
Things Named For People #1

Fill the blanks in these things that are named after people (eponyms).
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: August 30, 2019
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First submittedOctober 19, 2010
Times taken144,746
Average score58.3%
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Rubik's Cube
Eiffel Tower
Ferris Wheel
Morse Code
Mercator Projection
Doberman Pinscher
Adam's Apple
Achilles' Heel
Achilles' Tendon
Occam's Razor
Earl Grey Tea
Hadrian's Wall
Zeno's Paradox
Nehru Jacket
Molotov Cocktail
Nobel Prize
Fabergé Egg
Potemkin Village
Pyrrhic Victory
Rhodes Scholar
Socratic Method
Pandora's Box
Oedipus Complex
Maginot Line
101 Recent Comments
Level 70
Dec 17, 2014
I've walked along Hadrien's wall many times, a beautiful part of the world.
Level 43
May 4, 2016
Though you occasionally have to dodge cabers. Damn Scots hurling trees around all willy nilly.
Level 55
Jun 3, 2015
Zeno's paradox is a classic philosophical problem that has been known and discussed for ages. I realize he's less well-known than Socrates, etc., of course, but his writings are still important. (I'm also a philosophy student, so...). But, regardless: if you don't know about Zeno's paradox, go look it up, it's really interesting. :)
Level 55
Jun 3, 2015
And Occam's razor, if you don't know that as well. Fabulous rule to know and be able to apply.
Level 81
Jun 8, 2019
Occam was working for the Illuminati and the CIA, just trying to confuse you sheeple into staying blind to the truth!
Level 72
Oct 3, 2019
I think most people know it, but don't know the name zeno
Level 59
Oct 24, 2019
Once I read up, I realized that I knew about the one where you can never arrive at you destination if each step forward took you only half the way as your last step.
Level 64
Oct 19, 2022
In the '80s I rode on the back of a bike with pretty but flimsy jelly shoes, and nearly got my Achilles tendon completely severed.

The bloody stains on the sidewalk were a memorial to my shoe.

Level 65
Apr 1, 2024
ouch! that made me wince.
Level 73
Jan 22, 2016
Got a 100%, but had to think for a while to get the 2nd Achilles clue. I admit I guessed "sock" :D
Level 74
Aug 30, 2019
maybe if he had a kevlar sock he could have protected his heel better
Level 73
Sep 12, 2020
Agreed! Or even a kevlar sandal.
Level 52
Nov 16, 2020
But not both, that would be a fashion no-no
Level 85
May 4, 2016
fun and easy with 3:18 remaining
Level 74
May 4, 2016
Great quiz idea. Never heard of the number, effect, or paradox but will be looking them up now.
Level 65
May 4, 2016
This is a great quiz, although I think it would make more sense if you had to name the person.
Level 72
Jun 8, 2019
Yes my thought exactly, one where you would have to think of the name please quizmaster?
Level 63
Dec 7, 2021
That wouldn't work for most of these: ...prize? ...code? They would all have many possible solutions.
Level 91
May 4, 2016
No Ocean's Eleven?
Level 62
May 8, 2016
Thank you Call of Duty for the Coriolis effect
Level 64
Jul 14, 2020
and for the Phyrric victory (Shoutout first mission on BO2)
Level 78
Jan 22, 2018
I kept getting close to Zeno's Paradox, but could never quite get there...
Level 77
Jul 18, 2019
- Slow clap -
Level 65
Oct 21, 2019
It's a shame that the % of people who get your joke is probably as low or lower that that of those who got the correct answer.
Level 78
Dec 3, 2021
It's always a strange feeling to go into a comment section to make a joke and find that not only was the joke already made nearly three years earlier, but that you were the one who did it.
Level 76
Aug 29, 2019
These three quizzes are awesome. You must have spent an age rounding up the answers! Also accept Nehru collar?
Level ∞
Aug 29, 2019
Level 78
Aug 29, 2019
There is also Adam's Bridge.
Level 72
Oct 3, 2019
There are millions of these. Discoveries, inventions, laws, hypothesis, physical locations, an endlis list of things that are named after people.
Level 77
Dec 3, 2021
Undoubtedly. But I thought of Adam's Bridge too.
Level 80
Aug 29, 2019
Suggestions: Hippocratic oath, Diesel engine, Gatling gun
Level 70
Aug 29, 2019
Could scholar be accepted for Rhode's scholarship? The recipients are referred to as Rhode's Scholars.
Level ∞
Aug 30, 2019
Changed the answer to scholar. Thanks.
Level 71
Aug 30, 2019
Thank you Weird Al for getting me Nehru
Level 78
Sep 5, 2019
Accepting Potemkin Battleship would be nice..
Level 62
Aug 14, 2021
I tried that too
Level 60
Dec 3, 2021
Straight away I went straight to Potemkin Mutiny. Took me way to long to get village
Level 74
Dec 4, 2021
When I googled Potemkin, there were a lot of associated words: Battleship, Law, Facade, Disease
Level 60
May 11, 2022
Since quite a lot of ships are named after people, that would open a bottomless pit. I know that there is also a movie (and even a music album) by that name.

