
The Assassination of JFK

A fateful day of history that many older people can still remember clearly. Can you guess these facts about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: August 13, 2021
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First submittedAugust 13, 2021
Times taken19,069
Average score66.7%
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City in which the assassination took place
Year that it happened
Day of the year that it happened
November 22
The lone assassin, according to the official narrative
Lee Harvey Oswald
Foreign country which the assassin once lived in
Soviet Union
Place from which the assassin fired his shots
Texas School Book Depository
Person who killed the assassin
Jack Ruby
Name of the official U.S. investigation into the assassination
The Warren Commission
The only video record of the assassination
The Zapruder Film
Designer of the pink suit that Jackie Kennedy was wearing
Coco Chanel
New President who was sworn in on Air Force One the same day
Lyndon B. Johnson
Cuban leader who some theorize was responsible
Fidel Castro
Place from which a second shooter might have fired
Grassy Knoll
Director of the conspiratorial movie "JFK", starring Kevin Costner
Oliver Stone
Cemetery in which Kennedy is buried
Arlington National Cemetery
Level 86
Aug 13, 2021
Even though I was only a few months old when this happened, I found this quiz very easy.
Level 85
Aug 13, 2021
By all accounts, the Kennedy assassination is one of those events where, if you were old enough, you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you found out. It was before my time.

For me there are 3 events that stick in my mind like that:

1. The Challenger Space Shuttle disaster

2. The 9/11 WTC/Pentagon attacks

3. When my father passed away.

Level 94
Aug 13, 2021

JFK - in my fourth grade classroom, kept asking my classmate, "are you sure it was the President" - and went home to see my mother sitting in front of the TV crying.

Challenger - in lunch room at work, kept asking whether it was really the space shuttle and not the Delta shuttle which was a short flight between NYC and Boston at the time

9/11 - At a work conference with my wife calling me from time to time with updates with my constantly asking - are you sure it was both towers and did they actually totally implode

Father passing - crossing over the George Washington bridge in NYC trying to get back to Boston before it happened.

Just have always had a hard time believing stunning news

Level 73
Aug 14, 2021
I was in first grade when the Challenger happened, and we were watching it live on TV at school. When the shuttle exploded they hustled us out of the room really fast and I didn't really understand what had happened until a few years later.
Level 74
Aug 14, 2021
39 year old Bush snr doesn't remember where he was when the assassination took place. (Spoiler: he was in Dallas)
Level 71
Nov 22, 2021
Bush Jr. was room-mates with de Mohrenschildt's nephew. De Mohrenschildt himself was possibly acquainted with Bush Sr. (he was Oswald's friend at the center of many conspiracy theories) It's a small world, though, when it comes to oil barons and political superpowers. It's also a small world when it comes to people at the centers of conspiracy theories, since there is a Bush attached to many of them.
Level 94
Nov 26, 2021
Canadra: let me guess - you’re about 12 years old, right?
Level 75
Aug 21, 2021
9/11. I was 14 or so, at a boarding school in Scotland, afternoon I suppose, and walked in to a normally-empty TV room that was strangely full. The assistant house-master was standing there, he swore and left. He was American. Don't remember anything specific after that...

But yeah one afternoon out of 1,000's and it's etched into my mind.

Level 81
Nov 22, 2021
Many people believe that they recall events like this with perfect clarity when in fact they usually do not. Human memory is extremely unreliable.
Level 94
Nov 22, 2021
Memories are funny things. I sincerely believe my memories noted above. However, for 50 years I believed, and would have sworn in court, that I met my high school sweetheart at the beginning of senior year and then the other day I saw a high school yearbook that contained a picture of us together at an extracurricular club meeting during junior year. Still shaking my head.
Level 81
Nov 22, 2021
yeah, exactly. I have memories of past events that to me seem pretty clear, and then I'll go read an old journal entry I wrote the same day about what happened and discover that my memory is completely wrong. This happens all the time. People can be tricked into remembering things that never even happened pretty easily. And they trick themselves unwittingly. Every time we try to remember something our brain creates a new story for us to play in our minds, constructed of little fragments of various memories, some related, some not. Each time we try to access the memory it's a combination of read and write. Perform too many write actions and I think the original memory probably gets completely overwritten or at least so badly mangled that it's not at all like what really happened. This is why good cops, detectives, lawyers, historians, and reporters (emphasis on good, those are rare) place very little weight on eye-witness testimony. It's the worst kind of evidence there is.
Level 65
Jul 5, 2024
he lies like an eyewitness - Russian proverb
Level 69
Nov 23, 2021
When Diana died for me.

