"Schwarze Magie Frau" is the literal translation of "Black Magic Woman" as in word for word but no one would say that and I'm pretty sure it isn't meant that way. "Magic" not only translates to the noun "Magie" but also to the feature "magisch". So "Schwarze magische Frau" would be more fitting and correct.
The translation is false but yours as well. Schwarze magische Frau means she's black and magic. Unfortunately my German isn't good enough to correct it.
There are only clumsy ways to say that in German. "Schwarzmagische Frau" would be most accurate if a little odd. To be fair, it's odd in English already. You wouldn't say "Math Teaching Woman" either.
Shouldnt it be Tanz mit meinem Vater, otherwise the translation would be dancing with my father. And surely there is a better translation for let the good times roll. You could actually use rollen instead of gehen. If you want to use another word because it is to similar I suggest wirbeln/würfeln but that means more spin (which you do when you roll) I guess whirl
btw I never heard of like 3/4 of these songs. While with the other song quizes I have heard of 3/4 (the titles atleast most of the time never actually knew any of the songs, but that is different)
i liked how sometimes i got the translation by knowing the song while in other cases i just translated word by word and got a song i never heard, very well balanced quiz!
All in all i got all but 2 and i almost thought i could speak german lol, no way
Not sure "Lassen die Guten Zeiten Gehen" is a good translation. "Roll" and "Gehen" aren't really the same and "Lassen" doesn't really work without it being directed at someone.
Lassen without a pronoun is the infinitive form. You need the imperative, and you need to decide which person perspective to take. My guess is that the title of this song connotes either the first person plural (let us make the good times roll) or the second person (you let the good times roll). First person plural is "Lassen wir dir guten Zeiten ..." and the second person is either "Lass du die guten Zeiten ..." (singular form) or "Lasst ihr die guten Zeiten ..." (plural).
As a native speaker, my best suggestion is "Lassen wir die guten Zeiten steigen," but that still sound stodgy because "good times" does not translate well. Maybe pick another song title?
All in all i got all but 2 and i almost thought i could speak german lol, no way
As a native speaker, my best suggestion is "Lassen wir die guten Zeiten steigen," but that still sound stodgy because "good times" does not translate well. Maybe pick another song title?