
Seas that Touch the Most Countries

Name the "seas" of the world that touch the most countries.
Includes territories of countries
A sea is anything that is called a sea, so gulfs and bays don't count
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 20, 2018
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First submittedJanuary 13, 2016
Times taken87,221
Average score61.5%
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Caribbean Sea
Mediterranean Sea
South China Sea
Baltic Sea
Arabian Sea
North Sea
Red Sea
Adriatic Sea
Black Sea
Caspian Sea
Coral Sea
East China Sea
Sea of Japan
103 Recent Comments
Level 52
May 6, 2016
Are there really ten countries touching the South China Sea? I can count at most seven (or nine including Thailand gulf)!!
Level 68
May 6, 2016
Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand,

Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines

Level 60
Jul 16, 2021
and Japan
Level 46
Jul 16, 2021
11 countries then?
Level 59
Jul 18, 2021
Not Japan. Not even close.
Level 65
May 6, 2016
I totally forgot the North Sea, and the sad thing is I can actually see it from my living room! haha
Level 50
Jan 6, 2018
I missed Coral Sea. Guess where I'm from?
Level 71
Jul 16, 2021
Is your username a clue for the first syllable of the country?
Level 60
Jul 16, 2021
Are you from Australia?
Level 58
May 6, 2016
Isn't Arabian Sea also called Persian Gulf ?

At least that's how I always called it, also Arabian Gulf sometimes.

Level 58
May 20, 2016
The Persian Gulf is east of Arabia, the Arabian Sea south.
Level 81
Oct 13, 2019
The Persian Gulf is (only recently) called the Arabian Gulf by some Arab countries, but it is not the same body of water as the Arabian Sea.
Level 22
Jul 16, 2021
oh didn’t know that
Level 51
May 6, 2016
Caspian is NOT sea. Its a lake, beacause hasnt got linking wiyh the oceans.
Level 81
Jul 29, 2019
Then why is it called the Caspian Sea?
Level 45
Jul 16, 2021
Idk but it's a misnomer.
Level 53
Jul 11, 2023
Because it's so hilariously huge people thought it was a lake
Level 65
Jul 29, 2019
It says at the top, "A sea is anything called a sea"
Level 56
Apr 7, 2021
What he really means is "in THIS quiz we consider everything called 'a sea' to be a sea".
Level 44
Jul 9, 2023
Well on that basis "Sea of Love" with Al Pacino was present in dozens of countries
Level 65
May 7, 2016
Caspian sea is considered to be a lake in most of the quizzes.

It has been living a bit of a schizo life though lately.

What does the quizmaster think?

I`m sure I`m not the first to mention this.

I don`t care either way....


p.s Still a good quiz though

Level 47
May 9, 2016
As mentioned in the description, for this quiz anything that's called a sea is considered a sea.
Level 66
Oct 2, 2016
Please accept West Philippine Sea for South China Sea as the Philippine government requires using such name to refer to the sea that is west of the Philippines:
Level 62
Aug 16, 2019
how about no
Level 55
Jul 16, 2021
philippines is not the only country in the south china sea
Level 59
Jul 17, 2021
Nor is China
Level 73
May 6, 2023
Don't make it complicated pls
Level 62
Jul 9, 2023
How is that complicated? It's just a type-in.
Level 59
Nov 14, 2016
The Andaman Sea borders 4 countries: India (via the Andaman and Nicobar Islands), Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar.
Level 45
Feb 23, 2017
Agreed. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are on the trench dividing the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. The Andaman Sea also borders Malaysia just north of the Strait of Malacca. Therefore, it should count with 5 countries.
Level 84
Jun 20, 2018
Yeah, Andaman Sea should be included.
Level 55
Aug 16, 2019
Agreed. Andaman sea should be included.
Level 62
Jul 9, 2023
Andaman Sea should definitely be included.
Level 25
Jan 14, 2017
Agreed...overall great quiz though :)
Level 73
Apr 4, 2017
I'm afraid I'm opening a long disputed question, but why is Adriatic is considered as different sea from the Mediterranean?
Level 81
Jul 29, 2019
because they are both called seas
Level 74
Jun 11, 2020
Then why don't we have Levantine, Aegean, Ligurian, Balearic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian seas and even more pointless seas which are basically just a part of the Mediterranean?
Level 81
Jul 16, 2021
Because they don't touch as many countries. Is this really that hard to follow?
Level 32
Apr 16, 2017
Lol where's Coral Sea? Help
Level 61
Jan 8, 2018
Northeast of Australia. I believe the five are Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and France (New Caledonia).
Level 86
Jul 29, 2019
Soon to be called the No More Coral Sea...
Level 60
Jul 16, 2021
Level 62
Dec 14, 2018
I typed in "East" and it filled in Sea of Japan - what is the reasoning behind this? It didn't cross my mind that I'd also have to type in East China Sea, which I ended up missing. It might be helpful to put something like "includes marginal seas" in the description.
Level 89
Dec 14, 2018
Same exact experience...I was typing in "East China" and it took it, I didn't realize at the time it had filled in the Sea of Japan. Kind of clunky.
Level 39
Dec 19, 2019
sea of japan is also called East Sea
Level 51
Dec 14, 2018
trying not to be sensitive or anything, but countries like Korea and China take strong offense to the term, Sea of "Japan". So it would be great if you changed it to "East Sea" instead of Sea of Japan. thanks
Level 74
Dec 14, 2018
Taking offence at something like that is just plain childish. East Sea is accepted though
Level 51
Dec 14, 2018
so you are calling Koreans and Chinese people childish...ok. Well as a person living in Asia, it's a serious matter because of the 'Dokdo Island'. I'm sure you don't know about this matter since you think it's "childish", Japan is falsely advertising to the world that the island, which is historically Korean, to be their country's island when it's under the Korean rule so that's why they are trying to change the name to "Sea of Japan" to think that the island, which is apparently on the sea of "japan" to make it look like the rightful owner is Japan, itself. What's actually "childish" is the way Japan is trying to promote fake ownership over the island when it's in fact- not theirs at all. So learn more about the actual situation and educate yourself, rather than to just call a large number of people, "childish".
Level 65
Mar 2, 2024
I do feel like this comes off as preachy, especially when "Sea of Japan" is the most commonly accepted term for that body of water in English. The owner of the Liancourt Rocks has little to do with it
Level 74
Apr 5, 2019
Nope, I'm calling people who get offended by the name given to a sea childish. I did not, and would not, label "Koreans and Chinese people childish".

