great variety of shows here... can't believe I missed I Love Lucy. and for "Clear Eyes Full Hearts Can't Lose" maybe you should accept any show on Fox News as Mitt Romney was repeating that dumb phrase over and over during the campaign.
The point of it being used on The Office was that Michael has a poor sense of humor and makes tired, old, inappropriate jokes. It would be like someone asking you to pull their finger and thinking that was funny. You're supposed to groan and roll your eyes. Even more perplexing than the people who think this joke originated with Michael Scott are the people who think that it's legitimately funny at face value and not funny (as intended) because of the awkward situations it creates due to Michael being the only one in the office who thought it was funny.
Let's see, 30 years 5 nights a week that originated the saying to introduce maybe the most influential man in TV history....or some copycat using it. No.
interpunction is not accepted so that only leaves you with -ing. Unless you only censored yourself in this comment and not in your answer, in which case *=π% might have been the issue, and your answer would probably be accepted without that part
It's interesting that there were no negative comments about Trump on this quiz until after he started running for president. Did people not think this about him until then?
It just seems odd to me. I see boxes of "Fruity Pebbles" cereal for sale today at Walmart, some 50-plus years after Pebbles' last appearance on TV. We got to watch the reruns in the 70s (thanks to but how many people born since then have ever seen a full episode of the Flintstones?
I would say that it is more like 95% has seen it and 5% not. here on regular network it has been less then ten years since it aired. but the kids channels of which there are tons probably all still show them (it might actually still be on regular channels aswell, i wouldntreally know since I hardly watch tv before 7pm)
Well, I typed "weakest link" about 12 times and it wouldn't accept it. And it didn't fill in in red when the answers came up, only in the percentage stats below. WTH?