
Song Title Translation - German

We translated these song titles to German. Translate them back to English!
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: November 14, 2018
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First submittedAugust 23, 2013
Times taken10,592
Average score60.0%
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Drei Blinde Mäuse
Three Blind Mice
Entzünde mein Feuer
Light My Fire
Klavier Mann
Piano Man
Ich bin auf einem Boot
I'm On a Boat
Schöner Tag
Beautiful Day
Schwarze Magie Frau
Black Magic Woman
Ring aus Feuer
Ring of Fire
Was ist Liebe
What is Love
Stille Nacht
Silent Night
O Tannenbaum
O Christmas Tree
Amerikanische Frau
American Woman
Ich und Herr Jones
Me and Mr. Jones
Körper und Seele
Body and Soul
Tanzen mit meinem Vater
Dance with my Father
Was Für eine Wunderbare Welt
What a Wonderful World
Süßes Kind von Mir
Sweet Child O' Mine
Willkommen im Dschungel
Welcome to the Jungle
Lassen die Guten Zeiten Gehen
Let the Good Times Roll
Tanzen auf der Straße
Dancing in the Street
Freitags bin ich Verliebt
Friday, I'm In Love
Level 86
Aug 31, 2013
I don't think "Father" is a German word.
Level 78
Nov 22, 2013
100&! But it's "Willkommen im Dschungel", "Tanzen mit meinem Vater" und "Ich und Herr Jones".
Level 46
Nov 22, 2013
FINALLY those German classes in high school pay off. Nice quiz.
Level 77
Nov 23, 2013
It's just "Mr. Jones." Me and Mrs Jones is a completely different song.
Level 89
Dec 20, 2019
Me & Mr. Jones is the name of an Amy Winehouse song
Level 56
Apr 18, 2023
I kept trying Mr. Jones and's Counting Crows, Amy Winehouse, Billy Paul...
Level 76
Jun 26, 2014
Mir means "me" and ich means "I" - so Me and Mr Jones should be "Mir und Herr Jones"
Level 52
May 28, 2019
I like your thinking but this quiz is pretty much translated into correct grammar, "Mir and Mr. Jones" is no correct german grammar ;)
Level 90
Jul 5, 2019
What he said. Germans correctly use the nominative "I" and avoid Americans' hypercorrection error of "[preposition] you and I".
Level 78
Aug 1, 2014
I think Frau Clark would be happy with this score. 15/20 and I haven't taken German since 2nd and 3rd year in college almost 40 years ago.
Level 63
Jan 20, 2016
"Schwarze Magie Frau" is the literal translation of "Black Magic Woman" as in word for word but no one would say that and I'm pretty sure it isn't meant that way. "Magic" not only translates to the noun "Magie" but also to the feature "magisch". So "Schwarze magische Frau" would be more fitting and correct.
Level 84
Apr 20, 2017
The translation is false but yours as well. Schwarze magische Frau means she's black and magic. Unfortunately my German isn't good enough to correct it.
Level 78
Nov 26, 2018
There are only clumsy ways to say that in German. "Schwarzmagische Frau" would be most accurate if a little odd. To be fair, it's odd in English already. You wouldn't say "Math Teaching Woman" either.
Level 90
Jul 5, 2019
She's not magical nor black. Magic is a noun modified by black.
Level 43
Jun 4, 2016
Please accept 'I am on a boat', 'Dancing on the street' and maybe 'Let the good times go', since that would be the literal translation.
Level 90
Jul 5, 2019
But they're not song titles.
Level 84
Apr 20, 2017
Ring of Fire would be better translated as Feuerring.
Level 32
May 9, 2017
Waidmann's Heil, Feuir Frei Ich tu dir wie, Links 2 3 4, Ich Wil Sonne, Mein Hertz Brennet
Level 71
Aug 30, 2019
Waidmanns Heil, Feuer Frei, Ich tu dir weh, Links 2 3 4, Ich will, Sonne and Mein Herz brennt
Level 66
Oct 31, 2019
Waidmanns Dank.
Level 40
Oct 23, 2017
Accept "Lovely Day" for Schöner Tag? It translates the same, and it is a Bill Withers song.
Level 36
Nov 17, 2017
"Freitags" is given as a plural; therefore shouldn't Fridays be correct?,
Level 69
Jan 12, 2024
"Freitags" is an adverb, meaning "on a Friday" or "on Fridays". The plural of "Freitag" (Friday) would be "Freitage".
Level 72
Jan 17, 2019
Shouldnt it be Tanz mit meinem Vater, otherwise the translation would be dancing with my father. And surely there is a better translation for let the good times roll. You could actually use rollen instead of gehen. If you want to use another word because it is to similar I suggest wirbeln/würfeln but that means more spin (which you do when you roll) I guess whirl
Level 72
Jan 17, 2019
btw I never heard of like 3/4 of these songs. While with the other song quizes I have heard of 3/4 (the titles atleast most of the time never actually knew any of the songs, but that is different)
Level 96
Mar 6, 2019
i liked how sometimes i got the translation by knowing the song while in other cases i just translated word by word and got a song i never heard, very well balanced quiz!

All in all i got all but 2 and i almost thought i could speak german lol, no way

Level 36
Jul 29, 2019
Wouldn't accept "Body and Soul"for me.
Level 82
Sep 16, 2020
sehr amüsant.
Level 65
Oct 22, 2020
"Tanzen in der Straße", "Freitag bin ich verliebt" and "Lass die guten Zeiten gehen" would fit better in this cases :)
Level 41
Jun 5, 2021
Not sure "Lassen die Guten Zeiten Gehen" is a good translation. "Roll" and "Gehen" aren't really the same and "Lassen" doesn't really work without it being directed at someone.
Level 81
Dec 8, 2022
Lassen without a pronoun is the infinitive form. You need the imperative, and you need to decide which person perspective to take. My guess is that the title of this song connotes either the first person plural (let us make the good times roll) or the second person (you let the good times roll). First person plural is "Lassen wir dir guten Zeiten ..." and the second person is either "Lass du die guten Zeiten ..." (singular form) or "Lasst ihr die guten Zeiten ..." (plural).

As a native speaker, my best suggestion is "Lassen wir die guten Zeiten steigen," but that still sound stodgy because "good times" does not translate well. Maybe pick another song title?

Level 76
Jul 20, 2023
Ich moechte diese Lieder jetzt hoeren, ich kann sie mir in Gedanken vorstellen. Echt cool quiz!
Level 70
Aug 3, 2023
would be good to add a comma after "Friday" to make it less confusing. Also "roll" is "rollen" not "gehen"
Level 69
Apr 18, 2024
Some of These are NOT direct translations. Rework them.
Level 34
Aug 31, 2024
As a non-native English and German speaker who never heard of most of those songs, I wrote this: The good times give (: