As a sewing professional and word geek, I'll just mention that "sempster" is a valid (and older) alternate spelling. Also the not-very-p.c. "sempstress", but that doesn't fit this quiz.
Surely you've heard of a seamstress? And you can probably figure out how the male counterpart would be named (actor-actress, mister-mistress, adulterer-adulteress). I'd never heard the term before either, but that's how I figured it out.
So I tried reupholster time and time and time again. Could not figure out why it wouldn't work. I guess something needs to be upholstered before it can be reupholstered. Doesn't help that I'm sitting on a couch that needs to reupholstered
Agreed! You may wish to generalize this - filibuster happens in Canada at both federal and provincial levels, and there certainly are no senates in provincial government.
I could only think of "speedster", which I think the "sports car" part actually does hint towards and also fits the brief - I've not really heard of the actual answer before, we just call them convertibles or soft tops
I tried spinster for the tornado one and was surprised when I found out it was right for a different question lol (In the UK a twister is 2 things, an ice lolly or a game, we dont get tornadoes here)
I have a couple of issues with this otherwise excellent quiz. Firstly, 'spinster' is widely considered to be a derogatory term so please remove it. Secondly, as previously commented, 'filibuster' is not an exclusively American term so why not replace 'American' with 'many' or 'some'.
Merriam-Webster defines a "banister" (which is actually the more common spelling) as either the handrail with its supporting posts, or as the handrail alone.
A bannister is certainly a handrail. It is also the support for the handrail, another word for baluster. A balustrade is another word for the handrail also known as a bannister./
Pretty sure that's not true. My parents grew up in Bangladesh and they never experienced a tornado. None of my family still living there has ever mentioned it either. Not saying it doesn't happen (apparently the deadliest tornado in history was in Bangladesh), but there are tons of other countries where it happens regularly. Just look at this map--plenty of tornadoes in Canada, Philippines, Japan, and large parts of Europe. And also, as an American I haven't experienced any tornadoes. My point being that even if Bangladesh and the US are particularly tornado-prone, they aren't the only countries where tornadoes occur on a regular basis... and also that, while tornadoes are certainly destructive, they usually only affect so many people.
The key words in the original comment were 'strong, violent'. According to the Met Office, strong tornadoes rarely occur outside of the USA, Canada and Bangladesh. But smaller tornadoes occur almost everywhere - there are allegedly more per square mile in the UK than in the USA, although I'm never quite sure I believe that.
Sinister is simply the Latin word for left, and the word for handrail is, well, handrail. Banisters are the vertical supports which sit beneath the handrail
Don't worry, he's fully recovered.
As far as the filibuster, the question is 100% accurate as it is written, just because other places do the same thing doesn't matter.
Dry your eyes and move on.
Boxster should be accepted.
Also, I suggest that you change clue #9 to "A sewer" and see how many complaints/congratulations you get.
Also, for the Sinister definition should it be; "it also meant left" not, "it also mean left"?