Question | Tile | Select | % Correct |
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | London | No | 99%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Bethlehem | Yes | 98%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Jerusalem | Yes | 98%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Milan | No | 98%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Lisbon | No | 97%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Nazareth | Yes | 97%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Ice Cream | No | 96%
Plagues of Egypt | Baldness | No | 95%
Apostles of Jesus | Boromir | No | 95%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Timbuktu | No | 95%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Bacon | No | 94%
Books of the Old Testament | Othello | No | 94%
Books of the Old Testament | Angels | No | 93%
Apostles of Jesus | Edward | No | 93%
Apostles of Jesus | Peter | Yes | 93%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Wine | Yes | 93%
Books of the Old Testament | Genesis | Yes | 92%
Apostles of Jesus | John | Yes | 92%
Apostles of Jesus | Mary | No | 92%
Plagues of Egypt | Thorns | No | 92%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Jericho | Yes | 91%
Books of the Old Testament | Exodus | Yes | 90%
Apostles of Jesus | Matthew | Yes | 90%
Apostles of Jesus | Tiberius | No | 90%
Apostles of Jesus | Noah | No | 89%
Books of the Old Testament | Luke | No | 87%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Hummus | No | 86%
Plagues of Egypt | Locusts | Yes | 86%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Potatoes | No | 86%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Honey | Yes | 84%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Mecca | No | 84%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Nutmeg | No | 83%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Olives | Yes | 83%
Plagues of Egypt | Death of firstborn sons | Yes | 82%
Plagues of Egypt | Hornets | No | 81%
Apostles of Jesus | Simon | Yes | 81%
Plagues of Egypt | Frogs | Yes | 80%
Books of the Old Testament | Moses | No | 80%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Constantinople | No | 77%
Apostles of Jesus | James | Yes | 77%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Milk | Yes | 77%
Plagues of Egypt | Rats | No | 76%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Lemons | No | 74%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Nineveh | Yes | 74%
Books of the Old Testament | Numbers | Yes | 74%
Books of the Old Testament | Romans | No | 74%
Books of the Old Testament | Acts | No | 72%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Dates | Yes | 72%
Foods and drinks that appear in the Bible | Manna | Yes | 71%
Books of the Old Testament | Proverbs | Yes | 71%
Books of the Old Testament | Job | Yes | 70%
Plagues of Egypt | Blood | Yes | 69%
Apostles of Jesus | Stephen | No | 69%
Cities or towns mentioned in the Bible | Corinth | Yes | 68%
Apostles of Jesus | Bartholomew | Yes | 65%
Plagues of Egypt | Darkness | Yes | 60%
Plagues of Egypt | Flooding | No | 52%
Books of the Old Testament | Daniel | Yes | 50%
Plagues of Egypt | Drought | No | 36%
Plagues of Egypt | Lice | Yes | 28%
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