The movie "The Poseidon Adventure" centers around a ship that gets flipped upside-down. The movie is famous. The ship in the movie is famous. How is the SS Poseidon not a "famous ship"? If you mean real-life ships, either the question should state that, or you might consider replacing the SS Poseidon with something that isn't famous and/or isn't a ship.
QM you have done it again. In four questions I narrowed the choices down to an ‘either or’ and every single time I picked the wrong one. If you could switch the next series round so I pick the correct answer every time that would be great ;-)
The Guillotine is often credited to Yorkshire (Halifax Gibbet).......(merely named for Monsieur Guillotine because he saw it operated and believed it would be the most humane way to execute people) although the French "perfected" it and used it extensively.
The Guillotine was actually invented in England. It was used in Halifax and other places.The Halifax Gibbet's final victims were Abraham Wilkinson and Anthony Mitchell. Wilkinson had been found guilty of stealing 16 yards (15 m) of russet-coloured kersey cloth, 9 yards (8.2 m) of which, found in his possession, was valued at "9 shillings at the least", and Mitchell of stealing and selling two horses, one valued at 9 shillings and the other at 48 shillings. The pair were found guilty and executed on the same day, 30 April 1650.
Well, I only got it by eliminating the other options, which was how I got most of them (bar the very few I just knew!), so I strongly disagree with them being “too easy”!
I was confused so said Cape Town because Beijing was not known as Beijing until 1403 at earliest, according to Wikipedia:
I would suggest changing the wording for this question but honestly I could just be thinking about it too hard.
Damn in retrospect there should've been no way for me to have confused the New World Crops question. For some reason I was thinking crops that were stereotypically (and factually of course) grown in the New World were ONLY grown in the New World. Very dumb of me, especially because I knew for a fact that coffee wasn't exclusively grown there.
Being invented always refers to the first instance, obviously. Would you get confused and say that phones were invented in Finland, since Nokia phones were first produced there? Of course not.
I got 4/15 :( xD
I would suggest changing the wording for this question but honestly I could just be thinking about it too hard.