
Legend of Zelda Trivia

Answer these questions about the "legendary" video game series.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: May 12, 2023
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First submittedMarch 5, 2018
Times taken18,257
Average score75.0%
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Who is the hero of the game?
Who is the villain?
What triangular artifact do the hero and villain both try to claim?
In what land does the game take place?
What volcanic mountain can be found in the north of that land?
Death Mountain
What is the currency of the game?
What musical instrument does the hero often use?
What was the first Zelda game released for the GameCube?
The Wind Waker
What was the first Zelda game released for the Nintendo Switch?
Breath of the Wild
What type of animal is Epona?
What type of creature can be stored in a bottle and can revive the hero when he dies?
What weapon are dodongos vulnerable to?
What do gorons eat?
What Australian weapon does the hero use to stun his enemies?
What type of creature is Poe?
What does the old man say when he gives the hero a sword in the original game?
It's Dangerous to
Go Alone
What type of animal can the hero become in "Twilight Princess"?
What magic sword does the hero wield?
Master Sword
What Sheikah warrior is often portrayed as Zelda's bodyguard?
What 1920s socialite inspired the name Zelda?
Zelda Fitzgerald
Level 58
Mar 5, 2018
There were several Zelda titles available for the Wii: the Wind Waker and the Twilight Princess full Zelda titles, the Four Swords Adventures was a full game + a tie-in with the GBA, and two discs were released to port older titles over: Ocarina of Time: Master Quest and the Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition.
Level 85
Mar 5, 2018
Yeah, even if you change the wording to "exclusively released for the GameCube" (no space between Game and Cube), it would omit Four Swords Adventures, which is considered the 11th Zelda game (after Wind Waker).
Level ∞
Mar 5, 2018
Changed the question slightly. I don't know why @ElCanuck mentioned the Wii because the question was about the GameCube.
Level 61
Apr 18, 2018
Please accept BOTW for Breath of the Wild
Level 71
Mar 8, 2018
and the nostalgia sets in...
Level 69
Mar 15, 2018
I think the musical instrument question should be changed. There's a wiki page dedicated to all of the different instruments the hero uses in all of the games. Including flutes and harps in several titles.
Level 81
Mar 18, 2018
I think the key word is often. I'm not sure if there's another instrument that he 'often' uses. Plus let me ask you this - did any other instrument come to mind BEFORE ocarina? I mean, the question's intent is obvious to a person even cursorily familiar with the series.
Level 62
May 26, 2018
Harp came to me first.
Level 59
May 29, 2018
Yes. I first thought of 'recorder' which was present in the very first game. However the use of the word "often" does point the answer closer to OoT, as it is a heavily used item. That being said the baton from Wind Waker is also a musical instrument, that is used often.
Level 46
Sep 10, 2018
An ocarina is used in Link to the past, Ocarina of time, minish cap, majoras mask, and probably another zelda game I'm not thinking of right now. Other than that, Link has used a harp (Skyward Sword), a recorder (Zelda 1), a guitar, bongos, and trumpet-thing (majoras mask), a grass flute (twilight princess, although I haven't played further than the beginning, so I'm assuming something else), and everything in Link's Awakening.
Level 25
May 16, 2023
The Ocarina was used in Links Awakening but NOT in Link to the Past. (It was called the Flute in Link to the Past). The Harp was used in Links Awakening and Oracle of Ages too.
Level 84
Mar 26, 2018
It's Ganon, not Gannon
Level ∞
Mar 26, 2018
Level 37
Apr 2, 2018
How Do You Even Make Your Quiz Have Points????????
Level 61
Apr 5, 2018
There’s A Blog Article About It That The Quiz Master Wrote. You Can Check It Out In The Blog Section At The Top Of The Page. Also, Why Do You Capitalize Every Word?
Level 12
Apr 28, 2018
Why did it take me so long to think of The Wind Waker....
Level 60
May 26, 2018
You should probably change the wording for "Who is the villain?" There are multiple games where Ganon doesn't even make an appearance (Minish Cap and Spirit Tracks, to name two).
Level 49
May 26, 2018
Easiest quiz I've taken so far on the site. Glad to see almost no one thought Link was Zelda.
Level 66
May 26, 2018
Damn it, I had successfully managed to block Wind Waker from my mind. I really wish they would stop using that awful art style and just stick to the normal one from the other games.
Level 75
May 26, 2018
The hero's name is Zelda, please fix
Level 81
May 28, 2018
No it's not.
Level 61
May 29, 2018
Level 75
May 29, 2018
Of course it is, the series is called The Legend of ZELDA, not The Legend of Link (whoever that is)
Level 81
Jun 1, 2018
If you're pretending to be ignorant to make a joke congrats you got me.
Level 66
Sep 2, 2018
The Legend of Link?! *Pffft* That would be like if it were called super mario bros instead of super peach bros
Level 81
May 28, 2018
Christmas morning 1986, my parents got me both the year old Nintendo Entertainment System and the newer Atari 7800. They said I had to pick one and return the other. Before making a decision we went up to Ohio to visit my dad's family. My cousin Brett had the NES. I was blown away by Super Mario Bros.; but The Legend of Zelda was what really captivated me. Nothing on the Atari compared. After that it was an easy decision to make. The 7800 went back to Sears.
Level 82
May 29, 2018
Atari really screwed themselves on the 7800. It was supposed to debut in 1984. By 1986 it was too late to compete with the NES, which had third party games, and had restrictions on software producers so they couldn't make games for other consoles. The NES was just so much better, Zelda was the game that did it for me, with SMB a close second.
Level 81
Jun 1, 2018
My favorite games on the 2600 were Solaris, Kung Fu, Combat, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Pitfall... but Zelda and Mario were light years beyond those. And the 7800 was just not that much better. At least the games weren't. The hardware was not too far behind the NES.
Level 71
Jun 7, 2019
Getting old, Kal? You wrote the exact same anecdote on another Zelda quiz... ;)
Level 38
Feb 27, 2019
Because of BOTW, I think of Impa as a 100-year old lady.
Level 56
May 16, 2023
same lmao. but i'm getting better thanks to skyward sword
Level 60
Mar 30, 2020
Either the question "What game was released for the Switch?" needs to be changed, or Link's Awakening should be a valid answer, since the Link's Awakening remake has been out for a while now.
Level 60
May 12, 2023
And now that Tears of the Kingdom is out, this question DEFINITELY needs to be changed.
Level ∞
May 12, 2023
Level 55
Oct 31, 2021
finished with 3:09 to spare
Level 56
Apr 16, 2022
Accept BotW?
Level ∞
May 12, 2023
Level 21
May 12, 2022
Great Quiz. Love Legend of Zelda
Level 75
May 16, 2023
Got Link, boomerang and Zelda Fitzgerald. I could never get into this series, despite several attempts.
Level 80
May 16, 2023
Please accept flute and recorder as acceptable answers.
Level 57
May 16, 2023
Poe is a teletubbie please fix it
Level 25
May 16, 2023
The ocarina was only in Links Awakening, Oot, Majoras Mask, and Minish Cap (In Link to the Past it was called a flute). Flute should also be accepted because of its use in Zelda 2, Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, Twilight Princess, and Spirit Tracks. Harp can also be included because it was used in Skyward Sword, Oracle of Ages, and Links Awakening.