
Song Title Antonyms #1

Guess these song titles, where most of the words have been replaced by their antonyms.
Quiz idea: Wassboss8
Not all antonyms are exact. Whiners will be fed to the fishes.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 1, 2020
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First submittedDecember 31, 2012
Times taken78,935
Average score70.0%
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Song Title
Yes Man, Yes Laugh
No Woman, No Cry
Died to be Tame
Born to be Wild
Good Girls
Bad Boys
Do Start Doubtin'
Don't Stop Believin'
Small Mamma
Big Poppa
Nobody to Hate
Somebody to Love
Good Sun Setting
Bad Moon Rising
Your Death Wouldn't
Rule With Me
My Life Would Suck
Without You
Song Title
Bitter Adult O' Yours
Sweet Child O' Mine
False Grays
True Colors
Hate Mansion
Love Shack
Fixing Cube
Wrecking Ball
The Fake Fat Sunny
The Real Slim Shady
You Won't Die
I Will Survive
The Silence of Sounds
The Sound of Silence
When a Woman Hates a Man
When a Man Loves a Woman
They Aren't Old
We Are Young
Dyin' la Muerte Cuerdo
Livin' la Vida Loca
Level 46
Dec 29, 2012
Okay, someone really needs to write a song called "The Fake Fat Sunny". I want it.
Level 64
Aug 14, 2017
Well, Larry Williams wrote "Short Fat Fanny."
Level 20
May 28, 2019
will the fake fat sunny, please stand up?
Level 66
Mar 2, 2022
I was thinking that should be "sit down", but what else would the fake fat sunny be doing?
Level 80
Mar 11, 2020
I didn't get that one. I tried "The Genuine Thin Rainy" before giving up.
Level 59
Dec 15, 2020
An Eminem classic.
Level 63
Jun 30, 2021
Will the real Quizmaster please stand up?
Level 68
Aug 1, 2021
I'm more interested in When a Woman Hates a Man
Level 22
Dec 29, 2012
not bad.... but tough. good quiz
Level 27
Dec 31, 2012
And it is funny, too.
Level 14
May 25, 2013
Some of these were difficult to answer because a lot of your "antonyms" were used in the form of slang. For example "Your death wouldn't rule me" in that context the word rule comes of more as like if you were to rule over somebody like a King. Other than a few other questions like that overall a fun quiz.
Level 72
May 28, 2019
Yes, rule the way it is used here is no antonym of suck. Someone rules, as in "is awesome". And someone rules you, as in "controls you". So you are ruled by someone.

the way it is used here is grammatically incorrect.

