Well i would say that the question is correct. The total entropy in the universe never decreases (because we assume the universe is a closed system). So the sum of all entropy never decreases.
An instance of pedantry, i feel, would be the correction of the second law of thermodynamics, which i think closed system expresses as well as isolated system.
Pedantic most simply expressed is the need to correct minor mistakes, of questionable significance.
Expressing the ease with which you did the quiz might be appear arrogant or hubristic, perhaps even disdainful of these peons who found it more of a challenge.
Personally, i found it to be well weighted and moderately challenging; good quiz.
Mhm, very informative, thank you, I guess the word "pedante" in Spanish doesn't literally translate to pedantic in English, will bear it in mind next time.
We aren't Homo Sapiens because there are a lot of us. Each one of us is still a Homo Sapiens. The word is Sapiens, and the 's' is integral to the word. And in fact I can't imagine anybody who knows the answer isn't going to type Sapiens.
I disagree with the 'theory' question. A theory usually is wider than a single verified hypothesis, that can at best be the core of it. And conversely, something can become a theory while its core hypotheses still need further testing and confirmation.
Nope. Homo sapiens. It asks for the species. The extra 'sapiens' would refer to the subspecies, which is generally not used in evolutionary literature.
In the previous quiz I played I put aspartam instead of aspartame, in this one enthropy instead of entropy, neither accepted. I know it's not easy for quizmasters to anticipate alternative spellings, but...
I think bubonic plague is only one of the types of plague that the virus can cause. It's like playing Jeopardy - sometimes it doesn't pay to be too specific.
At the risk of being accused of pedantry, could I ask for Tera to be accepted as alternative to Giga in the "billion" question? The American billlion is a thousand million. The British one follows the original French billion (though the French have now changed) which is a million million. Even though the BBC decided a few decades ago to "capitulate" and use the American billion, that is still not universally accepted in UK.
i love reading the comments , no one is reading them who matters , to the point that you people are clearly signalling your supreme intelligence , by invoking special words like pedantry trying to out intellectualize each other , im older , stop it ! there is no one to impress
16/20 it s good but i can have 100% if the quizz are in french because i doesnt understand 2 questions and the 2 others, i doesn t put the good spelling
No, because velocity is a vector value, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, such as "80 miles per hour due north." Speed, on the other hand, is a scalar value, meaning it only has a magnitude, such as "300,000 kilometers per second."
I second a dislike about the theory question. Theory is used to formulate a hypothesis by deduction, using terms that can be observed empirically and subjected to a test. The results are then used to elaborate or develop theory by induction using terms that are more abstract, whereas the hypothesis itself can be discarded and forgotten.
i think it should accept 0Kalvin for absolute zero; i wasnt familiar with the term absolute zero (english isnt my first language) but i knew that this temperature corresponds to 0 degrees Kalvin
Correction: "What never decreases in a closed system, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics?"
Pedantic most simply expressed is the need to correct minor mistakes, of questionable significance.
Expressing the ease with which you did the quiz might be appear arrogant or hubristic, perhaps even disdainful of these peons who found it more of a challenge.
Personally, i found it to be well weighted and moderately challenging; good quiz.
As would me knowing Phylum was spelt with a "Ph" and not an "F". Doh!
I’m sure I was taught the word in school back in the day, but I obviously forgot it.