Question | Answer | % Correct |
What device was used to behead them? | Guillotine | 96%
What king and queen were beheaded in 1793? | Louis XVI | 95%
What king and queen were beheaded in 1793? | Marie Antoinette | 93%
What prison was stormed in 1789? | Bastille | 92%
What did that queen supposedly say that people should eat if they had no bread? | Cake | 85%
What is name of the period, in 1793 and 1794, in which thousands were executed? | The Reign of {Terror} | 84%
Who was elevated to the rank of "First Consul" in 1799, an event usually considered the end of the Revoluion? | Napoleon Bonaparte | 82%
Who weren't granted rights by the "Declaration of the Rights of Man"? | Women and slaves | 73%
What revolutionary motto, first uttered in 1790, is still the national motto of France? | Liberté, egalité, {fraternité} | 70%
France's national anthem was written in 1792. What city is it named after? | Marseille | 68%
What system of weights and measures was introduced in 1791? | Metric System | 68%
What groups of people comprised the "three estates" prior to the revolution? | Nobility | 66%
What groups of people comprised the "three estates" prior to the revolution? | Commoners | 65%
On what day of the year was that prison stormed? | July 14th | 63%
What "incorruptible" and bloodthirsty revolutionary was executed in 1794? | Maximilien Robespierre | 63%
What groups of people comprised the "three estates" prior to the revolution? | Clergy | 61%
What period of time was increased to 10 days in length? | The Week | 59%
What Charles Dickens novel is set in London and Paris during the time of the French Revolution? | A Tale of Two Cities | 57%
What small group led France during that period? | Committee of Public {Safety} | 28%
What atheistic cult was promoted as a replacement for Catholicism? | Cult of {Reason} | 19%
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