The prequels are underrated people just like to complain. I actually didn't find the new one that great. No training and this chick is taking on a trained force user... Okay.
The difference between the prequels and the sequels is that for invested star wars fans, there is more supplementary media of the prequels. And by that I mean the Clone Wars Tv show exists. With it, Anakin's fall is realistic. The Jedi actually seem corrupt. You don't cringe every time Padme is on the screen. The clones are actually human beings, not just a plot device like in the movies. The Clone wars is possibly the best star wars, outside of the first two movies. The prequels form a coherent story. The sequels do not. There is no character growth, there are no stakes, and nothing makes sense. Every sequel is a better individual movie than in the context of star wars. The prequels are the exact opposite.
Agree with some of what you said, benf. Part of the reason that the sequels are bad is because they are supposed to be sequels... and the crap all over the films that they are supposed to be sequels to... and even crap all over each other as Rian decided to completely toss out JJ's plan, and JJ spent half of episode 9 undoing everything Rian did. If Johnson wanted to make his own space movie about the evils of horse racing and female empowerment, he should have done that. Not destroyed a franchise and ruined the story arc by making a 2nd film in a trilogy that didn't go with the 1st or 3rd.
On the other hand, I disagree that the sequels were good by themselves. 7 was derivative and full of inside jokes and references for Star Wars fans. It was badly written regardless, but if old Star Wars didn't exist it would have fallen even more flat than it did. And then 8 and 9, even if you ignore how badly they handle the lore and characters, are straight up boring movies.
I mean episode 9 was just *terrible*. The writing and plotting and even the action set pieces made *no* sense. You could tell they were trying so hard to be epic but they failed on every level. I think I had more fun watching some of the Fast & the Furious movies. I definitely had more fun watching the first Transformers and later Bumblebee. And I frickin' hate the Michael Bay Transformers movies. But it was really that bad.
Another hilarious insult to those people who think Boba Fett is a noteworthy character!
Shocked not to see Jabba the Hutt or Darth Maul on this list... that epic lightsaber battle *HAD* to have had helped contribute more than 10 minutes worth of screen time to this list?
It's not that it's an opinion. If you polled Star Wars fans about their favorite Star Wars movie, I *guarantee* you that at least 90% of those answering any of the prequel films are under 35. And if you eliminated episode 3 then it would be 99%. Star Wars fans that are 40+ are going to overwhelmingly answer with one of the films in the original trilogy; those are the films they grew up with, and they are more sensitive to and aware of the changes and deficiencies in the later films. Also the older fans are less likely to care about the dated special FX or fight choreography. When they first saw the OT the FX were amazing. But that was 40 years ago.
I'm wondering why this was featured again now, when it isn't updated for Episode VIII. These numbers are obviously wrong now, with huge increases for Luke, Leia, Rey, and Kylo Ren. Besides smaller increases for C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca, and Yoda, Poe Dameron probably makes the list now, with Poe and BB-8 both overtaking Dooku. Also, your Source link is dead.
don't forget obnoxious Vietnamese girl. She had a pretty big part in The Last Jedi (movie I'm ever going to see). Pretty sure it was more than 10 minutes. Felt like 10 hours.
Or probably should have just been featured before the 8th movie came out. There's not much that can be done now since, as you pointed out, there is no source any longer. I changed the description to say "first seven movies".
Would be Interesting to see an updated version now that The Last Jedi is out, also could you maybe accept Fin with one n as well, I was very confused when It didn't show.
Aww, I was rooting for Wicket to sneak in there. That scene with Leia where they sit on a log and he eats her Snickers bar felt like at least 10 minutes when I was a kid...
With all the hate going on in these comments, I just wanna say one thing :
Each of the 10 movies released today are great pieces of the Star Wars universe. They all have their flaws in different ways of course, but they also all have something great about them.
And mostly you don't get to choose what is Star Wars and what isn't. It's a big, diverse universe (hah that's funny to say) with a constantly expanding lore and a ton of different stories to tell. Just enjoy it, or don't, but at least let others enjoy it in peace.
There was not a single thing great about The Last Jedi in terms or story or character or anything that matters. It had some nice looking visual effects. That's it.
TLJ wasn't perfect or even great, but it certainly wasn't the train wreck that you claim it to be. It had creative new ideas and I might be in the minority when I say this, but I like what they did with Luke's Character. One of the main ideas in the Prequels was that the Jedi certainly weren't perfect. When Luke finds this out by looking into the Jedi more carefully (coupled with the Kylo Ren debacle that I did not like), he abandons the force and the Jedi. It also portrays Luke as the exact opposite of what people were saying he was in TFA, just a normal man and not a god that will single handedly win the war by "swinging a laser sword," I thought it was a great change of pace for the most part. I did, however, think Canto Bight was one of the worst storylines in Star Wars... but that didn't really matter to me much because i was legitimately interested in the Kylo Ren and Rey connection that we had never seen before in a Star Wars movie.
@Barrett77 , as much as I understand he wouldn't single-handedly take down the First Order, I refuse to believe that Luke would attack Ben Solo and give up on rebuilding the Jedi Order. The Jedi in the prequels were far from perfect, becoming tools of the republic and soldiers. But the idea of the Jedi before that time was to serve the Force and keep balance (aka, no dark side). The point of the prequels was to get rid of the old Jedi to begin anew.
As for the new take and new direction, it wasn't horrible on its own, but Rian destroyed everything before him and left nothing to build on. He actually said in an interview that he didn't care about the big picture and only cared about the film he was creating. That's just not the attitude to have when creating the middle 'glue' film in a Star Wars trilogy. In a standalone film? Sure. In your own trilogy? Go for it. But it wasn't his trilogy, just his film in a trilogy of other directors and writers. Also as a note, I like the prequels.
