
The Abraham Lincoln Presidency

Can you guess these facts about Abraham Lincoln and his presidency?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: July 1, 2020
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First submittedJuly 15, 2013
Times taken24,496
Average score68.2%
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His wife's first name
His Vice Presidents
Hannibal Hamlin
Andrew Johnson
Name of his assassin
John Wilkes Booth
Theater where he was assassinated
Ford's Theater
State where he was born
Home state
City where he practiced law
Politician he debated in 1858
Stephen Douglas
Proclamation that ended slavery
in the rebelling states
Famous 1863 address at the site
of a Pennsylvania battle
First state to secede from the Union
South Carolina
State admitted to the Union in 1863
West Virginia
His nickname
Honest Abe
1840s war that he opposed
Mexican-American War
Civil liberty that he suspended
Writ of
habeas corpus
Head of the Union Army
who ran against Lincoln in 1864
George B. McClellan
Final head of the Union Army
Ulysses S. Grant
Holiday declared by Lincoln and
celebrated annually since 1863
Type of building he was born in
Log Cabin
Fill the blanks in these quotes
A house divided against itself cannot stand
Four score and seven years ago
Level 78
Oct 25, 2013
No questions about his vampire hunting?
Level 81
Oct 27, 2013
John Wilkes Tooth
Level 72
Jul 30, 2020
Ouch ;)
Level 81
Feb 15, 2022
Sorry. That's my biting wit.
Level 62
Oct 12, 2020
Any information on the topic can be found in the President's Book of Secrets.
Level 47
Oct 27, 2013
Why not simply "Mexican War"??
Level 92
Oct 28, 2013
Level ∞
Oct 29, 2013
Level 45
Jun 25, 2014
Yes, and he was assassinated while watching 'Our American Cousin', supposedly hilarious.
Level 78
Feb 3, 2018
Seen it. Hasn't aged well.
Level 90
Jun 23, 2018
It was funny in the opening sequence on Police Squad (Naked Gun) TV series.
Level 70
Jul 29, 2020
I don't go to the theater because I can sleep at home for free.
Level 76
Dec 29, 2015
When you randomly have to guess a city in the US, guess "Springfield", there's so many of them you are bound to be right some time.
Level 82
Oct 25, 2016
Or just the capital of the state he was from.
Level 81
Oct 25, 2016
Is there going to be one of these every day until election day?
Level 82
Oct 25, 2016
Wondering the same thing... Seems that way.
Level ∞
Oct 25, 2016
No, but there are three more coming, two of which will be an extra quiz for that day.
Level 74
Oct 25, 2016
I like 'em. Would eventually like to see one for every president, even the "obscure" ones.
Level 60
Oct 25, 2016
I am happy to help make some for obscure presidents, QM if you want help.
Level ∞
Oct 26, 2016
I tried, @Kestrana, but I couldn't come up with enough easy questions for the other Presidents. If you make them, I'll take them though!
Level 81
Oct 26, 2016
I just made this one about Washington. Wasn't that hard.

I think I could easily put together some for Adams, Jefferson, Roosevelt, Wilson, Truman, Eisenhower, and maybe a couple others.

