
Satellite Images Quiz #2

Guess what is pictured in these satellite images.
All images from the Landsat satellite
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 27, 2018
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First submittedMay 9, 2011
Times taken101,653
Average score82.4%
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mountain range
country - partial view
body of water
U.S. state
body of water
body of water
Level 48
May 9, 2011
may I sugest "Swiss Alps" as ancceptable answer
Level 51
Dec 15, 2013
The Swiss are not the only ones who own the Alps
Level 80
May 6, 2016
I agree with mtthw
Level 61
Apr 3, 2017
Hey GeckoIX I know I'm 6 years late, but I agree they should add Swiss Alps as a variation to the answer. Please respond
Level 78
Aug 5, 2017
Or QM could just make it so the type-in was "contains alps".
Level 18
Aug 5, 2017
@mahble: No, that would make too much sense...
Level 70
Oct 1, 2021
@mahble Congolese Alps?
Level 67
Feb 8, 2019
But why? The French, Italian, Austrian Alps are also completely in the picture (and the German and Slovenian Alps, of course, though they make up a rather minor part). That's like showing a picture of the whole North American Cordillera and accepting Cascades or Sierra Nevada as answers. Or Texas for a picture of the whole USA. They're in the picture, but they're just a subdivision of the geographical object the quiz is asking for.
Level 74
Feb 8, 2019
Then there would have to be other answers added - Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Marmara, Bosphorous...
Level 66
Feb 8, 2019
If "Swiss Alps" should be accepted, then "Italian Alps", "French Alps", "German Alps", "Austrian Alps" and "Slovene Alps" should be accepted as well.
Level 80
Mar 9, 2019
No. You may not sugest 'Swiss Alps' as ancceptable answer.
Level 69
Jan 8, 2021
Please add "Liechtensteinian Alps" as an answer. They're there!
Level 59
May 9, 2011
boom 16/16
Level 56
Feb 9, 2019
haha nearly 8 years later and they've added an extra question
Level 25
Nov 7, 2011
13/16. Kept misspelling Aegean and forgot Sinai and Persian Gulf. :/
Level 60
Oct 1, 2021
That's always a problem for me, because I know this sea as the aegaeis
Level 15
May 18, 2012
Level 35
Aug 2, 2012
good one again, more please...didnt get venice, maybe if it was zoomed out a bit like johnnyaitch said.
Level 78
Jan 30, 2013
The only reason i DID get venice is because it was zoomed in. Red roofs are typical in europe and more typical in Italy. Then when you see water where streets are supposed to be it makes sense that it's Venice.
Level 76
Aug 2, 2015
Thanks, that explains why so many got it. I failed to see the water, but I tried other Italian cities: Rome (my first guess), Florence (not by the sea at all?), Naples.. Should've gone on.
Level 58
Aug 7, 2017
Forgive me sillie, but how did you not see the water?
Level 47
Apr 29, 2024
for me it was just the water
Level 37
Sep 10, 2012
Venice is amazing
Level 65
Feb 8, 2019
I was there last week. Not relevant to the conversation - I'm just showing off :)
Level 53
Oct 11, 2012
Best one for me yet! 100%
Level 24
Dec 27, 2012
Couldnt get Venice for a while, kept guessing random cities with rivers in them, finally got it with 17 seconds left. 100% WOOT!
Level 83
Dec 3, 2015
I think most cities tend to have rivers in them...
Level 43
Jul 24, 2013
Level 58
Nov 7, 2013
Africa only has 98%! I didn't know Sarah Palin goes on jetpunk
Level 81
Dec 15, 2013
All very easy except for Venice but that becomes easy, too, if you look closely enough at the picture.

Also, though personally I find this idiotic, over here in Saudi Arabia and in most Gulf states and Arab countries the Persian Gulf is called the Arabian Gulf. Sometimes to try and avoid controversy some will refer to it simply as "the Gulf," though this has not been good enough for Iran in the past. This is a recent change. On older Arabic-language maps the body of water is also referred to (in Arabic) as the Persian Gulf.

and I agree with those who are incredulous that so many missed it. It looks nothing at all like the Red Sea.

