
Three-Letter Acronyms #3

Guess these common three letter acronyms and initialisms.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: February 17, 2016
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First submittedApril 10, 2014
Times taken28,219
Average score58.3%
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American rival of the KGB
Closest mates for all time
Medical imaging with magnets
Airport code of Los Angeles
Place for the critically ill
Way that a boxing match can end
I'm chuckling audibly
Canada's smallest province
Sales tax of the UK
Band that sang "Fortunate Son"
Kinshasa is its capital
Making a baby in a test tube
Device to determine latitude and longitude
Employer of the Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant
Cambridge, Massachusetts university
Army rank just above private
City where John Lennon met his end
Truman's predecessor
Network to watch Game of Thrones
Letters on your zipper
Your fly is down
Plastic pipe material
High-speed train of France
Level 78
Apr 11, 2014
Nice clue with XYZ...and I don't believe Andre the Giant ever wrestled in the WWE. Thanks for accepting WWF, but I believe that should be the only correct answer. That's just me showing my age.
Level 92
May 7, 2014
XYZ means "eXamine Your Zipper".
Level 69
Sep 2, 2016
Tried CPP. See pee pee
Level 72
Oct 6, 2019
I had no idea what xyz was, thnx for the info ( if it's true), didnt know that one, ccr and pfc
Level 81
Jul 23, 2014
seconded about Andre.
Level 67
Jul 23, 2014
It's the same organization, only the name changed when the World Wildlife Fund applied legal pressure.
Level 74
Feb 26, 2016
Is that true? The organisation for leotarded idiots tried to sue a charity over the initials of their name? What a bunch of arseholes
Level 60
Apr 21, 2017
The World Wildlife Fund was the one who initiated the lawsuits, both in 1994, and in 2002. The Wrestling WWF agreed to limit their use of the initials in exchange for the Conservation WWF dropping all lawsuits and not interfering with the name World Wrestling Federation. The Conservation group then sued them again for violating the 1994 agreement.
Level 68
Sep 23, 2017
That's not copyright violation – that's *trademark* infringement.
Level 66
Oct 19, 2018
The World Wildlife Fund were the "arseholes" in this situation because they're the ones that initiated the lawsuits and forced the wrestling company's name change.
Level 60
Apr 21, 2017
I was thinking the same thing about Andre the Giant...his last appearance as a wrestler was in 1991, and the WWF became WWE in 1992.
Level 74
Feb 21, 2018
WWF became WWE in 2002, just FYI!
Level 86
May 2, 2014
I will admit to having to look at my zipper. Thought it was YYK. Actually, surprised that more people didn't get that since I would assume most people would have easy access to a zipper!
Level 76
Feb 21, 2016
I don't think I've seen letters on any of my zippers. Then again I didn't examine all of them, but those I did had no letters.
Level 74
May 25, 2016
I only knew YKK because I used to do the books for a clothing mfgr and they bought YKK zips.
Level 67
Sep 15, 2016
Mine says KPP.
Level 72
Oct 6, 2019
I would even think of looking at it. That is like saying Im surprised people didnt get that country, most people have an atlas in their house ( though yea, maybe most people dont anymore atm. Well if you measure the entire population most still do, but if you would check people under 30 only, most of them dont I think (unless it was obligated by their school to have one).

looking it up is cheating imo, in whatever way. (And as for knowing it without cheking durng the quiz, maybe some people's belly are too big to see it? ;)

Level 70
Mar 25, 2020
I tried that - but my Old Navy jeans zipper jist says Old Navy!
Level 24
Jul 23, 2014
Initialisms?? how about Initials?
Level 60
Jul 23, 2014
Initialisms is the correct term for an abbreviation made up the initials of each word.
Level 55
Jul 23, 2014
I forgot about XYZ. I wondered if that was a humorous alternative meaning for UFO - Ur Fly Open! No such luck.
Level 55
Sep 5, 2016
I'm looking at my comment of two years ago and I don't recognise it, I don't remember it. I've never known or coined the phrase "ur fly open" (and I would have hated it because of the first word!)
Level 72
Oct 6, 2019
Hah UFO, that's funny!
Level 72
Oct 6, 2019
I'm gonna use that with my sister haha
Level 92
Jul 23, 2014
Monorail! Monorail! Monorail! Monorail!
Level 60
Jul 23, 2014
None of these are technically acronyms.
Level 69
Jul 23, 2014
first sensible comment here
Level 70
Jul 23, 2014
I'd argue VAT is an acronym - I've heard people pronounce it "vat". Also, my son says lol (not the letters L - O - L but says it like it's spelled loll like lollipop.) I see what you mean, though. All the others you just say their letters.
Level 76
Jul 24, 2014
Actually both uses are correct.Iinitials like CIA or FBI are considered acronyms just like initials that form "Words", i.e., RADAR, NATO, NAFTA, etc.
Level 58
Dec 19, 2014
Creedence Clearwater Revival is awesome.
Level 57
Sep 2, 2016
I second this!
Level 75
Jan 23, 2015
Please accept ABS for plastic pipe material
Level 76
Feb 18, 2016
In the UK, Australia, NZ and some other countries, lance-corporal (LCP) ranks immediately above private.
Level 73
Sep 3, 2016
Seconded, i tried every variation I could think of for Lance Corporal.
Level 55
Sep 5, 2016
On that subject I thought the much more commonly known abbreviation for rank(s) above Private was NCO. (Non-commissioned officer).
Level 68
Sep 23, 2017
"NCO" (Non-Commissioned Officer" is not a rank – it's a category of (multiple) ranks, which are goodly amount above Private
Level 74
Sep 2, 2016
Too bad this quiz wasn't around a few years ago. When the texting craze began one of my friends thought LOL meant "lots of love". Her granddaughter texted her that her dog had died, and her grandmother replied back, "LOL".
Level 87
Jul 4, 2018
This story made me lol.
Level 65
Sep 2, 2016
Icu is commonly called itu in the uk, got me for a bit
Level 63
Sep 2, 2016
Clue should be updated to state it's the rank above private in the American army. Private first class is not a rank in most other militaries.
Level 81
Sep 2, 2016
Nice quiz. Thank you.

I don't think GPS should be called a device though. Maybe 'network' since 'system' is within the acronym? Or possibly 'receiver' if that's too broad? Don't know - just an idea.

Level 60
Sep 6, 2016
I see this was commented on several years ago, but Andre the Giant never wrestled for the WWE. It wasn't the WWE until over a decade after his death.
Level 66
Oct 19, 2018
True, but the company usually refers to themselves retroactively as the WWE now even when talking about events when they were still the WWF. Besides, by that logic the WWE Champions quiz would need to be changed to the WWWF/WWF/WWE Champions quiz and that would just be super awkward.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2018
Thought LOL stood for "Laughing (not chuckling) Out Loud.
Level 72
Oct 6, 2019
Level 84
Oct 23, 2018
VAT is used in all of EU countries, not just UK.
Level 72
Oct 6, 2019
No it definitely isnt. In the netherlands and belgium it is called BTW, and TVA in france for instance and I am pretty sure nearly every country has their own name for it.

Croatia PDV, czechia DPH, finland ALV, hungary AFA, italy IVA, etc The only country in the EU that also uses VAT is Ireland. In all of the other countries it is called something else ( and don't all have the exact same rules and percentages)

Level 81
Dec 23, 2021
I've heard of Hulk Hogan, but never The Hulk Hogan.
Level 82
Sep 11, 2024
Got PFC because I am a PFC rn lol