When I saw this quiz, my first thought was Top Gun / beach volleyball. There must be a second movie that depicts volleyball, but I can't think of one yet.
There was one with C Thomas Howell the blonde guy from thirtysomething and I think Courtney Thorne Smith called Sideout from the late 80s. It was in the HBO regular rotation the summer I broke my femur when I was 14 so I watched it more times than I remember. Had a lot of the pro volleyball players from the time like Sinjin Smith, Randy Stoklas and Steve Timmons.
Still waiting for a movie about buzkashi. A gold mine just waiting to be struck.
(If you've never heard of it, you have no idea what you are missing. There is a 2-minute video on YouTube that gives possibly the most perfect explanation of the game. You'll never look at goats the same way again.)
Off the top of my head there's probably only "Fire in Babylon" that non cricket fans might have heard of. Maybe "Lagaan", it's a big maybe though.
It's in other films, but I doubt cricket is anyone's first thought when they hear something like "Bend if Like Beckham", although it's a major sub-plot.
There's also apparently an Indian film called "Victory" about cricket, which technically makes it one of the answers here.
So annoyed I didn’t get Chariots of Fire, great film, but didn’t try running. I tried track, athletics, racing, 400m, 200m, 100m. Should have gone simple. Good quiz tho :-)
19/20 - finally some sports questions I know about. I'm still not used to calling the film Belleville Rendevous, the UK title, The Triplets of Belleville, its US title. It's not even about them!
Table Tennis is the Olympic sport, with rubber paddles and fast gameplay and a lot of spin.
Ping Pong is just a game, with sandpaper paddles and a slow pace.
(If you've never heard of it, you have no idea what you are missing. There is a 2-minute video on YouTube that gives possibly the most perfect explanation of the game. You'll never look at goats the same way again.)
It's in other films, but I doubt cricket is anyone's first thought when they hear something like "Bend if Like Beckham", although it's a major sub-plot.
There's also apparently an Indian film called "Victory" about cricket, which technically makes it one of the answers here.
I may or may not be a huge fan of his