
The Lord's Prayer Quiz

Do you know all the words to the Lord's Prayer as written in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 11, 2019
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First submittedDecember 8, 2013
Times taken40,508
Average score84.5%
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Level 75
Dec 9, 2013
It's been so long since I've said the lords prayer. I'm surprised I got all but 3.
Level 79
Aug 10, 2018
This atheist remembers all the words but equally ingrained are all the words of a limerick about a policeman from Lewisham junction. I'd need convincing that either was the word of God.
Level 79
Dec 27, 2019
whats the limerick ?
Level 76
Jan 22, 2014
Easiest quiz I've taken yet on Jet punk.
Level 76
Jun 26, 2014
I've found an easier one - 95% got all the questions correct at
Level 65
Apr 19, 2018
This one isn't easy for those who are colorblind.
Level 72
Sep 17, 2024
nah i'm colorblind and I got the color answers first try. maybe for people with different kinds of colorblind it's difficult but they can also just guess
Level 36
Jan 22, 2014
We never said the last part "for thine is the power. . ." As part of the prayer. The priest would say that part after we said "amen".
Level 65
Jan 23, 2014
Difference between Catholic and other Christian versions.
Level 44
Sep 11, 2019
Yep same here
Level 59
Jan 22, 2014
I got stuck for way too long on the last word... which was "the." Duh.
Level 66
Jan 22, 2014
It might help if I could just spell some common words correctly. DOH!
Level 46
Jan 22, 2014
After playing football in high school, I will never forget this prayer.
Level 57
Jan 22, 2014
That's nice. Prayer in public school. *sarcasm*
Level 48
Jan 22, 2014
I haven't had prayer in school since the second grade...and honestly, it just took up classtime anyway.
Level 60
Jan 23, 2014
It could've been a private (Christian) school, dude. No need to jump to conclusions.
Level 57
Jan 23, 2014
I'll stand by my comment until advised that it was not a public school. Either way, prayer needs to be removed from public (read: government sponsored) schools.
Level 44
Jan 24, 2014
Porc: freedom of religion means that public schools should neither be encouraging students to pray, nor discouraging them from it. As long as it wasn't a school employee leading the prayer, there's really not much reason to object to what students do on their own initiative.
Level 57
Jan 24, 2014
ThirdParty, I completely agree. Unfortunately, all too often these are school officials (such as teachers, coaches, sponsors) that are leading these prayers. Kids that do not want to take part often feel pressured to do so for fear of being ostracized. I have no problem with players of a football team, for example, getting together to pray (other than the fact that I persoanlly think it's a ridiculous waste of time), but even that can lead to ostracization amongst non-believers.

Personally, I think religion should be reserved for churches/mosques, etc or behind the closed doors of your home. Legally, I'll have to deal with the freedom of(FROM) religion afforded by the constiution.

Level 15
Jan 26, 2014
PorcNBeanz....No one is holding a gun to your head telling you you have to believe in prayer. The last time I looked, the US (if that's where your at) was a free country. If you don't like this country, move some where else that they don't pray, it's that easy.
Level 57
Feb 3, 2014
pistolpackinlady, your comment exemplifies everything that my comments are trying to convey. Thanks!
Level 64
Apr 9, 2014

If you truly believe that the freedom of religion and freedom from religion (the latter of which is in no way, shape or form in the Constitution) are the same thing, perhaps you should spend a little less time arguing with people online about it and more time learning the difference between the two prepositions by consulting your dictionary.

Level 78
May 29, 2022
@TheQuizzler - Take it up with the Supreme Court. They have ruled, over and over again, that government entities, including public schools, cannot compel religious belief, practice, or worship. Prayer led by officials in public schools (including so-called "voluntary" prayer) has been explicitly ruled as unconstitutional.
Level 21
Jan 22, 2014
Slightly worrying that only 82% of people got 'Amen' says prayer in the title and prayers end with 'Amen', make a guess!
Level 28
Jan 22, 2014
Should accept sins or debts for trespasses and sinned and debtors for trespasses as it's the way it's said in Luke 11:2-4.
Level 37
Jan 30, 2014
Depends on which version of the Bible you're reading. But yes, they should accept the alternate translation as I've heard both.
Level 75
May 13, 2020
Yeah, the version I know is quite different to this, but I still got most of it.
Level 83
Jan 22, 2014
100% Say it every day!
Level 22
Jan 27, 2014
Proud.. atheist but had 100%!
Level 63
Mar 7, 2014
Quite different from what I imagined this to sound like in English. I only know the complete German protestant version that I had to learn in school before deciding to become an Atheist.
Level 52
May 17, 2014
My church always used "sins" in place of "trespasses" and just said "forever" instead of "ever and ever," but I've been to enough weddings and services at other churches to be familiar with this version.
Level 76
May 25, 2014
80% - which I don't consider bad at all giving that I never learned the prayer in English but in Finnish and I don't really hear it that often these days. I can't say I am an atheist or an agnostic, but I am not a Christian believer either. Perhaps closest to agnostic? I, however, believe faith is a private thing and should not be forced upon others. If you have faith that's good for you, leave me out of it. I shall also not tell you to abandon your faith.
Level 67
Oct 5, 2014
I'm not Christian and I got em all. Yay me? This is the only Christian prayer I know and I have no idea why I know it.
Level 41
Dec 10, 2014
Wow. I almost missed the temptation part.

