
American TV Taglines Quiz

Based on the tagline, name the television show.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: October 1, 2014
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First submittedFebruary 16, 2012
Times taken21,598
Average score52.6%
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The truth is out there
The X-Files
To boldly go where no man has gone before
Star Trek
Live from New York, it's Saturday night!
Saturday Night Live
More than meets the eye
The Transformers
Obsessive. Compulsive. Detective
In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet
equally important groups. The police who investigate crime and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.
Law and Order
Heroes for hire
The A-Team
Save the cheerleader. Save the world.
Outwit. Outplay. Outlast.
A comedy for anyone whose boss is an idiot
The Office
They have one cause. Leave no urban legend untested
Putting the herb in suburb
Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose
Friday Night Lights
Two adults. One kid. No grown-ups.
Two and a Half Men
Computer geek by day. Government operative by night
Medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white. Real life only
comes in shades of grey.
Grey's Anatomy
We can rebuild him - we have the technology
The Six Million
Dollar Man
If you think you know what's next, you don't know Jack!
One big (straight, gay, multi-cultural, traditional) happy family
Modern Family
Level 71
May 9, 2012
I love Mythbusters, and I've never seen them say that in any episode.
Level 81
Nov 17, 2014
Pretty much the only "reality" TV show out there worth watching.
Level 65
May 10, 2012
I think you should include the Boink, Boink, after the Law and Order opener. I mean, it's the Boink, Boink!
Level 78
Oct 11, 2014
I'd say more like a "gung gung."
Level 74
Nov 14, 2014
Nah, it's the sound of Dick Wolf closing his personal bank vault.
Level 82
Jan 25, 2023
I always thought of it as more of a "bong bong"
Level 24
May 11, 2012
Guys, the taglines don't necessarily have to be said in the show. Sometimes you have to really think about them. Testing urban legends... Sounds like Mythbusters to me!
Level 87
Jan 6, 2013
I can't believe I missed Weeds. I love that show. I was trying to think of cooking shows.
Level 37
Aug 16, 2014
Jeez, how did I miss Chuck? One of my favorite shows!
Level 92
Oct 1, 2014
Being fully indoctrinated into the Jetpunk system of no spaces, punctuation, or modifiers required, it always pleases me when I get to answer "good bad ugly" on a movie quiz and "212 men" on a TV quiz.
Level 78
Oct 11, 2014
ha...yep. I typed 25 men and got it as well.
Level 44
Nov 14, 2014
So sad that few quiz takers got "Friday Night Lights". It's a terrific series, even if you don't care a thing about football. Check it out on Netflix instant view.
Level 65
Nov 15, 2014
Second this, TV shows that want to make their characters believable should study this show.
Level 66
Sep 8, 2021
As far as i can tell it wasn't really shown outside the US, whereas most of the others were/are. In the UK it was shown on a very minor channel to an audience of around 25,000 - that's not huge exposure.
Level 81
Nov 17, 2014
I can't friggin' stand this show. I HAAATE the guy who directs it. I think he also did Parenthood. He has all of his actors constantly chattering over each other which I think he believes is more realistic but is actually just incredibly annoying. He also overuses close-ups and hand-held cameras. When I'm at my parents house and my dad watches either show, even as background noise I just can't take it and I have to leave the room. It's true the show has almost zero to do with football. In an entire episode building up to some big game there will be maybe 90 seconds of football. If that. I don't like football so that's not my problem with the show.
Level 71
Mar 12, 2018
I asked you the same question on a quiz about movies, but out of curiosity, what are some TV shows that you do like?
Level 81
Mar 3, 2020
Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Office, The Venture Brothers, The Tick (all 3 versions), The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, South Park, Firefly, The Transformers, Ally McBeal, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Weird City, Chernobyl, Jean Claude van Johnson, Seinfeld, Arrested Development, Gargoyles, West World ... those are among my favorites.
Level 81
Mar 3, 2020
Have also enjoyed Rick & Morty, The Simpsons, Futurama, Beavis and Butthead, Stranger Things, Serial Experiments: Lain, Mythbusters, and many other shows, but maybe not as much as the first group. I liked this one show with Paul Rudd I saw the first season of recently, I think it was called Living With Yourself or something like that. Really well done. Also liked 1st season of The Boys. Cobra Kai was okay but pretty corny. I was watching and sort of getting in to Watchmen and Man in the High Castle but somewhat lost interest in both. Tastes are somewhat eclectic but I dislike more shows than I like.
Level 48
Dec 14, 2014
I miss Chuck :(
Level 55
Feb 3, 2015
I cannot believe there is no "Where everybody knows your name"!
Level 74
Jul 7, 2015
Saturday Night Live is one of our family taglines. Our kids used to tell their friends, "We live so far out in the sticks that we get Saturday Night Live on Tuesday!"
Level 87
Jul 17, 2018
Saturday Night Slightly Less Live
Level 56
Jan 23, 2019
WeedS. The 's'. Sigh.
Level 66
Apr 20, 2022
Dang, only missed the Six Million Dollar Man because I couldn't remember how many million dollars he cost