
The Reign of Queen Elizabeth I

Try to guess these facts about Elizabeth I and her reign as Queen of England.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 20, 2021
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First submittedFebruary 2, 2017
Times taken29,023
Average score70.0%
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Dynasty she was a part of
Her father
Henry VIII
Her mother
Anne Boleyn
Monarch who came after Elizabeth
"Bloody" monarch that came before her
One of her nicknames
Good Queen Bess
Greatest playwright during her reign
William Shakespeare
Most well-known theatre used by the above
Globe Theatre
U.S. state that was named after her
Invasion fleet sent against England in 1588
Spanish Armada
Explorer who tried to find El Dorado, the mythical city of gold
Walter Raleigh
Addictive substance popularized at court by the above
First English captain to circumnavigate the Earth
Francis Drake
Name of the above's ship
The Golden Hind
Asian trading company founded in 1600
East India Company
Elizabeth was Queen of England. She was also queen of ...
Disease which badly scarred her face at age 29
Building in which she is buried
Westminster Abbey
Chief advisor for most of her reign
William Cecil
What the Pope did to her in 1570
Level 83
Feb 2, 2017
I think I did better at this than some of the other reign/life quizzes. Probably because the Tudors are done to death in British schools.
Level 76
Feb 2, 2017
Sir Francis Drake. Sir Walter Raleigh.
Level 84
Feb 2, 2017
Queen Mary, King James?
Level 66
Jul 12, 2017
Level 90
Aug 8, 2018
The greatest reason we ditched the English people early on....
Level 83
Feb 2, 2017
Nice quiz!
Level 76
Feb 2, 2017
Since you've added the moniker VIII to Henry, maybe do the same for James? (he was both VI and I - VI of Scotland, then, from 1603, I of England and Ireland as well)
Level 84
Feb 2, 2017
Level 70
Jul 13, 2017
Seconded. It's a bit of a slap in the face to just say James, like he was your mate at the local. it should be "King James VI and I". I know we who are subjects of their Majesties have a different view on this to Americans, but it's just right to do it. Mary doesn't need it as she was the first of her name (also the Bloody in the clue is a distinction), but since you have with Henry, you really should with James.
Level 90
Aug 8, 2018
Exactly, the king is nobody more special than anyone else. Actually, absolute monarchs are inferior human beings as far as the vast majority of people on earth are concerned.
Level 63
Jan 14, 2021
'Vast majority' citation needed.

Given 2.5 billion people live in the commonwealth, which is presided over by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and about another half a billion live in other monarchies, you may be surprised

Level 83
Oct 18, 2024
Given the UK and most of those other monarchies are not absolute, and given a lot of people living in monarchies are not monarchists... your comment makes no sense.
Level 33
May 27, 2024
Level 68
Feb 3, 2017
Could you accept Burghley or Lord Burghley for Cecil?
Level ∞
Feb 3, 2017
Level 59
Jul 12, 2017
i wonder if I'm the only one to try 'Lord Melchett' as her adviser?!
Level 78
Jul 12, 2017
I did. :)
Level 77
Jul 12, 2017
"Grey, I suspect, Majesty,"

"I think you'll find it was orange, Lord Melchett,"

"Grey is more USUAL, ma'am,"


"Who's Queen?"

"Well, Majesty, there were these magnificent orange elephants..."

Level 82
Mar 22, 2021
Brilliant. I also tried Melchett.
Level 68
Aug 23, 2021
I found Mark Rylance didn't work either. :)
Level 66
Jul 12, 2017
Nice one. But can't we make people work a bit harder re Anne Boleyn, i.e. surname required?
Level 60
Jul 12, 2017
Yeah. I don't know much about Elizabeth, but guessing "henry" for the father pretty well gives away the mother if first name is the only requirement. I mean, there's only 3 names to guess at that point.
Level 90
Aug 8, 2018
If you're guessing Henry, you probably don't know which of his wives gave him children.
Level 69
Jul 12, 2017
Good Queen Hunting? No?
Level 35
Jul 15, 2017
why moan about the questions? if you want better questions, write a quiz... and James is ok, he was james VI of Scotland at the time, but he was the first King James of England, so just like Mary, didnt need a number
Level 74
Jul 27, 2017
Aren't there pretty much only two things popes historically do to people? Canonize or excommunicate usually fills in the answer.
Level 90
Aug 8, 2018
Well they...oh wait, that's priests.
Level 84
Mar 20, 2021
They very commonly crowned the royals.
Level 49
Apr 11, 2018
Great quiz x
Level 57
Aug 10, 2020
According to biographies I have read on Elizabeth (including a key book by Antonia Fraser), the small pox Elizabeth suffered - and which nearly killed her - cause scarring of her hands, but not her face.
Level ∞
Mar 20, 2021
Here's what Wikipedia says:

"In fact, her skin had been scarred by smallpox in 1562, leaving her half bald and dependent on wigs and cosmetics"

Level 79
Mar 20, 2021
Please accept Wales as another country of which she was Queen. The Tudors were Welsh after all.
Level 54
Mar 22, 2021
But it wasn't, and never has been, a kingdom. We'll just have to settle, again, for being reigning six nations champions and triple crown winners.

A better candidate answer to the question would be France - a title claimed by all monarchs of England/the UK until the early 19th century.

Level 79
Mar 23, 2021
Interesting point. I accept that Wales is not a Kingdom but does it need to be? Isn’t the monarch Queen of the U.K.? If so she must be queen of all parts of it. The present Queen is also Queen of many parts of the Commonwealth but not all of these are kingdoms.
Level 85
Apr 25, 2024
By this logic, you could just as easily answer the question as written with "Sheffield" or "that graveyard in Cornwall"
Level 66
Mar 25, 2021
England are currently reigning six nations champions. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Level 39
May 27, 2021
And so we did. Wales current reigning Six Nations Champions and Triple Crown winners yet again.
Level 63
Mar 5, 2022
I agree. I tried France too, because the Tudors claimed Calais
Level 54
Oct 17, 2024
Wales at that time was legally part of England, since Elizabeth's father passed some acts of parliament in 1535 and 1542. Although it made Wales a non-country (so to speak!), it did give Welsh people the same rights as English people (something which was not the case prior to that), and gave all of Wales some representation within Parliament.
Level 92
Mar 23, 2021
Several monarchs came after Elizabeth 1. Elizabeth 2, for example.
Level 91
Mar 25, 2021
Pretty sure it's obvious they meant which one came DIRECTLY after her.
Level 78
Mar 25, 2021
Nice quiz. As a history buff I'd love to see versions for other monarchs too.
Level 75
Mar 29, 2021
Make 'em Mike!
Level 71
Mar 25, 2021
“Not to say she didn’t enjoy a roll in the hay as much as anyone else” -My APUSH teacher on Elizabeth I being a "virgin"
Level 67
Mar 25, 2021
Wake up sheeple, Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II are the same person.
Level 60
Mar 27, 2021
Level 80
Apr 15, 2021
I tried Good Queen Beth rather than Bess. So close!
Level 72
Sep 20, 2024
I tried Liz, as a complete guess I was in the right direction at least
Level 72
Sep 15, 2021
I entered Global Theatre instead of Globe Theatre. I'm so upset.
Level 43
Apr 14, 2022
I put westMINISTER instead of westMINSTER. I would ask for my spelling to be allowed but that's on me.
Level 81
Oct 5, 2022
Thanks to Uncharted for making me remember The Golden Hind
Level 68
Oct 17, 2024
I think Lord Burghley should work for William Cecil. Mainly because then I would have got 100% ;)