Level 91
Jul 29, 2020
I've created some for Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams, and Van Buren (someone else already did Andrew Jackson). I'm planning to do the rest, but I've been working on other things and haven't gotten back to them recently.
Level 74
Jul 29, 2020
I made them for Madison, Monroe, and Quincy Adams, and intended to keep going, but not many people were taking them so I stopped while working on Jackson. My quiz on Kennedy had a few more takers - around 200 at this point, but still nothing to brag about.
Level 67
Oct 25, 2016
Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus is something people should remember the next time they gripe about Obama "destroying the Constitution" by passing a healthcare law they don't like. Gripes like that show a very poor understanding of American history. There have been much greater (read: actual) affronts to our Constitution by a number of presidents, and it's still standing.
Level 92
Oct 25, 2016
Not to bet pissy but the writ was suspended in the middle of a civil war. A much more serious issue than trying to pigeonhole a law that was written as law into a "tax" and therefore constitutionally required.
Level ∞
Jul 1, 2020
Yes, Lincoln violated the constitution. It doesn't mean that other people should do the same to push through whatever policy objective they want to. Ask yourself this. If the other party did it, would you approve?
Level 67
Jul 29, 2020
That isn't my point. My point is that people wading into political discussions generally have a very poor understanding of our country's history. They constantly referred to Obama as "the worst president ever" and decried his alleged efforts to destroy the Constitution. They had no idea what they were talking about. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus. FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court and permitted the Japanese internment camps. Wilson unilaterally seized the railroads. Most people don't know any of this. So rather than just say "I don't agree with Obama's approach to healthcare," they need to ramp way up with all the superlatives. And they sound like idiots. And to answer your question, my assessment is based on the law. I'm a lawyer and constitutional law is an area I've studied with some rigor, so whether I would accept the conduct is based on its legal grounding. Whether I personally approve is a separate question, and is irrelevant to the point I was making.
Level 74
Jul 29, 2020
How do you feel about Andrew Jackson? He ignored a Supreme Court ruling and uttered his famous quote, "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it." If I remember correctly, that ultimately led to the Cherokee being forced on the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma. (Odd that it occurred just after gold was discovered on Cherokee land.) Although my Cherokee friends have never been fans of Jackson, I find it interesting that many presidents develop a favorable view of him, including Presidents Obama and Trump. :)
Level 69
Oct 25, 2016
The "house divided"-phrase was of course originally from Jesus, who was cited by Lincoln.
Level 83
Oct 25, 2016
Can you accept cabin for his birth building
Level 76
Oct 26, 2016
I think there is a glitch in the system. I took this quiz yesterday and got all the answers but Hannibal Hamlin. When I retook it today and got all the answers right, the statistics show that I got Hannibal Hamlin correct last time but missed Mary, which did not happen. Very strange, and it seems to happen to me a lot. Anybody else notice this happening to them?
Level 90
Feb 24, 2020
The weird glitch I get is that once in a great while the clock doesn't proceed. I can take forever and a day to finish the quiz if the window doesn't refresh. It will always thereafter say I finished that quiz in 0 seconds. I can claim official victory over all the speed braggarts on those quizzes.
Level 53
Oct 27, 2016
can you accept cabin for log cabin
Level 47
Nov 1, 2016
Too easy...good quiz!
Level 85
Feb 13, 2017
This was too US-centric.
Level 74
Jul 29, 2020
Better US than THEM.
Level 62
Feb 20, 2017
22/22 with 1:32 remaining. Such a great, complex historical figure. It is bad for our country that he was assassinated.
Level 62
Feb 26, 2017
22/22 again with 2:30 remaining. Soon, I will submit a quiz on a president myself.
Level 66
Oct 9, 2018
If it's of any interest, I created a quiz to name the various Lincoln-Douglas debate sites.
Level 78
Jul 29, 2020
The good news for Lincoln is that the political party he represented now defends the Confederacy.
Level 64
Jul 29, 2020
No Homestead Act?
Level 78
Jul 29, 2020
Think you should accept Mexico as a type-in for the us-mexican war
Level 56
Jul 31, 2020
Level 91
Sep 5, 2020
I'm working on making the rest.

Here's the playlist.

Level 91
Jan 20, 2021
And it's finally done. There is now a quiz for every single U.S. President on JetPunk, with the exception of Joe Biden, who was just inaugurated today.
Level 83
Aug 19, 2020
I've clearly spent too much time at civil war sites, lincoln sites, and museums lately.

This took seconds...

Level 66
Apr 14, 2021
Who tf is Hannibal Hamlin??
Level 71
Oct 14, 2023
lincoln's vice president from 1861-1865
Level 69
Feb 12, 2022
I said cabin and loghouse, please accept these.
Level 66
Feb 14, 2022
Interesting tidbit: Lincoln was born on the same day as Charles Darwin. They were born 12 February 1809.
Level 81
Feb 15, 2022
I will always remember his exact birthdate probably (read: definitely) because when I was much younger I watched Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure probably 100 times, and Abe is asked for his date of birth while getting booked at the police station.
Level 37
Jun 16, 2022
"Cabin" should be accepted for "log cabin"
Level 75
Jan 11, 2023
I got 21/22. I knew it was Hannibal somebody -- but I didn't know it was Hannibal Hamlin.
Level 77
Feb 8, 2023
South Carolina seceded during Buchanan's presidency.
Level 60
Aug 6, 2024
South Carolina seceded as a response to Lincoln being elected (though not yet inaugurated) as president.
Level 73
May 25, 2023
Why isn't "cabin" accepted for "log cabin"?
Level 60
Jul 17, 2024
Greatest president in American history, without a doubt.
Level 65
Sep 25, 2024
Washington first, then maybe Lincoln. Simply because without Washington, you wouldn't have a country.