Of course, the full name is much longer - but the quiz asks for "common English name," and in English-speaking countries, the name most commonly used is the abbreviated version "Bosnia."
Freestatebear, by that logic, Antigua and Barbuda should just be Antigua, and Sao Tome and Principe should just be Sao Tome. The full name of the country is Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
@DrakiGuy (nearly 7 years later!): I didn't mean to imply what an abbreviated name should or should not be. Only that on this site, the shortened versions you cite (Antigua and Sao Tome) are accepted type-ins. Sorry my original comment wasn't clear.
That's a tough one. I think there a few cases with "and" countries in which there is a diminutive partner that gets lost in "common" - and often formal - conversation, much to the consternation of people from Barbuda, Herzegovina, Labrador, and so on. This is different, I think, than dropping "Darussalam" from Brunei or the things that are sometimes used to distinguish one thing, or a part of a thing, from another (as in Congo, Micronesia, Macedonia, the U.S., etc.).
Gambia is allowed and its official name is "The Gambia". On that basis, Bosnia should be allowed. Also, who uses the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina title, unless it's for reading out their points scored in the Eurovision Song Contest?
The difference is that leaving out Herzegovina in Bosnia and Herzegovina is essentially leaving out half of the country, since Bosnia is a region in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Most people do just call it Bosnia, and there's no problem with doing so, but that doesn't mean it's 100% correct.) The difference between Bosnia and Gambia is that "The" in Gambia is just a meaningless article, but Herzegovina has meaning, as Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country with both Bosnia and Herzegovina in it. Perhaps Bosnia should be added as a grayed out answer.
Why can't some people just accept the global consensus? Are the National Geographic Society, the World Factbook and most national governments of the world together not trustworthy enough?
According to the sources above, Cyprus and Turkey are both part of Asia as they are east of the Caucasus mountains. However, because of their proximity regarding trade, it is easier to be part of the EU so they are accepted there. Russia is considered part of Europe, however even though more of the country is on the East side of the Caucasus. Bizarre,
All this quizzes continue to put Cyprus in Asia, it is not. All my Cypriot friends are baffled by this. It is, and always has been (check ancient history) European. Can we change this please?
Cyprus has never been considered part of Asia; it's part of the European Union and has the Euro as its currency. It is close to both Greece and the European part of Turkey and is definitely part of Europe!!
I would say it is Eurasian, but then someone would argue that it should be in Africa. I saw somebody suggest that it was in South America in a comment on a different quiz, and I think that is the best answer. Anybody else for team South America?
Cyprus is an island of both European (Greece) and Asian (Türkiye) influence, so there's no point in going for anything other than geographical location. If we go by that, then someone's gonna suggest modern Türkiye being in Europe...
Am I the only one that thinks this quiz needs more time or have they shortened it ? You need some time to picture the continents/countries. It is not like it is basic knowledge which countries have 6 letters, you have to check it.
and in response for future comments like "just because you are dumb doesnt mean the timer needs to be raised for everyone" etc. I have done other quizes that werent my area of expertise, where I had absolutely no idea and didnt even get a quarter right and never ask for more time. If I dont know it I dont know it, but I think there should be time to think.
I probably could have got them all with another 30 seconds or a minute. I got 30/32 which I'm happy with, but I did have to go through all of the countries in all of the continents I don't know how others did it.
I see Taiwan included in all these quizzes but not Puerto Rico...they say Puerto Rico is not a country so it shouldn't be included as one, but the thing is...Taiwan is not independent either! So....
For anyone still curious, it’s Vanuatu not “Vanatu”. Featured quizzes, especially this late after the feature, rarely have mistakes, so stop asking dumb questions and do your research first. Second, in my opinion Cyprus is in Asia, like the quiz says. I can see that there I minds I won’t be able to change, though. Really though, who bloody cares where Cyprus is? Just realize that it will always, always, always, be in Asia on a featured quiz and that arguing won’t do good. Just because you don’t post a comment saying “Cyprus is in Europe” doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to an opinion.
and in response for future comments like "just because you are dumb doesnt mean the timer needs to be raised for everyone" etc. I have done other quizes that werent my area of expertise, where I had absolutely no idea and didnt even get a quarter right and never ask for more time. If I dont know it I dont know it, but I think there should be time to think.
For anyone still curious, it’s Vanuatu not “Vanatu”. Featured quizzes, especially this late after the feature, rarely have mistakes, so stop asking dumb questions and do your research first. Second, in my opinion Cyprus is in Asia, like the quiz says. I can see that there I minds I won’t be able to change, though. Really though, who bloody cares where Cyprus is? Just realize that it will always, always, always, be in Asia on a featured quiz and that arguing won’t do good. Just because you don’t post a comment saying “Cyprus is in Europe” doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to an opinion.