Level 66
Mar 2, 2022
It is if you watched enough Beavis and Butthead.
Level 74
May 29, 2019
rule is also slang in this instance, why not use a slang antonym for a slang word? it took me a minute but I got it even though I've never heard of the song
Level 10
Aug 1, 2013
"Killed" would be a better opposite for "Born", as one can be born or be killed. One cannot be "Died". I'm not trying to be picky, but if the word had been "Killed" I would have gotten the answer.
Level 72
May 28, 2019
Yes, born needs an auxiliary verb. You get born and you die. Though they both mean things that just happen. The get in getting killed refers to someone activiely doing it. So even though the amounts of word needed are closer in your example, language wise they are not closer at all. (and also not meaning wise)
Level 75
Dec 4, 2013
Funny quiz idea; the problem with quizzes like this, however, is that there is often more than one technically correct answer. For instance, "Big Daddy" is a song by Talking Heads (and for me, it's much more familiar than Big Poppa).
Level 57
Apr 9, 2015
It's all in the wording. If the antonym was "Small mommy", then "Big daddy" would be accurate.
Level 81
Apr 9, 2015
Got 100% even including the songs I've never heard of before- even "Your Death Wouldn't Rule With Me," bit surprised I figured that one out. Lots of death and dying on this quiz...
Level 75
Oct 5, 2021
Lots of life 'n' livin' in songs :)
Level 81
Apr 9, 2015
It seems to me that "won't die" and "will survive" are synonymous.
Level 55
Apr 9, 2015
This is because of the fact that if pairs of words are "antonym'd" the result is a double negative or positive, ie the overall meaning is the same and not the opposite. But the quiz is really just a fun thing of thinking of antonyms for each significant word and figuring out a song title. I actually got the "rule with me" one without believing it until I tried it in Google, because I've never heard of that one (whereas I know at least two songs called Without You by Harry Nillson alone!)
Level 66
Oct 31, 2021
It's essentially a double-negative, yeah.
Level 16
Apr 9, 2015
How is "Suck" the opposite of "Rule""....makes no sense at all....should have been swallow....LOL
Level 81
Apr 10, 2015
Suck is this instance is not being used literally.
Level 68
Feb 26, 2024
It might not be being used literally, but most of the other answers have the actual opposite words, even if they arent the literal replacement. Rule isn't the opposite of Suck anyway, if you wanna go literal it's gotta be another slang word, like pimpin or pwn or whatever, cos the slang aspect is what messes it up
Level 45
Jun 4, 2024
Rule is a slang word which means exactly what you're saying the slang word should mean.
Level 77
Dec 21, 2024
think of 80's era graffiti
Level 55
Apr 9, 2015
These are great! So funny. I loved this quiz. "The Fake Fat Sunny" is by far the best, although they were all hilarious. "Do start doubting" good.
Level 55
Apr 9, 2015
And ohhhhhhh.....THAT kind of seniors.
Level 55
Apr 9, 2015
"The Silence of Sounds" is very very funny.
Level 81
Mar 11, 2019
That was my favourite.
Level 9
Apr 13, 2015
Great quiz... difficult though!
Level 42
Aug 5, 2016
Can't believe I missed some really obvious ones...
Level 66
Sep 23, 2016
It's already been said, but Heaven and Earth are not opposites. Like, at all. Please change it to something else, like Sky which has already been suggested.

Otherwise, awesome quiz!

Level 64
Aug 14, 2017
Antonym of Tomorrow could be Today (New Christie Minstrels).
Level 73
Mar 12, 2019
Smashing Pumpkisn did a song called "Today" as well.
Level 41
Jun 11, 2020
Wasn't it "Tonight"?
Level 75
Oct 5, 2021
Both (ish) - they did 'Today' and also 'Tonight, Tonight'.
Level 68
May 13, 2024
And Hot Chelle Rae did "Tonight Tonight"
Level 57
May 28, 2019
Could it? Genuinely asking. Tomorrow is the day after today, and yesterday is the day before today- opposites. Today is the day before tomorrow or the day after yesterday, but tomorrow is not the day after tomorrow nor the day before yesterday, so in my head only yesterday and tomorrow are antonyms. Today is different than tomorrow, but not opposite per se
Level 71
Mar 29, 2020
Don't put off till tomorrow comments you could make today. It's now or never, but don't always make comments.
Level 73
Jul 2, 2018
2:34, took me a while to get Freshmen but I loved the Earth Angel reference. Sixty years old!
Level 82
Mar 11, 2019
"the silence of sounds" - genius.
Level 63
Mar 14, 2019
Level 78
Jun 19, 2020
No more genius than the actual song title. This one is pretty straight forward.
Level 56
Apr 18, 2019
There's no such thing as an antonym for a shape. Cubes and balls are in no way opposites.
Level 66
May 28, 2019
Level 74
May 29, 2019
ya, that one feels wrong.
Level 78
Jun 19, 2020
Cube and ball are both three-dimensional objects. Only difference is, one is angular, the other is round. Seems like a good antonym to me.
Level 60
Jun 6, 2021
The opposite of cube is obviously sphere. The antonym of ball should be box, I feel.
Level 62
Oct 7, 2021
Ball v cube is terrific; gotta chuckle at that one. Really had me scratching my head as well.

Box - interesting suggestion. It did get me wondering what is the best logical opposite for "ball".

