It's the usual suspects from a lot of other quizzes. Also, rural states with windy roads and long distances to travel have higher per capita rates than traffic clogged, slow moving areas.
It really is amazing that Mississippi appears to be at the top of every list for which you don't want to be at the top. Even this one, where no particular reason comes to mind why Mississippi should be ahead of the others. It has five times Wyoming's population and still comes out worse on a per capita basis. The government there must really have its priorities out of order.
anyone check the speed limits compared to the national average in these states? I am pretty sure places in Wyoming and New Mexico have no or very high limits.
Raising the speed limit 10 mph in other states led to an increase of more than 15% in yearly traffic fatalities.
I would guess this correlates strongly with excessive alcohol consumption. Many of these states that have the lowest standards of living, lowest education, worst social mobility, lowest social spending, etc.
"Our state leads the nation in [some negative thing]."
"State in bottom 10 nationally for [something positive]."
Do they just give up and report other stuff that's actual news to them in Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and West Virginia?
Raising the speed limit 10 mph in other states led to an increase of more than 15% in yearly traffic fatalities.
Least place: West Virginia
Then Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama
Then Louisiana, New Mexico, South Carolina
Then Kentucky, Wyoming, Missouri
Then Oklahoma, Indiana, Georgia
Then the middle part
On top: Massachusetts.