Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Gandhi is often called the "father" of this country | India | 99%
… but his first name is often replaced with this title meaning "great souled" | Mahatma | 93%
His religion | Hinduism | 90%
Gandhi practiced this kind of resistance | Non-{violent} | 81%
He was assassinated in this city in 1948 | New Delhi | 79%
He opposed the independence of this country in 1947 | Pakistan | 78%
He led a march to the sea to get this substance | Salt | 77%
Gandhi's first name | Mohandas | 67%
He was inspired by this Russian writer | Leo Tolstoy | 61%
Age at which he married | 13 | 60%
He lived in this country from 1893–1914 | South Africa | 58%
He urged the British to surrender in this war | World War II | 58%
Actor who portrayed Gandhi in the 1982 film | Ben Kingsley | 50%
He supported efforts to help this group of people that were oppressed by the caste system | Dalits (Untouchables) | 48%
Friend of Gandhi who became the first Prime Minister of India | Jawaharlal Nehru | 47%
He studied law at the Inner Temple in this city | London | 39%
His native language | Gujarati | 34%
His political party | Indian National Congress | 27%
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