One could go the whole hog and have the antonyms of words like "of" - that is effectively the ablative, so maybe you could have "at" or "to" (the equivalent of the dative) as the opposite. But that would be going too far.

Level 81
May 28, 2019
Was this expanded? I left a comment saying I got 100% before but just now it says my point total increased by 5. I don't recall Wrecking Ball being on here before.
Level 71
May 28, 2019
For Living la Vida Loca I was just guessing stuff in Spanish until I got it. 17/20.
Level 71
Jan 14, 2020
damnn I got almost all. Just missed Wrecking Ball
Level 71
Apr 3, 2020
Just missed it again i still only have 19
Level 78
Jun 19, 2020
Don't worry, it took me also three attempts to finally get that one, and even then I almost didn't. My initial thinking was "Breaking Ball", and when that sounded like something familiar, it started to dawn on me.
Level 71
Aug 1, 2021
Yeah it's one we'd all like to forget existed
Level 55
May 28, 2019
I think is “la muerte cuerda” not cuerdo
Level 71
Oct 5, 2021
It is! Since loca is feminine then Cuerda should match the gender
Level 90
Dec 16, 2024
But in the spirit of opposites, shouldn't the gender NOT match?
Level 68
May 28, 2019
I tried True Blue several times. Didn't think of True Colors.
Level 36
May 29, 2019
Didn't do very well, but loved this quiz.
Level 73
Sep 10, 2019
Very clever quiz.
Level 85
Nov 15, 2019
You Won't Die Perish <> I Will Survive
Level 66
Jan 14, 2020
You Won't give-up
Level 38
Jan 13, 2020
I love this quiz - only missed two. I've never heard of Big Poppa, though I did try an educated guess at Big Pappa and other variations to no avail. I also didn't get "Wrecking Ball" - I don't think it's too picky to say that cube and ball are not antonyms. They're just 3D shapes (well technically ball is just an object) which, as others have mentioned, can't have antonyms.
Level 49
Dec 4, 2020
This was one of the best quizzes on here so far. Clever, entertaining and really unique. Thanks for putting this together!
Level 57
Jan 7, 2021
Now I want to hear a breakup song called "Your Death Wouldn't

Rule With Me".

Level 75
Feb 18, 2021
As someone who has only heard two of these, I'm satisfied with my score of 13
Level 46
Apr 26, 2021
Disappointed that I didn't get Wrecking Ball, I remember hearing it a lot when it came out. There are so many potential parody songs here, much of the rest are very dark such as Hate Mansion and Died to be Tame. Dyin' la Muerte Cuerda is easily both.
Level 62
May 4, 2021
Fun quiz, love it!
Level 59
Sep 8, 2021
Ball is very much not an antonym of cube
Level 68
Oct 5, 2021
No Boy No Cry by Stance Punks should also be accepted for the first one.
Level 59
Oct 6, 2021
I kept thinking false grays was true blue. It didn't really fit but I couldn't come up with colors as the opposite of grays! And I didn't get Wrecking Ball - I was thinking sphere. not ball.

Nice quiz!

Level 29
Oct 7, 2021
A couple of the answers made me chuckle out loud.

Well done! :)

Level 85
Oct 9, 2021
I can support the argument that a cube is the opposite of a sphere, but it's definitely not the opposite of ball. Thinking about what would be the opposite of ball, I immediately thought of net. In most sports, a ball goes into a net (even if it goes through a hoop first). Can anyone come up with something better?
Level 81
Mar 3, 2022
Level 44
Jan 16, 2023
How about adding senorita?

Or never gonna give you up?

Level 52
Apr 1, 2024
vapour vapour adult is... (replies pls)
Level 61
Dec 17, 2024
Answer: "Wrecking Ball"


Level 77
Dec 21, 2024
19/20. I got from 'fixing cube' to 'breaking point' and hit a mental block
Level 77
Jan 10, 2025
It's "cuerda". Now, if you're going for antonyms of gender, then it should be "el muerte cuerdo". Either that or "la muerte cuerda", for consistency.