Until Jetpunk, I ALWAYS considered Russia to be part of Asia. Even when talking about population because 9/10 of the country is in Asia. But amazingly only 34 million people live in the Asian portion and for that reason I'm guessing it doesn't make the quiz.
Exactly. Rounding the numbers, the divisions for land area and population are both around 25% / 75% - for land area, 75% is in Asia, and for population, 25% is in Asia.
Russia certainly consider themselves more European (or Eastern European). It's historically and culturally European. They're a European country that took control of Siberia (because hardly anyone lives there and no one else really wanted it).
They did want it. Siberia is the reason why Russia has been a major power ever since Ivan the Terrible. It was first the biggest source of furs during the Little Ice Age in the 1600s and it now provides more than 80% of gas and oil reserves. Siberia was indeed the reason that transformed Russia from an agriculture-based country to a trade and industrial behemoth.
McLerristarr's comment about no one wanting Siberia and hardly anyone living there is quite wrong for the reasons Supertramp gave. Another reason that it is blatantly wrong is that the Russian expansion into Siberia led to the murder of thousands of the indigenous people who lived there and tried to resist Russian rule. Clearly, the local population wanted to keep the land, evidenced by Empress Elizabeth feeling it necessary to order the "extirpation" of the Chukchis and Koraks.
While I am sure that the Russians that live in European Russia consider themselves European, I'll bet those that live in Asian Russia consider themselves Asian. I cannot imagine a native of Irkutsk or Vladivostok thinks of themselves as being European.
Maybe if they hadn't killed between 40-65 million of their own, the population would be higher, especially in Siberia, the Asian part, which ironically is where a lot of those people went.
Why would we count Russia? The Asian population of Russia is no where near big enough to make the list. And, as noted, the Turkish population has been adjusted to remove its European part.
Yes, Turkey is an Asian country... AND Turkey is a European country. Wyatt needs to get out more. In fact, the largest city in Turkey, Istanbul, has a larger population on the European continent than the Asian continent. It is roughly 65% European/35% Asian and most of the the more famous landmarks, i.e. Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Grand Bazaar, etc. are on the European side of the Bosporus
In fact, several other countries would have a Fun time on this list if this were “All Asian countries more populous than Siberia” or something like that. Things like Myanmar, Thailand, South Korea and Iraq all have more people.
Why? 97% of Turkish lands is in Asia. Over 80% of Turkey's population is in Asia. And Turks come from central Asia. I don't see how they woudn't be in Asia
After doing all the other population quizzes, this might be the fastest I've ever finished a quiz. Well, except for the typing the alphabet quiz. Just run your fingers on the keyboard and you get them all.
Maybe. Yes, that's been reported in the last week or so, but I'll wait for more widespread data. Of course, at the numbers involved, and considering that people are constantly being born and dying, the margin of error has to be a very large number - probably in the thousands or tens of thousands.
*When you don't get sarcasm*
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