Got a little more than half. Of the ones I didn't get I think the only one I've ever seen before is The Jeffersons- had no idea it was connected to any other show.
As I recall, the Jeffersons were next door neighbors to the Bunkers (of All in the Family) and then...they were movin' on up, to the top, to a deluxe apartment in the sky...
"Good Times" was a spinoff of "Maude," and "Checking In" was a spinoff of "The Jeffersons," which leads to the question of whether there were any other series that had more than one spinoff each of which had its own spinoff.
All in the Family was based on the British show, "Till Death Do Us Part". It wasn't a spinoff but there's still a connection, and Till Death had its own sequel, "In Sickness and in Health" so it could be said the original show inspired all of those connected to All in the Family which makes a large family tree.
You do realise that The Ropers and Three's Company were originally British comedies...("George and Mildred" and "Man About the House") so the US versions were remakes of an original and its spinoff
That doesn't change anything. The Ropers wasn't a spin-off of Man About the House, now was it? I don't want to assume you're British, but I'm assuming you're British.
If the 19% on Caprica means that that few of you have watched Battlestar Gallactica – GET THEE TO YOUR STREAMING SERVICE OF CHOICE AND START WATCHING IT RIGHT THIS DAMN MINUTE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY. Trust me on this.
It kind of is. The Colbert Report was originally a bit that they did on the Daily Show as a joke, basically a parody of Bill O'Reilly. I think they did it twice, and then Comedy Central decided to turn it in to a real show.
It was never a segment of the Daily Show. They made two fake commercials for the show as a joke, but then Comedy Central asked them to make it in to a real show, which they did.
MTM spun off Rhoda, Phyllis and Lou Grant, a rare serious spinoff from a comedy.