
Science Vocabulary #2

Based on the definitions guess these vocabulary words from the world of science.
To make it easier, we give you the first letter of the answer
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: May 17, 2016
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First submittedMay 17, 2016
Times taken52,767
Average score75.0%
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Order of mammal that carries its young in a pouch
Disease caused by a deficiency of Vitamin C
What an egg cell becomes when it is fertilized
Two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds
Substance that kills plants
Slow-moving mass of ice formed by accumulation and compaction of snow
The study of living things
Third element in the Periodic Table
Interstellar cloud of dust and gas
How plants convert light into energy
Male bee whose only purpose is reproduction
A substance that can cause cancer
Liquid produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder
An animal that feeds on carcasses that it didn't kill
Hereditary illness that impairs the body's ability to stop bleeding
A hypothesis that has been rigorously tested and confirmed
Order of animals to which humans and monkeys belong
Long-term weather patterns
Temperature scale similar to Celsius, but beginning at absolute zero
Partially shaded area around the edges of a shadow
Level 87
May 17, 2016
All right Quizmaster, this one was less risky. I don't really agree with your definition of a theory but it would be a bit complicated to explain that (and to make a short clue ;) ).
Level ∞
May 18, 2016
Short clues and 100% accuracy are in constant battle. Short clues usually win for me.
Level 75
Oct 29, 2020
I'm such a dummy. I'm typing and retyping theorem and didn't think just theory. Duh!
Level 70
Nov 18, 2016
Good quiz, nice mix, like it.
Level 53
Nov 18, 2016
I was thinking throughout the quiz that it was really very easy, but then I hit the last question and had absolutely no idea...
Level 74
Nov 18, 2016
Level 46
Nov 18, 2016
Dumdeedum... I have never heard of penumba
Level 66
Nov 18, 2016
Neither have I because its penumbra
Level 82
Nov 18, 2016
I got that one not from science class, but from constitutional law class.
Level 48
Oct 29, 2020
Same here
Level 78
Oct 29, 2020
I got it from an episode in DS9.
Level 16
Jun 10, 2021
You guys haven't watched Duck Tales? :(
Level 68
Nov 18, 2016
I've heard of Pumba.
Level 58
Feb 9, 2017
Penumbra means second to last.
Level 78
Oct 14, 2017
No, that's penultimate.
Level 72
Jan 4, 2019
umbra means shadow. Making thinking of umbrella will help you remember it in the future
Level 74
Nov 18, 2016
I don't think the first letter of each answer should be given - it's not the kind of quiz that needs it, like quizzes where there could be multiple answers for each question or where the questions have to be vague
Level 70
Sep 5, 2018
But some of these do have more then one answer.
Level 68
Nov 18, 2016
Hydrochloric acid kills plants...
Level 55
Nov 20, 2016
I, too, tried hydrochloric acid...
Level 68
Sep 25, 2018
So does Hopping up and down on them, Hurting them very badly, Hippopotamuses eating them, and Hydrogen bombs. I think Quizmaster had to go with the best general umbrella term :-D
Level 72
Jan 4, 2019
A Hippopotamus Hopping on them Hard, after Hitting them with a Hammer and then Hurling them. And ofcourse horrendously horribly heinously hatefully humiliatingly Hug them in front of their tough friends.
Level 69
Oct 5, 2020
That's not a substance, though. I'm fun at parties.
Level 80
Oct 31, 2020
a steady dose of Helium or a halogen likely would though.
Level 66
Nov 18, 2016
I was thinking "I got it! I can do this!" Then I hit the very last question.
Level 62
Nov 18, 2016
I feel ya, Yan...
Level 75
Nov 19, 2016
Lithium does not mean "third element of the periodic table". It is the third element, but that's not a definition.

Penumbra comes up frequently when talking about eclipses.

Level 80
Oct 31, 2020
Odd that the definition of lithium is:

the chemical element of atomic number 3, a soft silver-white metal. It is the lightest of the alkali metals

of which the first clause is equivalent to the periodic table definition.

Level 47
Nov 19, 2016
Zygote and blastocyst come before embryo. Just sayin'. :)
Level 32
Nov 19, 2016
When I did reproduction, when an egg is fertilized it becomes a zygote first, not an embryo
Level 72
Jan 4, 2019
It doesnt say anywhere "the first thing".
Level 71
Feb 18, 2021
It doesn't say first thing, but an egg becomes a zygote when it is fertilized. The correct answer could have been Earth, if you want to be unfairly pedantic, since that's what every living thing eventually becomes anyway. But that's not how people think correctly. I think that, if the quiz is to be informative, the correct answer should be "zygote," since that is the thing that an egg becomes upon fertilization, by definition, and the given answer of "embryo" is a couple steps after that, if the zygote is successful at surviving, that it.
Level 85
Feb 28, 2017
Any other morons like me miss "climate"? :-(
Level 67
Oct 29, 2020
No, but I did miss primate 🤦‍♀️
Level 67
Oct 31, 2020
Moron here.
Level 26
Mar 10, 2017
TIL the edge of a shadow is called a Penumbra
Level 73
Mar 19, 2017
Blinky -you are thinking of penultimate---not penumbra!
Level 72
Jan 4, 2019
Quite easy got them all (2:13). The % of penumbra is very low but not extremely surprising, but why is herbicide almost at the bottom?
Level 67
Oct 29, 2020
I got it, but it took me a while. The way the clue was phrased, I was thinking naturally occurring substances. As is, watch out for these substances, they can kill your plants. If it had said a type of poison designed to kill plants, I would have gotten it immediately.
Level 68
Oct 29, 2020
I thought of the answer right away but it didn't take it. Had to google to see I was spelling it wrong. Herbicide vs Herbiside.
Level 64
Sep 14, 2020
For photosynthesis, I suggest "How plants convert light into *chemcial* energy." Light is already energy.
Level 67
Sep 14, 2020
I knew photosynthesis, but I couldn't spell it properly! I tried photosythesis, then photosythensis, then photosynthensis, but somehow never landed on the correct spelling.
Level 69
Oct 5, 2020
Sometimes, I like to use complicated words I don't really understand in order to make myself sound more photosynthesis.
Level 62
Oct 29, 2020
Somehow got penumbra and missed molecule. Good night.
Level 54
Dec 14, 2020
The photosynthesis definition isn't correct. Plants don't convert sunlight into energy, they convert water and carbon dioxide into energy. They do use sunlight to activate this process though.
Level 36
Aug 26, 2021
You're right. Plants converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugars 'in the presence of' sunlight. Sunlight is the energy that drives this chemical reaction. The clue seems to suggest something else.
Level 79
Sep 14, 2021
I thank the US Supreme Court for teaching me "penumbra".
Level 87
Nov 30, 2022
Me too. I learned that word in law school, not in science classes.
Level 72
Jun 21, 2023
Marsupials are not an order; they’re an infraclass that contains 7 living orders.
Level 68
Oct 29, 2024
i was gonna say this too
Level 72
Jun 21, 2023
18/20, forgot marsupial and penumbra
Level 65
Sep 19, 2023
really dislike the theory definition. theory is more of an explanation of how a phenomenon works supported by experimental evidence.

hypothesis is about making a testable question- often times a hypothesis is written knowing that it is not correct, but is needed to exclude alternate possibilities

Level 68
Sep 19, 2023
A fertilized egg is called a zygote, which then evolves to a blastocyst. It doesn't become an embryo until it implants. So the question would be better asked "what a blastocyst becomes after implantation" or in layman's terms "What does a fertilized become after it implants?"
Level 43
Apr 23, 2024
only got penumbra cause of solar eclipse this year