I'm actually surprised that only so few people seem to know the term Potemkin Village. Maybe it's just a german thing that "Potemkinsche Dörfer (Villages)" is a common phrase for something fake.

Level 75
Sep 9, 2019
Entered "Last Stand" for Achilles. It wasn't accepted. Travesty.
Level 84
Mar 28, 2021
Zeppelin rules
Level 74
Oct 18, 2019
Socratic Seminar?
Level 64
Sep 22, 2020
I entered that as well, to no avail
Level 77
Dec 3, 2021
I would have thought that Socratic dialogue was more famous than Socratic method.
Level 55
Dec 13, 2024
I wish he could add it as a type in at least
Level 81
Oct 21, 2019
What about the famous Potemkin Stairs/Steps of Odessa? I've got a picture of my car in front of them in one of my quizzes... so named because they feature in a very famous scene in a very famous classic film the Battleship Potemkin.
Level 71
Oct 21, 2019
Yet another instance of Kal plugging one of the oh so many places he's been at without apparent reason. The middle sentence of your comment could have been left out without affecting its validity. (Just start your blog already! I remember you talking about it below another quiz. I (genuinely!) would love to read it and learn more about your life. It really does seem fascinating. I just don't think the comments section of Jetpunk quizzes is the appropriate place for what (perhaps mistakenly) passes as boasting on your part.)
Level 91
Oct 21, 2019
I don't think he's boasting, I think he just likes to share his experiences with the people of JetPunk. And they're interesting to read most of the time. Anyone who complains about his "excessive bragging" is probably just jealous.
Level 71
Oct 21, 2019
You're probably right. And I'm not saying that Kal has no right to do it. I just don't see what it brings to the conversation. (I guess he could complain that my complaining doesn't bring anything to the conversation either. ;) )
Level 81
Oct 21, 2019
Try to follow. The connection is a bit arcane, but I can go through all one steps.

I mentioned the Potemkin steps -----> There's a picture of them on a quiz I made

Level 81
Oct 21, 2019
:) and the reason I don't feel like blogging is, somewhat ironically judging by many of the responses I get here to comments I leave, because I feel like blogging is a bit vain and self-indulgent. And I don't feel like I've got anything that unique or interesting to say. ::shrug::

The comment here is what Jack said. I'm just sharing what I connected to the name Potemkin. I'm inviting someone else to comment that they, too, visited the steps, or saw the movie, or took my quiz... or inviting someone to click through and see the photo... or share their own experience taking the quiz. I'm not trying to boast. Just making conversation.

Level 71
Oct 21, 2019
Fair enough. :) I guess we can call it a case of "agree to disagree"? In my opinion, a blog (or whatever platform you'd want to chose) would be a better place to share your experiences and discuss them with people who really are interested about them then Jetpunk comments sections. Mainly because I'd "chose" to read them instead of being "exposed" to them unwillingly. (And yes, I know I can chose not to read the comments, but can I really? I’d have to also renounce to all the other comments.) After reading your reply, I still don't get how mentioning that a quiz of yours has a picture of your car in front of some famous stairs invites anyone to share their similar experiences or brings something meaningful to the table. But maybe that’s just me…
Level 71
Oct 21, 2019
And again, for the record, I am genuinely interested in reading about some of the stuff and travels you've done. Maybe that's why I can get a bit fed up about some of your comments: they're like teasers of something I'll never get to read or experience.
Level 81
Oct 21, 2019
well what sort of comments do you come to the comments section hoping to read?
Level 71
Oct 21, 2019
Precisions about the quiz (methodology, changes and such), quips and jokes (like Marlowe's pretty good one above), additional info on the quiz' subject (like the non-"picture of my car in front of the stairs" part of your comment)... I do find it really interesting when you share your input based on places you've lived in, as opposed to times when you only say stuff like "I've been to 13 of the 20 places on this quiz, so it was easy for me" without adding gravy to the personal feat. Does that make sense? (I realize my first comment might have been a bit arrogant. I apologize. I'm glad we can have a cordial discussion about it all. :) )
Level 81
Oct 21, 2019
I like reading all of those types of comments and also enjoy reading about other's experiences as they relate to the quiz subject matter.
Level 81
Aug 18, 2021
Incidentally, about a year ago I did finally start a blog. But I never promote it. And have actually taken steps to make it less visible. I have zero regular readers and that's actually how I prefer it.
Level 78
Oct 21, 2019
Socratic logic?
Level 63
Oct 21, 2019
could we add socratic seminar?
Level 62
Aug 14, 2021
I've never heard of a Socratic seminar, but I tried Socratic wisdom and Socratic dialogue, and I thought they were good answers
Level 71
Oct 22, 2019
Ahh, I love drinking Molotov cocktails... wait
Level 65
Oct 26, 2019
Wait... NO! JOHNNY! DON'T DRINK THA- oh, that's not gone well
Level 56
Mar 6, 2020
Can you add Socratic Seminar? My district does them.
Level 59
Jun 9, 2020
Never heard of Rhodes Scholar. It's not a thing in my language, but givet over 40% of people got it, I guess it is in english. Still think that Rhodes Colossus is more known. 😀
Level 62
Aug 14, 2021
Rhodes Scholars go to Oxford University, so English language speakers are very common, but Rhodes Scholarships have gone to people all over the world; Germany, Jamaica, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malta, Pakistan, Ceylon, Zimbabwe, Trinidad and Tobago, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, China and many others
Level 78
Dec 3, 2021
Whether the Colossus of Rhodes is better known or not doesn't matter, as it's named for the island of Rhodes and not for a person. The Rhodes Scholarship, meanwhile, is named after its founder, Cecil John Rhodes.
Level 79
Oct 3, 2020
Why do more people know about Faberge Egg than about Mercator projection? I am proud to have been the other way around.
Level 81
Oct 3, 2020
Still think Potemkin Stairs should work.
Level 81
Dec 3, 2021
... and still do. Especially given only 10% get the answer given here. Potemkin Stairs or Potemkin Steps
Level 73
Nov 27, 2024
The "named after" connection is too tenuous in my opinion, since they aren't named "Potemkin Steps" after a person.

