
Star Wars Quotes

Fill in the missing words to these quotes from the "Star Wars" movies.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: November 2, 2018
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First submittedMarch 14, 2013
Times taken151,385
Average score70.6%
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Who Says It
Title Sequence
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away
I've got a bad feeling about this
Princess Leia
Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
That's no moon. It's a space station.
May the force be with you
Darth Vader
I find your lack of faith disturbing
Obi-Wan Kenobi
These aren't the droids you're looking for
Do. Or do not. There is no try.
Princess Leia
Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?
Darth Vader
I am your father
When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good, you will not
Han Solo
You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? It's the ship that made the
Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of voices suddenly
cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced
Admiral Ackbar
It's a TRAP!!!
Qui-Gon Jinn
There's always a bigger fish
Han Solo
Never tell me the odds
Darth Vader
I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.
105 Recent Comments
Level 68
Jun 16, 2013
I love Star Wars I got them all except the Yoda, 900 years old one. I put "look so good" I knew I had the first and last word but i wasn't sure what the middle word was.
Level 81
Dec 18, 2015
There are probably only 10 or so words it could possibly be
Level 63
Jan 11, 2016
Me too.
Level 57
Sep 29, 2016
Can't believe that's the least guessed...I haven't seen any of these movies in 10 years, but still got that one with ease (and with a chuckle!).
Level 61
Oct 6, 2016
Level 26
Mar 1, 2020
I tried "look this good"
Level 36
Aug 15, 2020
Only star wars nerds would know it's "look as good"
Level 49
Jun 16, 2013
Nice quiz. 100%.
Level 27
Jun 16, 2013
Less than 12 parsecs... lol... that's a unit of length :P
Level 37
Jun 16, 2013
dude, youre like 50 lightyears late...
Level 27
Jun 17, 2013
Someone got to mention it.
Level 66
Oct 30, 2018
I'm hoping the "lightyears" thing was tongue in cheek, since that's also a unit of distance.
Level 35
May 8, 2015
Yes, it is. It is referring to the distance from the black holes that surround the Kessel Run. NOT a mistake.
Level 78
Jul 25, 2018
I suggest everyone watch "Solo - a Star Wars Story". There the mystery about it all is also visually "explained". So, definitely not a mistake.
Level 66
Oct 30, 2018
Bah! Retcons in order to retroactively make Solo not wrong. I much prefer the idea that Han is just spewing BS thinking that Obi-Wan and Luke don't know any better anyway. If you look at Obi-Wan's reaction to that line, he looks like he knows Han is full of crap.
Level 90
Dec 23, 2019

That. Star Wars movies are so full of glaring holes relevant to the other movies in the series, which the movie makers always claim they planned ahead of time. I'm glad this quiz stuck almost exclusively to the first 2 movies. After that it jumped the Pistris Constellation, even by 10-year olds' standards.

Level 77
Dec 7, 2021
From what I remember from the Solo movie, there was a whirlwind of CGI vomit in that insufferably long scene, hardly a visual explanation.
Level 61
Oct 6, 2016
That is the one thing I truly hate about Star Wars. That one quote. It's just wrong.
Level 66
Jan 15, 2020
In a galaxy far far away, a Parsec is a unit of speed. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Level 77
Dec 7, 2021
Ah, the lazy "it's fiction/fantasy" excuse. The problem is one will naturally associate words used in fiction with their meanings in the real world, so unless a different meaning is specifically stated, it's reasonable to call out the error. Otherwise we have to doubt the meaning of every single word uttered.

When Vader says "I am your father", does he mean "father" the way understand it? It's fiction after all, so who knows!

That's a sure way to BS yourself out of any and every mistake. Lazy and bad writing.

Level 43
Jul 3, 2020
yes, this is gone over in Solo: A StarWars Story

The point is that the ship is powerful enough to cut next through some black holes and thus shorten the distance needed to do the Kessel Run.

Level 90
Jan 30, 2021
Powerful enough to cut through a black hole? Was Stephen Hawking consulted?
Level 77
Dec 7, 2021
And powerful enough to even cut through some plot holes!

Some people have a hard time grasping what a retcon is.

