judging by that performance I think I must have slept through most of the 2000's under my slanket!- PS could you make that an accepible answer for the blanket one please?
iPod wasn't really a fad though, the only reason we don't still use them is because we have new technology that functions as an iPod and works as a phone as well. Fad implies that people got bored of something just because the novelty wore off, but iPods become a core thing concept for phones to have.
So, Just because an iphone can do what an ipod does, that's supposed to mean ipods are still popular? a Wii can do everything that an NES can, plus a million other things. But I wouldn't say that NES is still pupular
@barnacle, popular is different than common ( though it has never been either here, apple didnt really get popular (sort of) here untill the iphones. A few people had ipod shuffle, others generic/other brands mp3 players, most neither).
Everybody has a couch, but I would not call that popular. It is popular when it is spoken about a lot, or people want to wait in line for it.
uggs stylish?? no, crocs might be uglier but they both are. I know you shouldnt judge a book by its cover and I usually dont. But both items are worn by certain people (not the same though) Though there are exceptions. But when you see people wear either of those, you tend to think they belong to that group.
at least that is the case here. It both might be more common items in other countries. BUt here pretty specific types of people wear them
Flipping houses isnt a fad. It's a source of income that many people have done for years and will continue to do. There was a short-lived reality tv interest around it, but thats no different than deadliest catch, pawn stars, etc.
the bubble in the AZ housing market burst because of those people. It ruined many people's lives all in the name of making obscene profits for when you buy a cheap house in a bad neighborhood and fix it up and make it more expensive.. Then banks and lenders started speculating what it would do to housing prices and sold loans to people in houses that weren't worth half of what the lone was for using inflated prices.. ALL for the profits.
House flipping is alive and "well" in my area, and unfortunately usually consists of putting lipstick on a sick pig. Buyer beware and check out the rep of the flipper before buying.
How is an iPod a fad? Theyve been updated for the current technology and just about everyone I know owns and uses one. I dont think theyve decreased in popularity at all. In fact, just the opposite.
Some of these are kinda sad. xD I remember how cool I felt when I had a razor scooter back in the early 2000's. You probably get 20 of them now for the same price.
As others have pointed out, some of these can't accurately be called fads. Biggest offender in my book would be, sadly, reality TV which I think is here to stay due to the very low production costs and fact that these terrible shows still manage to get decent ratings no matter how bad they are. Also, the trend didn't even start in the 2000s. The Swedish version of Survivor came out in 1997. The Real World debuted in 1992. And the predecessors of American Idol such as StarSearch and EuroVision are much older than that. Maybe this disease didn't reach epidemic proportions until the 2000s, but it has continued to get worse on through the 2010s.
Are you referring to the Eurovision Song Contest? That one can't really be compared to reality TV, despite it being competition. Each participating country chooses their own representative, and the representatives compete for their countries. The fact that it's real and somebody wins it doesn't make it reality tv. You wouldn't call a televised sporting event reality tv, would you? (If you are referring to some other Eurovision thing, I haven't heard of it.)
I know what it is. Maybe it doesn't count but it still sucks, as do American Idol, X Factor, The Apprentice, Survivor, and all similar shows. The people on Survivor are competing to win. Does that make it a sport? Reality TV is television that presents itself as being unscripted and featuring "real" people not actors. Even though the shows are usually very phony. American Idol and Survivor both have segments that feature competitive events but then there are segments that try to delve into each person's private life or the interpersonal relationships that they develop with other cast members.
It may suck, but it has little to do with reality TV. The delving into the private life you mentioned in the end is missing. Otherwise some kind of talent show is nothing new indeed, dance shows, singing, random stuff etc.
They don't do any profiles on the singers in EuroVision or have any segments about the goings on at the competition, behind-the-scenes footage, back-and-forth banter between the judges or hosts or anything like that? It's 100% just various performances? If so then it's quite a bit different from American Idol.
White Castles has had 'sliders' for over 90 years. I kept thinking there must be a new term for those little mini gourmet burgers. Didn't think sliders were a 2000's fad.
