
Series of Things #3

Guess what goes next in these series.
Some answers borrowed from user Innit
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: October 19, 2015
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First submittedSeptember 6, 2013
Times taken44,556
Average score52.4%
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Next in Order
Solid, Liquid
Decade, Century
Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban
Goblet of Fire
Veni, Vidi
Un, Deux
Lithium, Sodium
Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn
Jane Seymour
Infrared, Visible Light
Triangle, Quadrilateral
Pichu, Pikachu
Margaret Thatcher, John Major
Tony Blair
Next in Order
Class, Phylum
Matthew, Mark, Luke
Second Base, Third Base
Home Plate
Ophanim, Cherubim
Subject, Verb
Antepenultimate, Penultimate
Kentucky Derby, Preakness
Belmont Stakes
Georgian, Victorian
Level 50
Nov 6, 2013
Ann Boleyn was a bond girl?
Level 58
Nov 13, 2013
yh and so was catherine of aragon
Level 61
Nov 10, 2017
Wasn't she Henry VIII wife too?
Level 78
Nov 6, 2013
I'm not a grammarian...but i thought it was Subject, Verb, Predicate? Anyone?
Level 65
Nov 6, 2013
I tried that first as well. I was surprised to remember that from my elementary school days.
Level 51
Nov 7, 2013
Level 48
Nov 6, 2013
I must be the only person in the Western world who hasn't read a Harry Potter book.
Level 66
Nov 7, 2013
Not read Harry Potter, nor watched any of the movies. Thank you, no, not interested.
Level 58
Nov 13, 2013
stubborn much
Level 85
Feb 28, 2017
One man's "stubborn" or "smug" is another man's "I have better things to do than waste my time on that crap." :-)
Level 43
Feb 28, 2019
DonTheLamplighter better things to do than...... on JetPunk arguing over a book series?
Level 73
Feb 27, 2021
How do you know it's crap if you've never read them?
Level 87
Jun 24, 2022
There will always be people too uncultured to humble themselves enough to learn from popular art.
Level 57
Nov 7, 2013
Add me to the list, but got the question right on a guess of my limited knowledge of those books/movies.
Level 76
Nov 20, 2013
I was in your camp at one time. I am a conservative Christian and at my church Harry Potter is automatically "not done". But the thing is, when you ask them, no one has read a Harry Potter book or seen one of the movies. So I decided to watch a movie and I thought it was great fun! Thoroughly enjoyed it! No different from any other fantasy movie. Just sayin. Didn't get that question correct though.
Level 45
Jul 22, 2014
I am joining this club! Wolfcat95 and all others here, you rule. NO HARRY POTTER FOR ME!
Level 74
Oct 9, 2014
I am sorry for you all for not giving the books a chance. I think it's one of the greatest series ever written for children. What in the world is wrong with teaching a child that it's not who you were born that matters, but the choices you make in life that count? I am also a Christian, and I saw nothing in the books that was offensive to my beliefs, just fantasy such as Grimm's Fairy Tales or The Wizard of Oz, only better. Good triumphs over evil in the end.
Level 69
May 27, 2016
Read the first book. Wasn't impressed. Didn't read any more.
Level 81
Dec 28, 2016
I started reading one of the books. Was bored immediately. Sat through I think seven of the awful movies. All but the last one which I vowed to near see. I consider this giving them a chance. They're better than Twilight. Still not very good.
Level 74
Sep 24, 2017
I have no problem with you who have read the books and didn't find them to your taste. I have no problem with those who choose not to read them for whatever reason. I just don't understand those who choose not to read them, yet feel the need to criticize them. (And I think the books are way better than the movies.)
Level 81
Apr 7, 2018
I read enough to know that I didn't care for them. That didn't take long. It's not about the narrative as woven through 7 overlong books, it's about the quality of the writing which you can pick up on very quickly. You could read a whole book and not realize you didn't like the story until you got to the last page; but you can pick up a book and figure out you don't like the writing style by scanning a single paragraph.

I saw 7/8 of the movies, didn't like any of them, I have no trouble believing that the books were better. But most of my specific criticisms about story/character/plot structure are based on the films.