Level 43
Jun 2, 2014
Huh, that's interesting about the Persian/Arabian name argument. I try to pay attention to the Middle East but I guess not enough. (I manage to pay attention to the Far East, at least, so not all's for naught.) As for myself, I missed the Gulf simply because I drew a blank. I knew what part of the world to think for but all the names I could think of were "Red Sea" and "Caspian Sea" and I know full well that neither look anything like that.
Level 57
May 8, 2016
Was a big issue in the oil industry. Depending on which country I was contacting (Kuwait, Qatar, UAE as well as Saudi Arabia), I had to be very careful with terminology.
Level 56
Dec 15, 2013
The spelling of "Aegean" hurts my brain.
Level 85
Jul 29, 2017
My braen is just fine with it.
Level 22
Mar 29, 2024
Level 28
Dec 15, 2013
Simple one.
Level 49
Dec 15, 2013
Level 28
Jan 6, 2014
The 'Persian Gulf' is also known as the 'Arabian Gulf'
Level 70
Apr 17, 2016
Got it, but I third on this.
Level 65
May 29, 2015
missed norway
Level 73
Sep 4, 2015
Second line, third photo would not accept Andorra. It is clearly fully within the picture. =P
Level 66
Jan 7, 2022
and what about Lesotho?
Level 22
Mar 29, 2024
it said peninsula
Level 86
Nov 13, 2015
Only missed Norway, which was tough since they zoomed in on the southwestern part of the country.
Level 36
Feb 24, 2016
The Persian Gulf is known to a lot of people as simply "The Gulf." Please accept this. I've tried it and it doesnt work
Level 32
Apr 9, 2016
True. But it's too general. People in another part of the world likely have different body of water in mind when they read "The Gulf"
Level 70
Apr 17, 2016
So is the Gulf of Mexico, and as EE stated, it's too general. Plus, it's not hard to type the word Persian, which you did after all.
Level 79
Oct 11, 2018
Accept Caribbean?
Level 68
Aug 24, 2017
And the road near my house is referred to as "the Interstate", which also does not make it its proper name.
Level 32
Apr 9, 2016
At first, I was like "no way people can guess venice". Then I get back to the picture and zoomed in (on mobile), saw the canals, and realized I'm an idiot.

Still can't believe that so many people of Jetpunk cannot guess the Persian/Arabian Gulf.

Level 65
May 6, 2016
Level 61
May 6, 2016
Persian Gulf is also referred to as Arabian Gulf as of late.
Level 81
May 6, 2016
It's the Persian Gulf and always has been. Insisting on also accepting Arabian Gulf is the equivalent of insisting that "freedom fries" be accepted as a type-in for french fries.
Level 66
Aug 31, 2016
Could you add Gulf of Persia as a possible input?

It's hard to get the order right when english isn't your first language.

Level 76
Jun 16, 2017
I failed for the same reason.
Level 58
Jan 2, 2017
How on EARTH (get it?) do 58% of people get VENICE? I spent 2.5 minutes guessing cities with a single river flowing through them, like DC, London and Paris!
Level 71
Jan 27, 2017
Probably the red roofed houses and canals flowing between them all.
Level 84
Jun 15, 2017
DC, London and Paris aren't surrounded by sea though ...
Level 68
Aug 24, 2017
Yeah, I was about to say the same thing: since when are London, Paris, or DC *islands*? Sure, give global warming a few years and all those cities will also have canals instead of streets, but for now, Venice is the only one that's an island.
Level 48
Aug 3, 2017
Ok, I'm italian, and for me it was very easy, but... Venice is unique in the whole world! How many cities are in the middle of the sea? It's not a river, it's a sea, with no landmass around!
Level 58
Aug 7, 2017
I'm also confused why so many people are struggling with Venice - there's no where else on earth even remotely like it!
Level 74
Aug 5, 2017
Why is the water green in the Venice photo while it is blue on all the other photos?
Level 81
Feb 8, 2019
Some Italians went swimming?
Level 58
Feb 8, 2019
The relative lack of depth of the water, sediment in the water. Sea water is not always blue, local conditions are important (it's often grey or brown and murky round Britain :-) ).
Level 36
Aug 10, 2017
Accept Arabian Gulf
Level 69
Aug 11, 2017
Can I be the guy to complain that for France, it doesn't say "partial view"? I was surprised not to see that on here as there's always complaining about whether or not French Guiana is or is not a true part of France.

It clearly is, but I really don't care either way, as long as the geography quizzes keep coming...

Level 90
Jun 26, 2019
South Africa's featureless landscape made lit look a lot smaller. I kept trying to pick out a micronation, but couldn't discern any details.
Level 44
Jan 2, 2020
Sitting here in my New Zealand T-Shirt typing in Japan instead...
Level 82
Jul 3, 2020
Technically, the picture of South Africa could be Lesotho or even Eswatini...just kidding.

I wanted to test your auto delete function, Quizmaster. Have you not implemented it yet?

Level 46
Jul 14, 2020
I knew all the answers but I could not guess two of them. Pyrenean Peninsula is not accepted although that's how we called it in geography class.

And apparently Mexican Gulf is not a thing :(

Level 38
Dec 2, 2020
i missed only venice
Level 18
May 3, 2021
Level 46
May 11, 2021
I thought the Persian Gulf would be easier than Venice for most people.
Level 60
Aug 27, 2021
I got 13 out of 17 and received only 2 points! How tight is that?? haha
Level 65
Sep 16, 2021
Lesotho and Eswatini should be acceptable answers for #11. The shot contains the entirety of 3 countries and as such all 3 should be acceptable answers
Level 59
Oct 1, 2021
Is this Apple Maps satellite footage?
Level 29
Nov 23, 2021
That's not what it is focusing on it doesn't matter. By that same logic I could type monaco for france

also please allow arabian gulf that is what I usually call it

Level 16
Jan 2, 2022
You can see Lesotho and Eswatini the South Africa photo, and you can see Bangladesh in the India photo too.
Level 62
Oct 8, 2022
Anyone else realized how much Venice looks like Singapore?
Level 58
Mar 18, 2024
Should be add a label "easy" for this one.
Level 56
Apr 18, 2024
I usually just give up in cities because I would never remember what they ever look like