It was actually the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, but it did get incorporated into later versions of the flag of the Confederate States of America.
And I spelled it "confederation" for the flag and "Thrummond" for the senator. Also "storm" wasn't acceptable for the hurricane question. They are storms!
I second this. While his background is a stint in the South Carolina state senate, he is known at the beginning of the series as the House Majority Whip.
And British star was less "handsy". Although I don't think it was believable that the to-be Prime Minister would personally toss a reporter off the roof of Parliament. It seems more reasonable to assume that he'd delegate the task.
Never seen House of Cards but can't imagine it jumping the shark any more than.... season 3 of Gargoyles, season 8 of Dexter, the last season of Game of Thrones, or the final 2 episodes of Evangelion (fixed by the release of the End of Evangelion movie).
If you were an Alabama fan you'd remember their song, "Dancin', Shaggin' on the Boulevard." They played a lot of clubs in Myrtle Beach. (Apologies to my British friends who have a somewhat different definition of shag.)
allow ‘storm’ for hurricane? i know they’re not strictly the same, but i would say knowing they’re extreme wind weather events is the spirit of the question
These state quizzes are far more particular than the country quizzes. Given that they're currently being featured for 50 straight days on the home page, it would be nice to make them a bit more inviting for our international friends.
South Carolina doesn't have a whole lot of stuff that even the average American knows about. It would be really hard to populate a quiz like this with questions that foreigners would know.
Since the country quizzes have a lot of generic questions, one could ask these about South Carolina: "Named after this English king" (Charles I.), "Borders this body of water" (Atlantic Ocean), "Above mentioned city [Charleston] was a major hub of this trade, for which it apologized in 2018" (slave trade), "Largest other state SC borders" (Georgia). That would make the quiz easier for foreigners but much less interesting and educational. I tend to prefer the way it is now.
This Scot got 4/20. This might be the first quiz I got 0 points for. I usually avoid the States quizzes because I just don't know much at all about them.
I'm currently working on perfecting Africa, so maybe in a year or two...
South Carolina is just the greatest place in the world, I don't care what other people say. we have mountains, beaches, forests, and luxury resorts. I've lived here my whole life; it is the greatest.💪
I'm currently working on perfecting Africa, so maybe in a year or two...