
Snapple "Real" Facts

Snapple is a brand of high-fructose corn syrup that prints dubious facts on the inside of their caps. Can you guess these Snapple "real" facts that are anything but real?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: November 20, 2020
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First submittedMay 10, 2015
Times taken9,961
Average score55.0%
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This animal's sound doesn't make an echo
It is impossible to ____ a piece of paper more than 7 times
This country has a Bill of Rights to protect its sacred cows
This food product never spoils
This carnivorous plant can eat an entire cheeseburger
Venus Fly-Trap
This practice is legal in Paraguay, as long as both parties are registered blood donors
This fish is the largest in the world, weighing up to two tons
Whale Shark
This fruit is the only one with the seeds on the outside
This is the world's largest lake
Lake Superior
Any configuration of this puzzle can be solved in just 17 turns
Rubik's Cube
The city of Los Angeles has 3 of these for every 1 person
During his or her lifetime, the average person will inhale 8 of
these creatures while sleeping
This person composed the lullaby "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" when
he was just five years old
Wolfgang Amadeus
This tropical fruit is actually a giant herb
This city's cable cars are the only mobile national monument in the U.S.
San Francisco
At birth, humans have 350 of these, but as adults they only have 206
Doing this 2,000 times will create a wrinkle
This activity, often associated with Okinawa, actually originated in India
This "natural" tooth cleaning product is free of chemicals
Baking Soda
This river has more fish species than the Atlantic Ocean
Amazon River
Level ∞
May 10, 2015
Snapple actual real fact #1: Snapple contains more sugar than Coca-Cola.
Level ∞
May 10, 2015
Snapple actual real fact #2: Real fact is redundant. Facts are real by definition. However, a high percentage of Snapple real facts are in fact not facts.
Level 73
Nov 23, 2020
When I was an 8th grade, there was a substitute teacher in my civics class. I remember that he asked the class what the definition of a fact was, and the first kid he called on said it's something that can be proven to be true. And he said no, actually a fact is something that can be proven to be true or false, therefore there existed both true facts and false facts, and facts are distinguished from opinions, which are statements that cannot be proven true or false. I'm not sure if "real" and "true" mean the same thing here - could a statement be "real" but not true? Regardless, I still remember this substitute teacher's explanation many years later.
Level 78
Nov 23, 2020
And you believed him?
Level 73
May 8, 2023
That teacher was wrong lol. The kid he called on was right
Level 34
May 24, 2024
Ideally a fact is something that's "true", whatever that really means. Humans can't agree on what's true or not. I suppose he had a slight point if he was trying to explain disagreements.
Level ∞
May 10, 2015
Snapple actual real fact #3: Many Snapple products contain very little actual juice.
Level ∞
May 10, 2015
Snapple actual real fact #4: Before Google and Wikipedia, people were forced to get their information from the caps of sweetened beverages.
Level 70
Nov 24, 2020
Snapple actual real fact: Snapple was promoted on the Donald Trump reality show 'Celebrity Apprentice' where contestants had to create new flavors of the drink. The winner was Bret Michaels with 'Trop-A-Rocca.' Nothing says healthy to consume like made up names for artificial flavors.
Level 76
May 10, 2015
Quizmaster's personal anthem can be listened to here.
Level 96
May 12, 2015
Nice one Jerry, haven't heard that song for probably 25 years. Thanks for the ear candy.
Level 59
Nov 23, 2020
When the Papa John's ad comes on just before the video and ruins the effect. P.S. I thought you were gonna Rickroll me.
Level 66
Jul 20, 2015
The best stuff on earth is not High Fructose Corn Syrup
Level 92
May 11, 2015
I admit that the cable cars one threw me. I couldn't imagine any other national monuments that could be mobile, until I found out that the cable cars aren't actually a national monument. It's listed on the national register of historic landmarks, but it's definitely not the only one of those that's mobile (many ships are on the list).
