
Vocabulary Words Ending in "Ster"

Based on a definition, try to guess these words ending in the letters "ster".
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 26, 2021
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First submittedDecember 6, 2011
Times taken41,609
Average score65.0%
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Slang for a tornado
High-grossing film
King's fool
Handrail on a staircase
Trendy person
British school principal
One type of British lawyer
One third of a pregnancy
A man who sews
Place in a monastery devoted to
religious seclusion
Older unmarried woman
Evil. Originally, it also mean "left".
To stuff and cover furniture
Circus leader
Popular synthetic fiber used in clothing
Delay tactic in the U.S. senate
Sports car without a fixed roof
To isolate a jury from outside influence
Member of a criminal enterprise
Case for carrying a gun on one's waist
Level 50
May 12, 2014
As a sewing professional and word geek, I'll just mention that "sempster" is a valid (and older) alternate spelling. Also the not-very-p.c. "sempstress", but that doesn't fit this quiz.
Level 45
Jun 18, 2014
Did you hear about the man who fell into the upholstery machine?

Don't worry, he's fully recovered.

Level 76
Aug 16, 2014
That's my kind of (bad) joke : )
Level 90
Jun 6, 2021
His poor wife was so startled, she backed into a fan. Disaster.
Level 66
Oct 11, 2021
Disaster! That's a good -ster word.
Level 37
Aug 16, 2014
"Quartermaster" threw me off because I was in the Navy - it means something very different there.
Level 69
Aug 16, 2014
I have to be honest, I have never heard of a seamster. Feeling pretty stupid right now.
Level 92
Apr 30, 2015
Surely you've heard of a seamstress? And you can probably figure out how the male counterpart would be named (actor-actress, mister-mistress, adulterer-adulteress). I'd never heard the term before either, but that's how I figured it out.
Level 78
Apr 26, 2015
No "Quizmaster"?
Level 76
Mar 26, 2021
He's there, in bold at line 3.
Level 44
Jun 5, 2021
Level 74
Sep 7, 2016
A spinster is not necessarily old...and its a much better word than "bachelorette"
Level 90
Apr 15, 2021
It's anecdotal, but I just polled every young woman in my office and it was unanimous...they'd all rather be called a bachelorette than a spinster! ;)
Level 77
Feb 24, 2018
So I tried reupholster time and time and time again. Could not figure out why it wouldn't work. I guess something needs to be upholstered before it can be reupholstered. Doesn't help that I'm sitting on a couch that needs to reupholstered
Level 79
Jan 6, 2021
the word always makes me think of Patrick Leigh Fermor's definition of domestic cats - 'interior desecrators and downholsterers'.
Level 91
Feb 17, 2023
A fan of sh*t and noise machines instead was he?
Level 82
Apr 3, 2018
Filibusters don't only happen in the US Senate. They happen in many parliaments around the world, and often in the lower house as well as the senate.
Level 81
Mar 30, 2021
Agreed! You may wish to generalize this - filibuster happens in Canada at both federal and provincial levels, and there certainly are no senates in provincial government.
Level ∞
Mar 30, 2021
If we generalize it people will complain about all the places where it doesn't happen.
Level 91
Feb 17, 2023
Ditto in the UK. They’re a great example of democracy working honestly for the people…
Level 82
Mar 26, 2021
Got 5*. It's ok but don't really understand why more challenging quizzes don't get featured. No offence meant
Level 88
Mar 27, 2021
Going through the winter semester in my room, watching my hamster spinning his wheel, trying to master this quiz, or just bluster my way through it.
Level 94
Mar 28, 2021
got stuck on the car one, all I could think of was boxster.
Level 43
Jun 5, 2021
I could only think of "speedster", which I think the "sports car" part actually does hint towards and also fits the brief - I've not really heard of the actual answer before, we just call them convertibles or soft tops
Level 74
Mar 30, 2021
I kept reading the first one as slang for tomato. Clearly I missed that one.
Level 68
Apr 9, 2021
You missed hamster
Level 75
Jun 5, 2021
Yup, that's the only English word ending in -ster that's not in this quiz. I demand my subscription back.
Level 73
Jun 5, 2021
Nope, monster is not on here either. Nor monster hamster for that matter...
Level 43
Jun 6, 2021
Lobster not here neither
Level 61
Jul 7, 2021
Clearly some folks don't get sarcasm...
Level 62
Jun 5, 2021
I tried spinster for the tornado one and was surprised when I found out it was right for a different question lol (In the UK a twister is 2 things, an ice lolly or a game, we dont get tornadoes here)
Level 74
Jun 7, 2021
But a lot of us in the UK would have seen the film with the same name about tornado chasers
Level 72
Jun 5, 2021
Truck-driving union member...
Level 66
Jun 7, 2021
I was expecting to see Teamster here too.
Level 39
Jun 5, 2021
Where is Quizmaster?
Level 61
Jun 5, 2021
I have a couple of issues with this otherwise excellent quiz. Firstly, 'spinster' is widely considered to be a derogatory term so please remove it. Secondly, as previously commented, 'filibuster' is not an exclusively American term so why not replace 'American' with 'many' or 'some'.
Level 53
Jun 5, 2021
Really? "spinster" is derogatory so please remove it? It's a sad day when you can be so triggered by a quiz on the internet.

