely to be able to identify Cornwall.
Level 61
Apr 13, 2020
I don't agree with your "egotistic" part of the comment, since this is part of the quiz and I'm happy to take it, and anyone with other creative ideas should start more quizzes themselves.

However, this isn't an "ignorant" statement. Perhaps the Quizmaster or anyone making another quiz could include more diversified regions? Because every time I take a quiz, I find it near impossible to guess USA states or cities, since I myself have not ever studied the states unless it is for an answer or a badge. It would be generous of people if they could make quizzes that, at least, show more parts of the world. Has anyone made a quiz with an image of, say, Luanda or Karachi? If so, it wouldn't be as popularised as quizzes that feature Chicago or San Francisco. I just want to point out that this comment has a point, and people could consider more diverse answer criteria next time they make a quiz, instead of adding Idaho or Ohio or places that are less known to other people around the world.

Level 61
Apr 13, 2020
Note that this isn't justifying the comment or anything that might seem offensive. I just want to say that this person has a point, that quizzes don't include oblasts of Russia or provinces of Japan half as much as American states are mentioned here. Yes, I understand that people here take an interest in the USA more than other parts of the world, but it would be challenging enough for everyone if we were to answer Hokkaido or Sumatra, if we were to identify which province or oblast instead of states every time.

Another point not made in the thousand character limit was the replies to comments above. Please don't use rudeness to combat rudeness, and a person declaring someone "egotistic" doesn't grant people the right to lash back with "ignorant" and other sarcasm. It (1), doesn't help the situation, (2), cuts off all discussions, and (3), doesn't put you in a superior position. It isn't cool, and being behind a digital screen really, really doesn't grant you the right to be mean.

Level 68
Feb 28, 2021
Take a different quiz, then.
Level 49
Mar 7, 2019
I got all except for San Francisco. I never knew what san Francisco looked like.
Level 66
Mar 17, 2019
Pompey, often times the U.S. is kind of “praised” and given special attention in this quiz because a good portion of the population (You may think 4% of the global population is small, but unless you’re in China and India, you can’t say anything), and although I don’t know the statistics, the chances are the quantity of Americans in here (I will say, including me) outnumber those living in other countries. This is because 1) not to brag, but we are generally more technologically advanced than other countries (that’s just the way it is), therefore knocking out those who don’t have access to the internet, and 2) often times the American Population don’t want to do quizzes that aren’t based off of the U.S. Based on the very minor experience I have in Quizmaking, the quizzes I’ve made (and often deleted) that was U.S. focused had way more takes (like 3x more, from like 5 to 15...) than the ones which are relative to other countries.
Level 66
Mar 17, 2019
We’re often lazy (no offense to those successful and/or busy ones) and don’t feel like learning about places like Kanos, the Pitcairn Islands, Belmopan, The Seine, etc. I guess by this comment we are often egotistical because we want to feel smart by knowing only about our country (no offense to those Geography Geniuses out there), and when we create quizzes that’s not seldom the main topic. Plus, it may be good for you to learn about us for those interested or in the Geo Bee like myself. Adding onto TheQuizzler’s post, you aren’t “expected” to know anything. In your comment, you’re practically saying that we think you should have to know about our country yet not know about anything about other countries. Thankful that Quizmaster didn’t add that deletion of the “technically” comments, technically (here we go), it says that we’re expecting you to know ONLY about our country and our country alone. Just a point of view of mine, so correct me if I’m incorrect.
Level 30
Jan 25, 2020
Great quiz! I only missed San Fransisco, even though I used to live there xD :(
Level 82
Jul 3, 2020
Nice quiz, I think I'll try the rest of the series.
Level 49
Dec 29, 2020
Denmark and San Francisco 😢
Level 60
Feb 28, 2021
Great Quiz!

Didn't get San Francisco

Level 54
Aug 19, 2021
Next time, when you show a picture of Cyprus, you should ask for the continent.
Level 60
Aug 24, 2021
Some people just wanna watch the world burn.
Level 30
Sep 14, 2021
good quiz but really generous with time
Level 64
Sep 26, 2021
Well, there you have it folks, Cyprus is neither in Asia or Europe, but a satellite photograph
Level 47
Jul 29, 2022
why not just caribic?
Level 50
Jan 10, 2024
please make it San Fransisco Bay Area because thats the correct term for the metro area
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