Level 65
Jul 17, 2015
All the 'facts' in this quiz are actually false, which is why the word 'real' was in inverted commas.
Level 62
Dec 4, 2023
They know. They're just commenting on it.
Level 91
Jul 17, 2015
The streetcars in New Orleans and the San Francisco cable cars are designated national historic landmarks by the Department of the Interior.
Level 69
May 11, 2015
Some are real, that's how they throw you. Whale Sharks are definitely the biggest fish in the world.
Level 86
May 11, 2015
But they can be much, much larger than two tons.
Level 69
May 23, 2015
Good point, didn't actually read that part.
Level 26
Dec 1, 2020
no you were right about some of them being true - I looked it up and strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside.
Level 26
Dec 1, 2020
actually wait no i guess the white things on the outside aren't actually seeds so ig this isn't a fact. So cpgatbyu ur kind of correct, though i do feel like this is only a small distinction.
Level 74
Feb 19, 2016
I believe that by some measurements like surface area or something like that, lake superior is the largest lake in the world. however, by volume or depth, lake baikal is larger. so in a way that one is sort of partially correct
Level 91
Jun 27, 2016
Sort of partially correct, the best kind of correct.
Level 72
Jul 25, 2018
And I always thought it was the Caspian Sea. It didn't specify fresh water.
Level ∞
Nov 20, 2020
The Caspian Sea one is debatable, and I wouldn't have put it on this quiz if it weren't for Snapple Real Fact #229: "The Caspian Sea is actually a lake".
Level 67
Nov 23, 2020
Great addition QM, this made me laugh :)
Level 54
Jun 23, 2015
Baking soda is a chemical: Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3.
Level 25
Jul 21, 2015
Everything is composed of chemicals, including "natural" products. Natural water, chemically, is H2O, even though its natural. Chemophobia is at play.
Level 59
Nov 23, 2020
Chemophobia?? Oh no, sounds like a chemical to me, I better get out of here!
Level 81
Jul 17, 2015
Many of these just seem completely bizarre that anyone would ever believe them. One or two others I think I've repeated myself before... one I just looked up to make sure it was wrong. I guess I was taken in by my beverage cap.
Level ∞
Nov 20, 2020
Scientific studies show that people lose their reasoning ability after consuming high amounts of corn syrup.

not really...

Level 71
Nov 23, 2020
I used to loooove Snapple as a kid. Any time my family went on a trip longer than 2 or 3 hours, I'd buy one for the road. I used to even collect the caps! I guess I really never thought about just how absurd and misleading (if not outright wrong) these facts are until now. Even then, like kal said some of these seem weird enough to be real.
Level 57
Jul 17, 2015
So what makes the largest fish "fact" nonfactual?
Level 74
Jul 17, 2015
They weigh 47,000 pounds, not 4,000.
Level 74
Jul 17, 2015
You gotta admit, "vampirism" would have been an awesome (and just as truthful) answer to the Paraguay one.
Level 65
Nov 23, 2020
I thought of Russian roulette.
Level 75
Nov 23, 2020
I thought of cannibalism.
Level 67
Nov 23, 2020
Better than what I said. Cannibalism.
Level 67
Nov 23, 2020
I guessed vampirism and cannibalism!
Level 75
Nov 23, 2020
I also guessed vampirism.
Level 39
Nov 24, 2020
I guessed incest......
Level 90
Nov 25, 2020
I guest incestuous vampirism.
Level 52
Jul 17, 2015
Thinking of the Karate Kid, I tried bonsai - or whatever the tree trimming art is - not the ultimate name, purpose, and idea of the movie, karate. Wow.
Level 59
Jul 17, 2015
Tried fly, bee, gnat, moth, roach and cat for the one about sleeping. Totally did not think of spider.
Level 73
Jul 18, 2015
How can you *inhale* a cat?!
