Did better on this one than I did on Nixon. Got everything except the four most missed. I think I had heard about him marrying his cousin before but forgot.
@Dragoncat: Right after the wedding, cousin Theodore Roosevelt, who was president at the time, said to Franklin, "Well Franklin, there's nothing like keeping the name in the family."
Eleanor was a member of the Long Island, Republican Roosevelts while Franklin was a member of the Hyde Park, Democratic branch of the family. The two branches had peeled off generations before. Eleanor was the cherished niece of Theodore Roosevelt - obviously head of the Long Island branch at the time - because she was the oldest child of TR's younger brother Elliot, who died of alcoholism and other ailments when Eleanor was a girl. It was President Theodore Roosevelt who walked Eleanor down the aisle.
Eleanor and Franklin had 6 kids together (5 that lived into adulthood) but after the late 1910s they no longer really lived as man and wife: they loved each other but didn't really have romantic involvement with each other anymore.
Shows that greatness in President's count. I got all of the answers on this quiz for FDR who was President long before I born. I did not do as well on the quiz about Clinton, or the quizzes on either Bush.
It helps your record when you have 4 terms rather than 1 or 2 to pass and implement programs. Not trying to take away from FDR - he was an outstanding president - he just had more time than anybody else as president to get stuff done.
surprised that executive order 6102 and 9066 didn't make the list (6102 allowed the government to seize citizen's gold and made it a crime to hold gold in private hands; 9066 placed Japanese-Americans in "interment" camps)
I tried that like fifty times, and then when "progress" popped up as the answer, I just assumed I had been mishearing (and misreading) it for my whole life. Good to know I am not crazy.
My American History teacher said he now hates talking about the New Deal because one year a student asked why it was called the "Nude Eel" and now he can't get that out of his head.
Eleanor was a member of the Long Island, Republican Roosevelts while Franklin was a member of the Hyde Park, Democratic branch of the family. The two branches had peeled off generations before. Eleanor was the cherished niece of Theodore Roosevelt - obviously head of the Long Island branch at the time - because she was the oldest child of TR's younger brother Elliot, who died of alcoholism and other ailments when Eleanor was a girl. It was President Theodore Roosevelt who walked Eleanor down the aisle.
Eleanor and Franklin had 6 kids together (5 that lived into adulthood) but after the late 1910s they no longer really lived as man and wife: they loved each other but didn't really have romantic involvement with each other anymore.