Year | Description | Answer | % Correct |
1687 | This English scientist explains gravity | Isaac Newton | 98%
1653 | This white marble mausoleum is completed in Mughal India | Taj Mahal | 92%
1662 | This flightless bird of Mauritius goes extinct | Dodo | 90%
1666 | A fire in Pudding Lane spreads and destroys much of this city | London | 90%
1683 | This Middle East empire reaches its maximum territorial extent | Ottoman Empire | 85%
1637 | Dutch speculators go wild for this type of flower | Tulip | 81%
1603 | The Edo period begins in this country | Japan | 77%
1620 | This ship carries the first Pilgrims to Massachusetts | Mayflower | 77%
1688 | The Glorious Revolution brings this Dutch king to England | {William} of Orange | 75%
1633 | This scientist is punished by the Roman Inquisition for espousing heliocentrism | Galileo Galilei | 72%
1653 | This military leader becomes Lord Protector of England | Oliver Cromwell | 72%
1643 | This "Sun King" is crowned | Louis XIV | 69%
1605 | Guy Fawkes and other radicals launch this plot to blow up Parliament | {Gunpowder} Plot | 64%
1611 | This very popular English bible is completed | King James Version | 63%
1602– | This country dominates the spice trade | Netherlands | 63%
1605 | Miguel de Cervantes publishes this novel | Don Quixote | 61%
1637 | This philosopher writes "Cogito ergo sum" - I think, therefore I am | René Descartes | 59%
1618–1648 | This war devastates most of Germany | Thirty Years' War | 49%
1644 | This dynasty comes to power in China | Qing | 44%
1670 | This fur trading company, Canada's oldest, is established | Hudson's Bay Company | 34%
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