Yes, they were named after a thing that, in turn, was named after a person (or maybe they were named after an incident which was named after a thing which was named after a person); but that's not quite the same thing. I don't think the quality of "being named after" is fully transitive.

Level 59
Oct 12, 2020
i kept typing Achilles' tendant
Level 14
Nov 15, 2020
Level 14
Nov 15, 2020
Cool quiz! I did terrible though. XD
Level 75
Nov 21, 2020
Should also accept seminar
Level 65
Dec 17, 2020
I tried -ia for Rhodes. Didn't he name the country after himself?
Level 64
May 23, 2021
Rhodesia was named after Cecil Rhodes. There's also the Rhodes statue on Oriel College, Oxford, currently the subject of much controversy because it should be removed as a symbol of egregious imperialism. Some of these quizzes seem to reflect current US-centric chauvinism!
Level 78
Dec 3, 2021
Sure but "Rhodesia" doesn't fit, as the blank clearly indicates it's looking for a separate and not a two-letter suffix. The statue also doesn't really count, because it's not a statue named after Cecil Rhodes, it's a statue of him. It also seems weird to complain about US-centricism in regards to a question about a British scholarship.
Level 29
Jun 8, 2021
My friend guessed Achilles' Achilles for reasons unknown.
Level 37
Jun 13, 2021
Tried battleship Potemkin many times... It is way more famous than the village.
Level 79
Sep 21, 2021
But it's Potemkin ___________. No one calls it "Potemkin Battleship".
Level 69
Jul 26, 2021
Rhodes piano?
Level 65
Dec 6, 2021
*slaps the table angrily* THANK YOU!
Level 47
Aug 9, 2024
Still not accepted. Rhodes Piano definitely should work.
Level 66
Nov 27, 2024
This is the only answer I could think of as well.
Level 71
Nov 27, 2024
me too
Level 66
Sep 21, 2021
I am shocked only 28% got the Mercator Projection right. I thought that was a relatively well-known name, especially among Jetpunkers
Level 65
Oct 10, 2021
I'm really surprised how little known Potemkin Village is. I thought that was a pretty common one.
Level 71
Dec 3, 2021
Socratic seminar should work too
Level 71
Dec 3, 2021
Can you please accept Socratic dialogue/seminar/circle? I've never heard of Socratic method until now, but Wikipedia says that Socratic dialogues are an application of the Socratic method, so I feel like this (and the other synonymous options I listed above) should be accepted.
Level 75
Oct 19, 2022
'dialogue' definitely - first thing I went for
Level 70
Jun 27, 2023
Level 65
Dec 18, 2023
I feel like seminar should also be included for Socratic
Level 57
Feb 24, 2024
Socratic seminar should work
Level 32
May 15, 2024
Let's go!!! I got 1 right!!!
Level 37
Nov 27, 2024
Level 78
Nov 27, 2024
The Mercator projection is really kind of a stretch.
Level 83
Nov 27, 2024
No it isn't.
Level 58
Nov 27, 2024
No Chekhov?
Level 54
Nov 30, 2024
Achilles' heel, perhaps?
Level 46
Dec 13, 2024
Could Hadrian's Library and Hadrian's Arch/Gate be accepted? They're both incredibly important monuments.
Level 51
Dec 14, 2024
Zeno's ____ has more than one answer. "Zeno's conscience" is a novel by Italian author Italo Svevo, which I tried to write 4 times... unsuccessfully