I was staying with the family of a BBC employee who got a phone call not long after the car crash happened instructing him to fly to Paris. So I found out long before it was reported on the morning news. The outpouring of grief that followed hadn't really been seen in the country before.

Level 80
Aug 14, 2021
Interesting, got 14/15, missed the director question (although I watched the film).
Level 70
Aug 15, 2021
Good quiz, brought back some memories for me also. I was working in the outback of Australia, in the Northern Territory and it came on the radio news early morning. Later I would visit the JFK grave at Arlington and also see LBJ driving (being driven) around Washington DC. I never believed the Warren Report in total or that Oswald was so clever and such a great rifle shot as the report would try to convince the public.
Level 54
Aug 15, 2021
My Mom started crying while watching a soap opera. I kept asking her, "Mama, what's wrong?" She kept repeating, "they killed our president," and would cry more. To this day the moment I hear the first note of soap opera music playing I bolt to change the channel. I was 4 years old.
Level 83
Sep 3, 2021
The day of the year question needs a few more alternatives. There are lots of ways of writing it.
Level 76
Nov 22, 2021
I agree
Level 52
Dec 7, 2024
Agreed. Nov.22 would ordinarily be accepted. When it wasn't here, I started trying to figure out what the question was asking. (For what it's worth, in a non-leap year, Nov.22 is the 326th day.)
Level 38
Nov 22, 2021
Level 67
Nov 24, 2021
Mossad, Dimona, Nuclear weapons and Ben-Gurion.
Level 59
Nov 25, 2021
I typed "22nd November" which wasn't accepted, can this be added as an answer please?
Level 51
Nov 22, 2024
Me too!
Level 74
Nov 25, 2021
The "Day of the Year" question should be altered, IMHO, to "Month and Day of the Year". I entered "22" and it would not accept the answer, only "November 22" was accepted. Good quiz otherwise!
Level 66
Jun 19, 2022
I thought it meant which day of the 365 days of the year and decided I wasn't going to bother to calculate it.
Level 56
Nov 22, 2024
Yes, "Day" is confusing. I first thought it was 1-31, and when that fails, I thought it may be one of Sunday-Saturday.

Using the word "Date" would have been better.

Level 65
Nov 25, 2021
It wouldn't accept 22nd November, I was beginning to doubt myself. November 22 or 22 November, no 'nd' - that's just weird
Level 47
Dec 17, 2021
As much as I hate conspiracies, anybody who's ever done a bit of independent thinking or research on the topic, can ascertain that Oswald was not the assassin, or even fired a shot on that day. After all these years he is still in fact, a patsy.
Level 56
Jan 13, 2024
Charles A Willoughby was the mastermind behind the whole operation.

Born Adolf Tscheppe Weidenbach

Level 51
Nov 22, 2024
I originally read day of the week lol
Level 74
Nov 22, 2024
RFK's two oldest boys--Joe and Bobby Jr.--went to my school. That Friday afternoon we were watching a movie in General Assembly when the school secretary went on the intercom to ask Joseph and Robert Kennedy to come to the Principal's office. I remember thinking "More special treatment for those two."

The news only hit us after school was let out. I felt as if my father had been killed, so I went to the half-finished house they were building on the lot behind our home and threw stones through every window. I didn't know then and don't know now why I did.

Level 77
Nov 22, 2024
Was it a more "fateful day" than when JFK ok'd the killing of Ngo Dinh Diem, 20 days earlier?
Level 58
Nov 22, 2024
Hey, today is November 22.
Level 73
Nov 22, 2024
I wouldn't have gotten it correct without the King novel/miniseries.
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