As far as the filibuster, the question is 100% accurate as it is written, just because other places do the same thing doesn't matter.

Dry your eyes and move on.

Level 75
Jun 5, 2021

Boxster should be accepted.

Also, I suggest that you change clue #9 to "A sewer" and see how many complaints/congratulations you get.

Level 43
Jun 5, 2021
Hahaha yes I think that would trip a lot of people up
Level 66
Jun 7, 2021
A Bannister is not a handrail, Balustrade is a handrail on a staircase, Bannisters are the vertical supports to hold up the handrail.

Also, for the Sinister definition should it be; "it also meant left" not, "it also mean left"?

Level 72
Jun 8, 2021
Merriam-Webster defines a "banister" (which is actually the more common spelling) as either the handrail with its supporting posts, or as the handrail alone.
Level 82
Feb 5, 2024
A bannister is certainly a handrail. It is also the support for the handrail, another word for baluster. A balustrade is another word for the handrail also known as a bannister./
Level 61
Jul 7, 2021
Fun fact: the US and Bangladesh are the only two countries on Earth that experience strong, violent tornadoes on an annual basis.
Level 71
Feb 9, 2022
Pretty sure that's not true. My parents grew up in Bangladesh and they never experienced a tornado. None of my family still living there has ever mentioned it either. Not saying it doesn't happen (apparently the deadliest tornado in history was in Bangladesh), but there are tons of other countries where it happens regularly. Just look at this map--plenty of tornadoes in Canada, Philippines, Japan, and large parts of Europe. And also, as an American I haven't experienced any tornadoes. My point being that even if Bangladesh and the US are particularly tornado-prone, they aren't the only countries where tornadoes occur on a regular basis... and also that, while tornadoes are certainly destructive, they usually only affect so many people.
Level 83
Dec 16, 2022
The key words in the original comment were 'strong, violent'. According to the Met Office, strong tornadoes rarely occur outside of the USA, Canada and Bangladesh. But smaller tornadoes occur almost everywhere - there are allegedly more per square mile in the UK than in the USA, although I'm never quite sure I believe that.
Level 78
Dec 28, 2021
Please consider adding "baluster" as a type-in for stair handrail.
Level 66
Jan 6, 2022
No Comment
Level 91
Feb 17, 2023
Sinister is simply the Latin word for left, and the word for handrail is, well, handrail. Banisters are the vertical supports which sit beneath the handrail
Level 71
Oct 12, 2023
I think it is rare these days in Britain for the terms headmaster/headmistress to be used. People just say "headteacher".