Level 48
May 26, 2016
:( Sad potato
Level 66
Nov 7, 2013
I tried "poodle" after Thatcher, Major but it didn't work. Should have.
Level 35
Jun 5, 2014
Can you please accept "Direct Object" That's what I wrote first =/
Level 42
Oct 9, 2014
I don't think it should be accepted - Direct object is a specification, Object is the basic category.
Level 76
Jul 26, 2014
Only missed the pokemons and the .. was it horse racing? The rest seemed.. easy.
Level 74
Oct 9, 2014
It's the Triple Crown of thoroughbred horseracing in the US.
Level 72
Jan 9, 2020
Those were the only two I didnt know the answers to either. If you would have shown it to me I would not know what it was about. I did miss the potter question aswell though, but atleast I ve heard of that one.
Level 28
Dec 15, 2015
Level 57
May 26, 2016
Surprised the horse racing question is least known, & by quite a margin. TV is wasting money buying rights to it, obviously!
Level 66
May 26, 2016
Remember not everyone on here is from the US.
Level 43
May 26, 2016
I'm not from the US and horse racing doesnt interest me. So I had no chance with this one
Level 83
Apr 25, 2023
I'm not from the US and horse racing doesn't interest me.

However it's a common enough source of trivia questions (esp. in pub trivia and so on), that I figure it's worth my time to know a few of the basic things about it so I have some general familiarity.

And as far as knowledge about horse racing goes, this question is pretty darn entry-level .

Level 78
May 30, 2016
Yeah, it's unfair to include questions that can only be answered by residents of a specific country.

The two UK questions (wives of Henry VIII and the presidents) at least are general knowledge.

Level 82
Oct 12, 2023
@rocamorar do you mean prime ministers?
Level 84
Jun 17, 2020
you don't have to be from the USA to know the racing question , if you have any interest in horse racing its easy no matter where you are from. and could jetpunk please banish all Pokemon and Potter questions to some alternate quiz universe for CHILDREN'S quizzes.
Level 85
Feb 28, 2017
Check out Youtube for Secretariat winning the 1973 Belmont Stakes. One of the most incredible sporting events of the 20th Century. If you added a crippled goat to the race, the goat would've finished closer to the 2nd-place horse than the 2nd-place horse finished to Secretariat. Simply jaw-dropping.
Level 70
May 24, 2017
Boy! ..... you are easily pleased.
Level 72
May 26, 2016
I really wanted the pokemon one to be Machu Picchu...I even tried it
Level 55
May 26, 2016
I like you. I might have had a chance at getting it right then.
Level 66
May 26, 2016
David Cameron could be next in the 'Thatcher, Major...' question. As the sequence could be 'Conservative Prime Ministers'.
Level 79
May 26, 2016
or, indeed, William Hague as the next Leader of the Conservative Party
Level 62
Jun 3, 2016
This quiz is illogical at times.
Level 55
Jan 2, 2017
Really? Doctor Quinn - Medicine Woman?
Level 85
Feb 28, 2017
Henry VIII had very eclectic taste in wives.
Level 83
May 23, 2017
I thought the baseball one was to do with rounders. This is what comes of going to a British girls' school.
Level 70
May 24, 2017
I wish I'd gone to a British Girls School.
Level 74
Sep 24, 2017
Had to look up rounders - never heard of it.
Level 49
Jun 2, 2019
I thought rounders too
Level 65
Apr 7, 2018
Why are all these people complaining about the Harry Potter question not getting the highest tier of angels correct?
Level 87
Jul 15, 2018
I enjoyed this quiz. Excellent variety. Admittedly Pokémon stumps me every single time.
Level 57
Oct 2, 2018
Matthew Mark, Luke and John. - series of 3??
Level 57
Oct 2, 2018
Ok! reread the heading. Series of Things 3. So hang fire on the silly moo comments
Level 80
Jun 16, 2019
Thought the bases were referring to Everest...
Level 75
Jul 24, 2020
Could you accept noun for object?
Level 71
Aug 29, 2021
No because subject and object are both nouns
Level 80
Mar 17, 2021
I tried 'Ringlet of Fire'....
Level 68
Jul 17, 2021
That would be quite the interesting hairstyle.
Level 64
Aug 29, 2021
It seems I can deal with roman numerals fine, but please could someone explain the 1, 8, 27 to me?
Level 71
Aug 30, 2021
Bruh it's just cubes
Level 71
Aug 30, 2021
Nice to see some Pokemon