Definition | Word | % Correct |
Opposite of rural | Urban | 98%
One of a kind | Unique | 95%
Radioactive element | Uranium | 94%
Baseball's version of a referee | Umpire | 91%
Vessel for storing human ashes | Urn | 89%
Womb | Uterus | 87%
Where a cow makes milk | Udder | 86%
World where everything works in perfect harmony | Utopia | 84%
Wavelength of light just beyond the visible spectrum | Ultraviolet | 82%
Street child or spiny sea creature | Urchin | 82%
The sum of everything in the cosmos | Universe | 80%
Land of the dead located below the surface of the Earth | Underworld | 79%
Bone of the forearm | Ulna | 66%
One of the five basic tastes – a meaty or savory flavor | Umami | 59%
Related to bears | Ursine | 59%
To unlawfully seize authority | Usurp | 59%
Japanese noodle, usually served in soup | Udon | 57%
Slang for vomit | Upchuck | 51%
The dots of this Ü | Umlaut | 50%
To stuff or cover furniture | Upholster | 50%
Lending money at exorbitant rates of interest | Usury | 30%
To shriek like ululululu.... | Ululate | 23%
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