I'm going to say something controversial. I liked the prequels, say what you want about the acting. TPM introduced us to the characters and explained Palpatine's rise to power, how Anakin became a Jedi, AotC showed us Anakin's rise to power, how Palpatine got dictator-ish powers, the clones, RofS was the best of the prequels. That showed us how Anakin turned evil, why Luke was at Tatooine and why Obi-Wan was there, why there are no Jedis, the rise of the Empire and the creation of Darth Vader. I'll agree that TLJ and TFA attempted to recreate the Star Wars hype with worse characters that didn't add anything, at least the prequels were relevant to the originals. Rogue One was good too, explained the flaws of the original of how they got the plans and why the Death Star was easy to destroy.
We all knew what the prequels were going to be about before they were made, and they ticked off most of those boxes. They just could have done a much better job doing it. Also, sometimes, offering up a weak explanation for something is worse than offering no explanation at all. If the audience is left to wonder they can come up with better explanations in their imaginations.
Anakin isn't the same person as Darth Vader. Allthough he is transformed into Vader, his identity isn't the same. Even Vader said that Anakin Skywalker was no more.
I was pre teen when Star Wars came .I thought they were OK. To watch them as an adult they were just awful.With so many wonderful movies made over the years I have to laugh at some peoples (adults) obsession with what are very average kids movies. GROW UP people.
i think the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6th episode should have remained the way they were. the others are just over the top and pointless. Idk thats just me. Poe is pretty cool though.
For all of their many faults, most of which have been outlined above, the prequels have it all over the disney travesties for several reasons:
1. Each prequel is objectively better than the one before it.
2. Each prequel features progressively less Jar-Jar than the one before it (see 1).
3. Each prequel makes sense on its own, while the same can be said for the trilogy as a whole.
4. George Lucas largely succeeded in creating a new generation of Star Wars fans by making a new trilogy just for them. He's stated that the prequels were not for the original fans, but for the kids of the 1990s. In my experience, many (but not all) of the people who were 8 - 12 when T.P.M. came out like that "their" trilogy a lot more than we do (at least when they don't have a middle aged guy shouting them down). Kudos, George.
5. In contrast, it seems that the nicest thing anyone can say about the disney "efforts" is that they are divisive.
As for Rogue 1, it's hamstrung from the start. If you'd seen A New Hope, you knew their plan had to succeed, and that every character had to die by the end.
Also, fake Leia and Tarkin took me out of the movie, Vader being humourless is a PUNdamental part of Star Wars (see what I did there?), while having a blind man beat armoured Storm Troopers to death with a stick makes them even more of a joke than they were with their lousy aim in the originals.
For those of us that grew up watching the original films (episodes 4 - 6), there was something magical about them. I don't know if it because I was a kid when I saw them for the first time, or if it was because there was nothing like them at the time, but there was a magic there that I don't think Lucas was ever able to capture in the prequels. I think I would have enjoyed the prequels much better if Jar Jar had been killed off sooner. He ruined the first movie for me.
Great quiz, but unfortunately there are five characters which aren't in Star Wars. Maybe they are from another movie franchise I don't know? I think you mixed something there.
On the other hand, I disagree that the sequels were good by themselves. 7 was derivative and full of inside jokes and references for Star Wars fans. It was badly written regardless, but if old Star Wars didn't exist it would have fallen even more flat than it did. And then 8 and 9, even if you ignore how badly they handle the lore and characters, are straight up boring movies.
Shocked not to see Jabba the Hutt or Darth Maul on this list... that epic lightsaber battle *HAD* to have had helped contribute more than 10 minutes worth of screen time to this list?
Each of the 10 movies released today are great pieces of the Star Wars universe. They all have their flaws in different ways of course, but they also all have something great about them.
And mostly you don't get to choose what is Star Wars and what isn't. It's a big, diverse universe (hah that's funny to say) with a constantly expanding lore and a ton of different stories to tell. Just enjoy it, or don't, but at least let others enjoy it in peace.
TLJ is abysmally bad on every level.
As for the new take and new direction, it wasn't horrible on its own, but Rian destroyed everything before him and left nothing to build on. He actually said in an interview that he didn't care about the big picture and only cared about the film he was creating. That's just not the attitude to have when creating the middle 'glue' film in a Star Wars trilogy. In a standalone film? Sure. In your own trilogy? Go for it. But it wasn't his trilogy, just his film in a trilogy of other directors and writers. Also as a note, I like the prequels.
dang it
even though boba makes more apperances than jar jar! look!
Jar Jar: episodes 1,2,3
boba fett: episodes 4,5,6, clone wars, mandalorian, original holiday special
1. Each prequel is objectively better than the one before it.
2. Each prequel features progressively less Jar-Jar than the one before it (see 1).
3. Each prequel makes sense on its own, while the same can be said for the trilogy as a whole.
4. George Lucas largely succeeded in creating a new generation of Star Wars fans by making a new trilogy just for them. He's stated that the prequels were not for the original fans, but for the kids of the 1990s. In my experience, many (but not all) of the people who were 8 - 12 when T.P.M. came out like that "their" trilogy a lot more than we do (at least when they don't have a middle aged guy shouting them down). Kudos, George.
5. In contrast, it seems that the nicest thing anyone can say about the disney "efforts" is that they are divisive.
Also, fake Leia and Tarkin took me out of the movie, Vader being humourless is a PUNdamental part of Star Wars (see what I did there?), while having a blind man beat armoured Storm Troopers to death with a stick makes them even more of a joke than they were with their lousy aim in the originals.