Level 44
Jun 17, 2013
Not so challenging that was, hmmmm?
Level 7
Dec 7, 2013
Wow great quiz. I only just realized that I must be a geek since I could answer all of these without thinking to hard. The only one that I had a little trouble with was the Han Solo quote and the 12 parsecs
Level 33
Jun 4, 2014
Nailed them all, but had to think about that Qui-Gon one. The prequels should not be a part of this!!!
Level 32
Mar 3, 2020
Why not, they are just as Starwars as the originals. I thought hating the prequels was old by now
Level 40
Dec 17, 2021
Prequels are so underrated. and way better than the sequels.
Level 55
Jun 4, 2014
I've never really felt Darth Vader's "I'm altering the deal" line to be iconic, and ordinarily wouldn't have remembered it. But I did because Robot Chicken really took it to extremes. One of those things that you laugh harder the next time you see the original.
Level 12
Dec 4, 2014
Yeah, good quiz. Got them all, 2:43 to spare. Still, some of them made me think. Keep making quizzes!
Level 78
Dec 18, 2015
Almost a perfect quiz, but you had to ruin it with a quote from one of the prequels. You and George Lucas.
Level 12
Jul 9, 2017
Hey the prequels are great. General Grievous and his horde of fangirls (including me) are the only reason people haven't rioted in the streets because of the prequels
Level 81
Jul 26, 2018
They weren't great but they were better than the Disney trilogy by a long shot.
Level 22
Apr 6, 2021
We do not speak of those atrocities
Level 56
Dec 18, 2015
Saw the first three movies years ago, nothing since. So 10 isn't too bad!
Level 41
Dec 18, 2015
Has anyone seen the movie yet?
Level 67
Dec 19, 2015
I find your lack of capitalizing the word "Force" disturbing.
Level 43
Dec 26, 2015
It is Luke, I am your father, not I am your father. That just makes sound wrong.
Level 71
Jul 25, 2018
@Geomaster123: Even if you were right (which you aren't), "I am your father" would still be a quote from the movie, whether you chose to include the "Luke" that comes before or not. But hey, Vader doesn't say Luke anyways, so...
Level 41
Jun 23, 2019
He actually say "no, I am your father" so you would be wrong anyway.
Level 43
Dec 26, 2015
I got all YAY!!!! :D
Level 68
Jan 2, 2016
What is Star Wars?
Level 30
Oct 6, 2016
Something about the USS Enterprise?? I am surprised that "Live long and Prosper" wasn't on this list, classic Star Wars quote. Same with "Marty, we've got to go back..." So many classic quotes missed. "Meesa Jar Jar Binks" is a personal favourite of mine.
Level 61
Apr 18, 2018
Star Trek
Level 74
Jul 26, 2018
Possums, don't forget, "But Yogurt, what if I never see you again," and "Are you playing with your dolls again?"
Level 28
Feb 24, 2016
Finished with 2:57 left. May The Force Be With All Of You And Try To Beat Me......Wait......There Is Only Do Or Do Not, Right?
Level 67
Oct 18, 2024
Only Sith deal in absolutes
Level 63
Jun 21, 2016
[Vader]: "All too ____"
Level 28
Sep 16, 2016
Level 21
Oct 6, 2016
someone make another one this was fun
Level 52
Jan 25, 2017
I only knew about the parsecs quote because recently I was doing my rounds (I deliver magazines) and my dad texted me it because he saw a car with that on the back. I didn't get the reference because I was new to the series, but that same evening we watched a new hope in tribute to Carrie Fisher, who had died around that time. My dad then poked me when it got to the scene. :P
Level 12
Apr 30, 2017
You really should have put General Grievous's quote " Army or not, you must realize you are doomed."
Level 79
Dec 7, 2021
Not iconic at all. Even reading that line I can't remember him saying it.
Level 67
Oct 18, 2024
"Hello there"

"General Kenobi"