So learn to read what someone is actually saying before lecturing them

Level 65
Jul 29, 2019
I mean, he wouldn't offend ~1,497,546,400 people intentionally, would he? (Worldometers)
Level 72
Feb 2, 2020
To be honest, fighting over land is childish. It is like fighting over toys but on a bigger scale. Being upset when there are casualties as a result of childish powerstruggles however is not childish at all, it is a serious matter when innocent lifes are taken.
Level 34
Jul 9, 2023
Fight over land is childish? Well, I am pretty sure that your statement is offensive to millions of people in the world. I'm sure that almost a quarter of the world's countries are fighting over territories. So many that I cannot list all of them here: Israel/Palestine, Senkaku(Diaoyu) islands, Kuril islands, Western Sahara, Antartica, Somaliland, Taiwan, and tens of more. Also, I think there is something wrong with Japan, since Japan is claiming a lot of islands near it including parts of Russia, China, and South Korea. Meanwhile, the other countries (maybe except for China) are not like fighting for some land with more than two countries.
Level 48
May 17, 2019
I have never seen Chinese claim that it is "East Sea". Only Koreans. East sea to China is the East China Sea. On the other hand, I don't see Koreans boohooing about Yellow Sea, where they historically called it "West Sea". It is solely because they cannot stand when it has the name "Japan" to it, and I would call it a childish nationalism.
Level 36
Dec 14, 2018
EXCELLENT Quiz! - Thank you.
Level 69
Dec 14, 2018
Missed the Arabian and Coral seas. Should’ve got Arabian!
Level 47
Dec 14, 2018
I know that seas are hard to define as they don't have natural maritime boundaries, but should the Arafura Sea be included. I would have thought it touched East Timor, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea (just) and Australia.
Level 60
Jun 11, 2020
According to the International Hydrographic Organisation, it does not reach west enough to touch East Timor:
Level 63
Dec 14, 2018
Darnit. I started to type "East China", but "East" gave me "Sea of Japan" so I assumed they were synonymous. So I missed two (East China Sea and Coral Sea) instead of just one (Coral Sea, which I never would've guessed lol)
Level 57
Dec 14, 2018
Missed Arabian and Coral Seas. I typed "Arab" and "Arabic" instead of "Arabian" for the Arabian Sea, smh...
Level 75
Dec 14, 2018
What countries does the Coral Sea border?
Level 60
Jun 11, 2020
Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and possibly France (New Caledonia)?
Level 68
Dec 14, 2018
Got them all, YUSS!
Level 73
Dec 14, 2018
"A sea is anything that is that called a sea" is my favorite quiz instruction
Level 67
Feb 5, 2020
Maybe akin to the Wittgenstein theory of language.

By the way, where do you buy a communist eggplant? I'd really like to try one. I've had a capitalist tomato; it had no flavour. I've had an anarchist apple, and I also had a socialist brussel sprout, which definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.

