No, she did. They talk about worst first dates and this is the one Pam talks about and embarrassingly has to admit that it was her fiance Roy that took her too it.
I have tried so many times to get into this show, and I just can't do it. Everyone I know whose tastes align with mine loves it. All the critics love it. I just can't do it. I feel like it's a little too mean-spirited for me. It seems like the characters are mostly bitter and unhappy people who bask in belittling each other, then they throw Pam & Jim in your face to make you think the show is sweet-natured, as though the relentless insults everyone zings at each other for the other 21 minutes didn't happen. I'm told the characters warm up to each other as the show progresses, but I'm 0 for 3 in my attempts to get past the second season.
I love the show but obviously it's not to everyone's taste, and there's just nothing wrong with that. I could never stand The Mary Tyler Moore Show and that's generally considered one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. I don't think it's bad just because I don't like it--I respect the skills of Moore, Asner, and Knight--but it just doesn't do anything for me.
I have a hard time getting invested into TV shows in general. Like, if someone was watching The Office and I didn't have anything else to do I wouldn't mind sitting down and watching with them, but on my own time I probably wouldn't start binge-watching it.
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"If I can't scuba, then what's this all been about? What have I been working toward?"
Kevin - Can you hop?
Michael - I tried hopping, Kevin, and I bumped my elbow against the wall and now my elbow has a protruberance.