The southern competitor, Krystal, dates back to 1932, eleven years younger than White Castle. (IMHO Krystal has the better burger - not as much repeat action.) When I was young in the 1960s you could buy a little square, steamed burger at either place for a dime, but I don't remember the term Slyder being on the White Castle menu back then. One site says the Navy was calling their burgers sliders in the 1940s. I guess it's not the size of the burger or when the name began, but the fact that the term suddenly caught on at other places that made it a fad of the 2000s.
I'm in a gripey mood, so today's gripe is about having three questions on the same subject. I don't know anything about hipsters, so if I didn't get the first answer it's very likely I won't get the next two. Please don't do that unless it's about a subject with which I'm familiar. ;)
Honestly I think the reference to mustaches is more appropriate for "indie sleaze". It really threw my guess off - when I think of the hipster and indie bands of the 2000s, I cannot think of any ironic mustaches off the top of my head.
For the bracelet I was trying "Lance Armstrong" and "Armstrong" but I guess I'm not familiar with Livestrong. I only knew the bracelets were because of him.
Hahaha this is an awesome quiz!!! All these things were introduced back then and if they are still around it's because of their ubiquity, not like trending popularity. I guess that technically makes it popular, but it's commercially popular, not culturally. I dunno. My argument is flawed, but there it is.
Can't believe hipsters have been around that long. We need the generation below to rise up and start taking their place and not be annoying. Fidget spinners? Never mind.
I think the word ubiquity has become quite popular, not sure I have ever heard of it before, now I have seen it 4 times in 1 day on this site. I guess it is ubiquitous :D
Yea but I ve heard of all besides the burgers, the scooter, and the donuts (and the wristband, but that could be just me, at one point you had a wristband for just about everythng, I dont register it anymore) And I missed ethanol..
Got all the other eventhough only sudoku and reality tv were really a thing here. Ow yea and crocs. A lot of the rest was around/available but not that you saw or heard about it everywhere. But none of them are so obscure that the description couldnt get you there even if you werent aware that it had been popular anywhere.
That is actually quite an accomplishment. Unless you never turn on the tv or internet. (not meant sarcasticly, I really wonder how one could stay unaware of these things, unless you have no contact with people and dont own a tv a never go on the internet)
Some of these aren't fads. I actually studied fads in college (it was a weird class), and I believe a central part of something being a fad is that its intense popularity has no basis in the actual quality of the product. Those Live Strong bracelets were definitely a fad. Crocs too. But the iPod wasn't a fad. It was a really great piece of technology that was rightly popular for a long time until it was supplanted by smart phones. Sadly, hipsters, skinny jeans, and ironic mustaches still have not gone away. Sliders and reality TV got big in the 2000's, but they are still very popular (and seem likely to remain so). Fads mostly vanish as soon as their moment passes...the Snuggie, pogs, Tamagotchi, Von Dutch hats, "Keep Calm and X," and "That's a thing" (I really hate that one), among others. I don't think the quiz needs fixing. The general theme is good and the questions are fair, but thought it worth some clarification.
Some things feel much sooner. Like the myspace and the bass. I guess I was introduced to them when they just made their appareance and I assumed they allready had been around for a while.
About chuck norris I am pretty sure though he was glorified before 2000. But maybe all the crazy "facts" about took of after 2000. But a few standard ones were allready around ( like that he was invincible) I guess after internetmemes became a thing it all took off.
Good quiz
took me a minute to get it.
I thought that question meant emos and wondered why that didn't work :)
Everybody has a couch, but I would not call that popular. It is popular when it is spoken about a lot, or people want to wait in line for it.
at least that is the case here. It both might be more common items in other countries. BUt here pretty specific types of people wear them
Because Bruce Lee is no joke.
Can't believe hipsters have been around that long. We need the generation below to rise up and start taking their place and not be annoying. Fidget spinners? Never mind.
Got all the other eventhough only sudoku and reality tv were really a thing here. Ow yea and crocs. A lot of the rest was around/available but not that you saw or heard about it everywhere. But none of them are so obscure that the description couldnt get you there even if you werent aware that it had been popular anywhere.
Here it was quinoa btw that suddenly was a thing.
I still find it weird to see guys in tight jeans. (I dont like the look on girls either though)
...yep, but he's ok today! ;)
About chuck norris I am pretty sure though he was glorified before 2000. But maybe all the crazy "facts" about took of after 2000. But a few standard ones were allready around ( like that he was invincible) I guess after internetmemes became a thing it all took off.