Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Cash machine | ATM | 97%
Company president | CEO | 94%
Dynamite alternative | TNT | 80%
LBJ's predecessor | JFK | 76%
Person captured by the enemy | POW | 72%
Network on which Doctor Who airs | BBC | 70%
I will return shortly | BRB | 70%
Tape format that conquered Betamax | VHS | 61%
Band with Axl Rose and Slash | GNR | 58%
Place between the Koreas | DMZ | 52%
Magic Johnson's affliction | HIV | 51%
Promissary note | IOU | 51%
Hoppy type of beer | IPA | 51%
Businessperson's degree (U.S.) | MBA | 48%
U.S. agency exposed by Snowden | NSA | 47%
E.T.'s ship? | UFO | 44%
Chip that is the "brain" of a computer | CPU | 42%
Bested the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain | RAF | 42%
Currency code for the UK | GBP | 40%
Bounty, Beagle, or Pinafore, e.g. | HMS | 39%
Effective insecticide | DDT | 37%
Angel dust | PCP | 32%
Software for draftsmen | CAD | 27%
Letters at the end of a logical proof | QED | 20%
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