Level 57
Feb 16, 2019
The problem with accepting Adriatic, is that you then have the problem of Tyrrhenian (but probably only borders two countires) and Ionian - which i would have thought borders four - Italy greece malta and Tunisia. It is the problem of 'sub-seas' if there is such a term.
Level 51
Jun 1, 2019
Irish Sea?
Level 81
Jul 29, 2019
only touches two countries
Level 45
Feb 5, 2020
Ah, yes, the Carl sea.
Level 73
Apr 13, 2020
The Philippine Sea touches 5 countries as well - Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Palau and the US (Mariana Islands)
Level 26
May 4, 2020
yeah i guessed that
Level 19
Apr 14, 2020
Missed Adriatic Sea - oops!
Level 23
Oct 24, 2020
caspian technically isnt a sea its a super big lake
Level 66
Mar 24, 2021
It's 143,244 square miles, almost as big as the Black Sea
Level 65
May 19, 2021
It's not a sea because it's not connected to the ocean, but the quiz says anything with sea in the name counts.
Level 83
Jul 16, 2021
The East China/East (sea of Japan) caught me out
Level 73
Jul 16, 2021
a regular issue for me.
Level 52
Jul 16, 2021
I got everything except Adriatic sea, i always forget that it's not all just Mediterranean :D
Level 58
Jul 16, 2021
Adriatic = Mediterranean
Level 59
Jul 18, 2021
Cool. So France, Spain, Tunisia and others are Adriatic countries now?
Level 68
Jul 18, 2021
What are the four countries that East China sea touches? Wiki says there are only three China, Japan and south Korea. It doesn't touch North Korea as that is bounded by the Yellow Sea.
Level 34
Jul 9, 2023
It's Russia :) Russia is so big and long that it reaches the far east(lol). It even borders North Korea by a little bit.
Level 74
Jul 10, 2023
Don't know if you're trolling, but Russia does not border the East China Sea, it borders the Sea of Japan though
Level 47
Oct 20, 2021
LOL i was guessing countries
Level 16
Dec 13, 2021
The Levantine and Fiji Sea is missing
Level 72
Feb 15, 2023
Fiji Sea?
Level 75
Mar 15, 2022
could you accept Southern/Eastern China sea for South/East China sea?
Level 58
May 26, 2022
i thought that caspian sea is a lake lol
Level 25
Jun 22, 2022
Caspian is not a sea, it's a lake
Level 57
Jul 28, 2022
I agree with @Nukriking and @Hubson
Level 53
Aug 21, 2022
Please include the Philippine Sea, as it touches 5 countries: Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Federated States of Micronesia,

and Palau Wikipedia said

Level 53
Aug 21, 2022
Please include the Philippine Sea, as it touches 5 countries : Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia. Wikipedia said
Level 26
Jul 9, 2023
I forgot that it said sea not ocean
Level 57
Jul 9, 2023
I've never heard of the East China sea
Level 71
Jul 9, 2023
What about the Levantine Sea (if Adriatic is accepted as well as Mediterranean)? Also the Philippine Sea connects to quite a few Pacific island countries
Level 51
Jul 9, 2023
He forgot the Holy See. It touches every country of the world.
Level 47
Sep 28, 2023
only missed East China sea.
Level 72
Sep 28, 2023
You should link a quiz to serve as a standard for what seas are considered, because there are MANY other seas that could be included but aren't. "A sea is anything that is called a sea" is simply too broad if you're not accounting for everything. I'll list missing seas below:

Alboran Sea, 4 (Spain, UK, Morocco, Algeria)

Andaman Sea, 4 (India, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia)

Libyan Sea, 5 (Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Italy, Greece)

Sardinian Sea, 5 (Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, France, Italy)

Philippine Sea, 6 (Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Palau, FSM, USA)

Levantine Sea, 9 (Libya, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, UK)

Level 72
Nov 14, 2023
I'm having doubts about how many countries the Sea of Sardinia borders since it's not well defined. The most conservative definition would probably limit it to Italy and Spain, while a more liberal interpretation might include North Africa and Corsica. Again, lack of data. The featured Seas of Europe quiz has it, so there is precedent. The other exclusions are a lot more glaring.

I haven't seen the Levantine or Libyan Sea as much on Jetpunk, but I can't think of any good reason why they shouldn't be included. The other seas I mentioned are listed on the featured Seas of the World quiz.

If there were any seas I missed, comments would be appreciated.

Level 58
Mar 21, 2024
i missed baltic.
Level 38
Jul 8, 2024
Adriatic and Caspian should not be included. Adriatic is part of Mediterranean Sea and the Caspian Sea is a lake.
Level 55
Nov 6, 2024
i spent an embarrassing amount of time typing countries instead of seas, i read this as 'countries that touch the most seas'