Good quiz, though now I'm going to have They Might Be Giants in my head for the rest of the day. ♫ Not to put too fine a point on it / say I'm the only bee in your bonnet / Build a little birdhouse in your soul.... ♪
Also, would someone please explain why "water off a camel's back" makes sense? "Like water off a duck's back," which is very common in America as a way of saying that a person was not affected by something bad that was aimed at them, makes sense because ducks secrete oil with which they cover their feathers, and then water runs right off their feathers, making it much easier for them to swim. Does it work the same way for a camel, or does the expression mean something slightly different?
A shop that sells china ceramics usually has all plates, jugs, cups etc. all around on little tables and stands, imagine having a large bull on the loose in the shop....... so anyone clumsy, bumping into things or tripping over objects is 'Like a bull in a china shop'.
I imagine elephants are much more respectful of china than an angry bull. They are surprisingly nimble for so large a being. Of course some china shops are more densely displayed than others.
The Mythbusters put two of these sayings to the test and debunked them both. Firstly, they tried to shoot fish in a barrel, and it turned out to be incredibly difficult. And secondly, they let bulls loose in a makeshift china shop only to have them run down the aisles without breaking a single thing.
"Because they didn’t want to use a live fish to test this myth, the MythBusters obtained a dead fish and inserted a motor inside of it to simulate swimming. They then placed the fish in a wooden barrel filled with water and fired at the fish with a 9 mm pistol. However, their first attempt failed, so Adam painted the interior of the barrel white and added transparent windows to improve visibility. With these improvements, both Adam and Jamie were easily able to hit the fish. They then decided to use a multitude of smaller fish and upgraded their weapon to a shotgun. The buckshot managed to hit some of the fish, but only three out of the total of thirty fish. "
Had fun with this one with 3.27 left. In my head I could hear my mother saying most of these to me. She said 'bull in a china shop' a few times, but more often said 'like a bull at a gate'. How about adding in an Aussie saying like 'flat out like a lizard drinking'.
Around where I live in Australia, it would always be like a chook with its head cut off, or like a headless chook. Had to stop a moment to work out if "chicken" sounded right in the same phrase. To me, it doesn't ;-)
They're named after the star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star because of its prominence in the constellation Canis Major (the Big Dog). Sirius' heliacal rising (i.e., the time of year when it first rises in the sky just before dawn) precedes the hottest part of summer in the northern hemisphere, so the two became associated.
i have NEVER in my LIFE hear like water off a duck's back but I GOT IT by naming animals randomly LMAO good thing my grat grandaughter is learning her animals right now looks like some of us could use a refresher!!!! LOL not refreshment though even though we may want it..... stop smoking dope kids there's a reason they call it DOPE
Nice game!!!
(Yes, I'm British, in Britain)
I have some suggestions: 'a partridge in a pear tree', and 'the straw that broke the camel's back'
I have just one question - why bull in the china shop? I understand the meaning, but why bull? In Czech, we have "elephants in china" :)
Hard though, because in Sweden we use other animals for some of the sayings...
"Because they didn’t want to use a live fish to test this myth, the MythBusters obtained a dead fish and inserted a motor inside of it to simulate swimming. They then placed the fish in a wooden barrel filled with water and fired at the fish with a 9 mm pistol. However, their first attempt failed, so Adam painted the interior of the barrel white and added transparent windows to improve visibility. With these improvements, both Adam and Jamie were easily able to hit the fish. They then decided to use a multitude of smaller fish and upgraded their weapon to a shotgun. The buckshot managed to hit some of the fish, but only three out of the total of thirty fish. "
Gopher this
Gopher that
Bring me the hammer. Take this back and get the duct tape. Now I need more welding rods.
You scored 19/20 = 95%
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Pigs are smarter than dogs, by the way.
You scored 20/20 = 100%
19.9% of test takers also scored 100%
The average score is 16
Your high score is 20
Your fastest time is 3:37
I'm proud.