Palpation. Okay, I missed too many of the letters and I think it means something different? Mutilation is also probably not quite "a deep tear or cut".
I believe that in the United States, 'tuition' is used in the way that 'tuition fee' is used elsewhere. What might be useful is if Quizmaster changed the definition to read: 'Money paid for education (USA)' or something to that effect.
I think "speciation" could also be a viable answer. It's a specific process within evolution where two populations can no longer interbreed viably and therefore are in that case now seperate species. lol thanks
this is one of those many times where my brain just completely removes words like some of the ones used here from my vocabulary until i finish the quiz :((
didn't do brilliantly but didn't suck! was confused by the answer to the transportation of criminal clue/answer as I was thinking of transportation as in when the UK sent convicts to Australia etc
Got 17, not bad :) would never have known assumption (sounds odd, so they assume she ascended?) had deportation instead of extradition. And didn't get conjunction, I don't know all the grammatical terms for things in english, just some. The rest somehow always seem to slip my mind right after i read them (it is hard enough to remember them in my own language. Somehow I do fine on extremely difficult words, but terminology... it never seems to make lasting impression ;) )