Level 12
May 29, 2017
George put J## J## in the original trilogy. He says "Wesa free!" after the destruction of the second Death Star when everyone in the galaxy is celebrating.
Level 90
Dec 23, 2019
Whatever, that poorly acted talk fest of stupefying dialogue was the downfall of the original 3 anyway.
Level 37
Oct 29, 2017
100% with 3:19 on my second try! The force is with me!
Level 61
Nov 16, 2017
Attack of the clones is by far the best Star Wars movie, followed by the Phantom Menace. Everything looks so fake in the old movies. They're so lame lol
Level 81
Apr 18, 2018
Your taste in film is as sharp as your grasp of geopolitics.
Level 74
Jul 25, 2018
Why make a relevant comment that people might gain something from reading when you could passive aggressively snipe at someone you have a silly gripe with?
Level 81
Jul 25, 2018
I don't know Pharley but if that's what you want to do then go ahead. Speaking of silly gripes, who the heck are you?
Level 32
Mar 3, 2020
i agree, some old people like the originals but forget them.
Level 22
Apr 6, 2021
The originals may not have anywhere near the same level of graphics, but they are classic, and at the time, they were incredible. Now that we have much better graphics, too many people look down at the originals, when they were doing the best that they possibly could.
Level 72
Dec 5, 2021
Level 91
Jul 25, 2018
Somehow despite Leia saying it first in Empire, it’s always Admiral Ackbar that gets credit for “It’s a trap!”
Level 90
Jan 30, 2021
And she was a better looker than the fish head soup guy.
Level 66
Jul 25, 2018
I only got 10/17. I've only seen the force awakens and the last jedi. personally. I didn't care for them.
Level 74
Jul 26, 2018
Imagine yourself in a world where the only special effects you had seen were a plastic model of the Enterprise dangled in front of a black paper with holes punched in it for stars, and characters throwing paper boulders at enemies. Then see the original Star Wars trilogy made before CGI. The sequels and prequels just don't have it. They traded the humor, the spirituality, and the magic of the original trilogy for one scene after another of fast-paced action similar to those seen in any number of modern movies. Ho-hum.
Level 81
Sep 24, 2020
New Star Wars is trash, but if you want to see a series of films that capture the magic of the original Star Wars trilogy and push FX to the limit at the same time you ought to check out the Avengers films, Ander. Start with Iron Man and if you like that one you can find a list of Marvel Cinematic Universe films on Wikipedia and know which to watch next. I'm sure a cool grandma like you probably has Disney +, right?
Level 81
Sep 24, 2020
Lots of humor, I wouldn't say "spirituality" - but lots of good themes and soul searching and rewarding character arcs, and exhilarating action as a bonus. All the grandmas around here (my mom, and my aunt) love these movies. Give them a chance sometime.
Level 40
Jan 31, 2019
i bet it in under a minute hehe
Level 62
Feb 24, 2019
Got them all with 3:19 remaining at 6:57:17 PM on February 24, 2019. As a Star Wars fan, this quiz was great! What's more is that, by earning this quiz's five points, my total was increased to 902, putting me at Level 32!
Level 59
Mar 17, 2019
but where is the high ground
Level 65
Nov 12, 2019
"____. Most _____." Thanks for the quiz.
Level 72
Jan 15, 2020
Level 32
Mar 3, 2020
What about the droid attack on the wookies????
Level 72
Apr 11, 2020
3:20 remaining
Level 36
Dec 9, 2020
'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away' is not a quote.
Level 74
Dec 7, 2021
You're literally quoting it!
Level 29
Dec 18, 2020
Level 72
Jan 10, 2021
Bigger fish isn't a quote unique to Star Wars.
Level 90
Jan 30, 2021
That is an oldie and the only reason I got it. When I saw Qing something came up as a character I almost skipped it thinking I had fallen into later sequel territory.
Level 15
Mar 9, 2021
All too easy...
Level 50
Apr 1, 2021
Wait...Vader's his FATHER?!?

Thanks for the spoiler alert!

Level 22
Apr 6, 2021
Are you telling me that you went on a Star Wars quiz WITHOUT seeing the ORIGINAL trilogy?!?!
Level 56
May 4, 2023
Sometimes it’s hard to miss the humor—not.
Level 46
Apr 7, 2021
all too easy, didn't have to think twice about any of them
Level 69
Dec 7, 2021
Who here was spoiled that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker’s father before watching The Empire Strikes Back?
Level 74
Dec 7, 2021
I was, when it first came out, at school.

But it really wasn't a big deal, because kids say all sorts of stupid things and even then I'd learned that mostly, kids are stupid and say all sorts of untrue things. I may have heard someone claim that Leia got naked and "you could see everything", too. I didn't have much of a reason to believe it. So I don't really think it was "spoiled."

It also wasn't so much of a big deal to "spoil" a story then, because if a story is "spoiled" for you by knowing the ending or by knowing a central twist, it wasn't a very good story in the first place. The idea that spoiling a story is some grievous sin really gained traction during the Oscar campaign for The Crying Game and has gotten more popular since.

That said, I never try to reveal endings or twists to people and I'd say it's usually discourteous to do.

Level 78
May 4, 2023
I'm guessing the vast majority of people born after 1980. I was born in 1981, and I literally do not remember a time I didn't know that.
Level 81
Dec 7, 2021
Omit that one outlier and you've got yourself one amazing quiz right here.
Level 39
Dec 7, 2021
gotem all in a minute. Lol u should add anakins constant whining quotes, like the sand quote, high ground, and "what? This is outrageous. Its unfair..."
Level 49
Feb 4, 2022
It seems for me like only quotes from the OT was used, except "There is always a bigger fish". Maybe someone makes a quiz about the Prequel quotes.
Level 25
Dec 8, 2021
Glad you put "I am your father". If you had put Luke in front of that quote we would have issues.
Level 41
Sep 24, 2022
The 1% who didn't get In a Galaxy Far Far Away. :(
Level 71
Feb 2, 2023
Never watched it, got 4
Level 72
May 4, 2023
Watch it
Level 43
May 2, 2023
Nice. Only lines from the canon.
Level 72
May 4, 2023
26 seconds
Level 72
May 4, 2023
Almost typed in 4th for Force. Happy May the 4th
Level 67
May 4, 2023
"May the Fourth Be With You."
Level 23
May 4, 2023
I know absolutely nothing about Star Wars. (Only did the quiz cause of the date) Got 2/17
Level 67
May 4, 2023
What about "laugh it up, fuzzball".
Level 34
Apr 30, 2024
Great quiz
Level 38
Oct 7, 2024
Qui gon on here 💀bro think he part of the team