Not good :/

Level 66
Apr 6, 2015
100%. Not bad for a Jewboy (ok, I used to be Anglican, and nearly forgot a whole stanza) But it was fun not contributing to the lowest scores for once.
Level 83
Nov 28, 2015
I seem to remember our primary school headteacher teaching us this. I don't know why. It wasn't even a Christian school. Anyway, I suppose it will be stuck in my head "for ever and ever" now.
Level 56
Jan 30, 2016
Now this is embarrassing.... I was doing really badly. I couldn't understand why so few of my words were acceptable. I knew it off by heart, although I am not religious, I remembered the words very clearly from school. Then I realized I was reciting the 23rd psalm, not the Lord's Prayer!! Once I got that sorted... easy!!
Level 74
May 4, 2016
Thanks for the easy five points.
Level 66
May 4, 2016
Level 58
Jun 2, 2016
Well as an atheist I must admit the silver lining to my Christian upbringing: I can do this jet punk quiz.
Level 77
Jun 2, 2016
Thought even though I'm an atheist I could probably guess some - then got 1/70, which was 'Amen.' at the end
Level 27
Jun 6, 2016
I am a "post"Christian and I didn't go to Sunday school.I got 0/71 at the first time.....
Level 68
Jul 16, 2016
I love this term, post-Christian!
Level 59
Jun 2, 2016
Sin not trespass
Level 66
Jun 2, 2016
Good thing i went to Catholic Church, School and University.
Level 66
Jun 2, 2016
I had to learn this in Spanish for Spanish class in Catholic high school. I know i won't get many right on that one. That was 30 years ago. Hey! Why not make the Lord's Prayer in Spanish quiz?
Level 59
Jun 2, 2016
Here it is. Though I had to use another source to find the penultimate sentence before the amen. Hope you enjoy ;)
Level 37
Jun 2, 2016
Just missed hallowed and thine. School has taught me well XD
Level 28
Jun 2, 2016
Can you accept thyne instead of thine?
Level 20
Jun 2, 2016
'art', 'thy' ?? Surprised they're actually still using these words..
Level 62
May 10, 2023
It's an old prayer......
Level 64
Jun 3, 2016
Wonderful quiz idea!
Level 74
Jun 7, 2016
"Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day. In Your mercy keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Catholics know that interjection by the priest, and then it finishes, "For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever, amen."

Then you get to the sign of peace, which is why you walked across the whole church to sit behind that pretty girl you've been watching...

Level 83
May 8, 2017
I was raised as a Catholic so I never learned the last few lines. Not fair!
Level 68
May 19, 2017
5 years of catholic school got me the first 60 or so. Never knew that last sentence existed. Weird
Level 53
Oct 15, 2017
It's so hard to guess those words in English when you know it in your native language. Got 87%, but in Finnish it would be 100%
Level 55
Jan 21, 2019
Only got 19, just guessed words like 'in', 'the', 'us', 'as'. And ofcourse Amen.
Level 61
Feb 27, 2019
Religion is the cancer of this world.
Level 82
Jan 27, 2021
Nah, power is. Religion is merely an instrument.
Level 85
May 11, 2019
Awww, you didn't accept Harold :(
Level 45
Sep 11, 2019
Got it all correct. Thanks for a really nice quiz.
Level 72
Oct 27, 2019
I got 32/71 right never hearing this prayer before in English. I know it in Polish but the language is way too archaic for me to be able to translate it all.
Level 72
Mar 28, 2020
I got exactly the current average, 62. Not bad since I do not know the English version. The part "thy kingdom come" I think I have heard before. (Edit: ok aparently that is a major videogame haha).

"this day" I missed, an extra part we don't have. I tried sins in place of trespasses (perhaps also guilt, but knew that wouldnt work). Missed the "the's" .... and the power and the glory..

And before getting for ever and ever I tried eternity

Level 37
Sep 28, 2021

That's what happens when you go to a CofE primary school.

Level 67
Jan 13, 2023
Today is the day I learned its trespass not tresspass. 69/71
Level 83
Oct 15, 2023
This one was weirdly comforting for me. My dad used to say it with us every night when we went to bed, and it was like I could hear his voice saying it as I was typing it. Also makes me weirdly sleepy though... dang Pavlovian responses...
Level 67
Nov 12, 2023
I despise that I was able to get 100% on this. Whatever, 5 points is 5 points.
Level 47
Jul 19, 2024
never heard this. just guessed some holy words and got 67. seems pretty good for non-christian
Level 46
Aug 21, 2024
Fun fact: This is not actually a prayer for us to quote. It's a template for a prayer. Jesus was asked by a disciple to teach him how to pray. This was the example Jesus gave him...

...allegedly. :)