The only country that ... | Country | % Correct |
starts with the letter Y | Yemen | 98%
is majority Jewish | Israel | 96%
has a GDP over $20 trillion | China | 91%
was attacked with nuclear weapons | Japan | 91%
borders the Black and Mediterranean seas | Turkey | 85%
has the same name as a U.S. state | Georgia | 83%
has over 30 million people living on less than $2/day | India | 83%
is technically at war with its southern neighbor | North Korea | 80%
ends in the letter Q | Iraq | 78%
has land on the Equator | Indonesia | 76%
has a population that is 30% nomadic (or semi-nomadic) | Mongolia | 69%
has more than one skyscraper per ten square kilometers | Singapore | 64%
has a capital whose name starts with H | Vietnam | 63%
has a capital city with an elevation over 2500 meters | Bhutan | 62%
borders the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf | Iran | 57%
was named for a Spanish king | Philippines | 55%
has Portuguese as an official language | East Timor | 42%
lost its seat in the United Nations | Taiwan | 38%
had a lower population in 1980 than it did in 1975 | Cambodia | 30%
was led by a one-eyed mullah | Afghanistan | 27%
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