Level 68
Jul 15, 2019
🎶 “I know an old lady who swallowed a cat: think of that – to swallow a cat! She swallowed the cat to catch the bird, she swallowed the bird to catch the spider that wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly, but I don't know why she swallowed the fly. …Perhaps she'll die.”
Level 75
Nov 23, 2020
You were heading towards the right answer before "cat" came out of nowhere!
Level 25
Jul 21, 2015
Anyone else thought Lake Baikal?
Level 72
Jun 7, 2019
Some of these are obviously false, some I could've believed if it was presented as a fact, and some I can't see how they're wrong. :S
Level 59
Nov 23, 2020
Which one's can't you see as wrong?
Level 66
Nov 23, 2020
Baking Soda is actual chemical, NaHCO3
Level 59
Nov 23, 2020
everything's a chemical, you're fingers you used to type this are chemicals, the pixels appearing as you type are chemicals, even pure water we all drink is a chemical. Chemicals are literally just substances with a chemical formula, which encompasses literally everything ever except for maybe subatomic particles.
Level 76
Nov 23, 2020
Could you allow bicarbonate of soda as well as baking soda.. same thing I think. Interesting quiz thanks
Level 65
Nov 23, 2020
I went round a banana plantation in St Lucia and the guide described bananas as being herbs. Checking on Wiki and we find that the banana plant is the largest herbaceous flowering plant, indicating that in this case, the snapple cap may have been correct. So while the edible bit of the plant (the banana) is correctly described as a fruit, the plant as a whole is actually a herb. A banana plant has no woody parts growing above ground - the 'trunk' is not a trunk, but a stem. This satisfies another 'herb' characteristic.
Level 71
Nov 23, 2020
But the *plant* is an herbaceous plant. This doesn't mean the banana itself is an herb. It may not be completely false, but it's misleading.
Level 81
Nov 23, 2020
Taking a brief respite from my self-imposed comment ban to say: while it is not technically impossible to fold a piece of paper more than 7 times, it is extremely difficult, and while this is hard to even comprehend if you do the math it checks out: fold a standard piece of paper in half 103 times and how thick do you think it would be? If you answered anything other than 93 billion light years, a.k.a. the width of the observable universe, you are incorrect.
Level 75
Nov 23, 2020
Well...But the paper required would be so large that it would break apart unless it were thicker. If it were thicker, it would not be as foldable.
Level 76
Nov 23, 2020
I love the spiders fact because there is no way on earth scientists could actually discover this and connect an accurate number to it, yet I've heard it so often
Level 62
Dec 4, 2023
What? Scientists don't watch you at night?
Level 42
Nov 23, 2020
Can 'Wolfgang' be accepted for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
Level 75
Nov 24, 2020
*drinking Snapple as I take this quiz*
Level 80
Nov 24, 2020
For #116 I tried 'whale' and 'shark', but didn't try 'whale shark'! 🤯
Level 39
Nov 24, 2020
The annoying thing about a few of these being "false" is that the majority of the fact is true and it's just a slight difference to the correct answer, however it doesn't always hinder your answers.
Level 56
Nov 24, 2020
Blue whale is bigger than shark whale
Level 50
Nov 25, 2020
The blue whale is a mammal, not a fish.
Level 67
Nov 26, 2020
Shark whale?
Level 64
Jun 23, 2021
it is my understanding that the whale shark actually is the largest fish.
Level 62
Dec 4, 2023
But the weight is incorrect.
Level 81
Dec 21, 2021
Love your description of Snapple, but is there a bigger fish out there than a whale shark? I have known this to be true for decades, and have seen it confirmed on countless documentaries as well.
Level 62
Dec 4, 2023
They don't weigh up to two tons.
Level 91
Aug 14, 2022
Accept "rubix cube"!!!
Level 71
Dec 9, 2023
Of course a duck's call makes an echo. This is because, like most sounds, it bounces off every surface, creating a reverberation. It's pigeons that don't make an echo: their call doesn't bounce off surfaces. The reason is a coo sticks.