I suppose 'best performing' relates to the number of times the team has qualified for the Champions League since six of these have never won it, whilst Nottingham Forest, for example, have won the European Cup twice.
According to the source (which is listed in the caveats), is based on points obtained for Wins-Draws-Loses. As it considers every tournament since ever, every victory gives 2 points.
Nottingham Forest won twice, but they have fallen hard. They aren't even one of the best teams in England, let alone Europe. They got relegated from the Premier League in 1999 and haven't been back since. Hard to claim that you are one of the best all-time teams in the Champions League when you haven't even qualified in decades.
To add to it, malignant person would call them 3 season wonder. They haven't been anywhere near the top in England before, won the league and runner up, twice in a row European Cup. Then back to midtable straight away. Decade later solid attempt to comeback to that level only to five years later go back to where they've spent majority of their history, 2nd tier. Great but short-lived unfortunately for Nottingham Forest.
Lyon WonIntertoto cup1997.........EUFA Champions League: Semi Finals 2009-20010 ........... Quarter Finals: 2004/5/6 .......... In my mind not enough to warrant a place over Nottingham Forest ... European Cup Winners 1978 - 70 1979-80..... EUFA Super Cup Winners 1979 ... Intercontinental Cup Runners Up 1980.
yes but the quiz titles itself as best in the champions league, so by that metric surely aston villa, forest, hamburg and steaua bucuresti should all be above lyon, and whatever other non winners they put on this list. Even Leeds united should be higher than some of these teams since they actually got to a final.
Consistency is the key, if you ask me. Lyon are in the competition pretty often, while Leeds were in the EFL Championship more often than they were in the Champions League. I was surprised to see Marseille not on this list, however. Other notable snubs to me: Valencia, Sevilla, Roma, Napoli, Monaco, Bayer Leverkusen. Monaco and Bayer Leverkusen both made finals.
For some reason, Sevilla is much better in the UEFA Cup/Euro League, and Leverkusen didn't qualify for the Champions League before the late 90s. Napoli have two decades going for them (80s and 10s) but they weren't that strong apart from that.
I agree the rankings are silly. They are however UEFA's official rankings based on every game a team has played in the tournament where 2 points are given for a win and 1 for a draw. This does benefit teams with more recent success though since the format was changed to include more teams and more games from 1992 onwards, leaving teams like steaua bucuresti who experienced success before sitting lower on the list, in this case 23rd.
PSG or rather Paris St Germain are there at number 16. Whether they should be given they have failed to turn lots of money and dominance of their countries league into Champions League success is another matter. Bit like Manchester City until 2023
That hype for English teams... Tottenham have only played 6 seasons in the European Cup/CL. Man City qualified only once before 2011 and didn't reach the second round until 2013-14.
Man City are new to the Champions League, first making the competition in its current form in the 2011-12 season. Spurs are also new to the competition, with their first appearance in the 2010-11 competition.
I think that the mixing of Champions League and European Cup distorts this quiz. Since there are now at least six games played by any club in the main Champions League competition it means that clubs, like PSG or Arsenal who have repeatedly qualified but never won the competition are rated higher than those, such as Nottingham Forest and Aston Villa, who have won the competition when it was a simple two leg knock out competition for League winner only.
Perhaps there should be two quizzes, one pre and one post the Champions League introduction.
People really need to look at the source and see how this is worked out before moaning about it. It's quite clear: each team gets 3 points for a win and one for a draw for any match played since the European Cup started in the 1950s. This is just one possible way of ranking teams, it's not considered definitive, it's not official, it's just an interesting record of each team, and it is not worthy of complaint, bitching, moaning, and throwing toys out of prams like petulant children. It's easy enough to find or come up with your own ranking system based on how far into the tournament a team has progressed if it bothers people so much.
Never in a Finale, Never win.
WHat is the source ?
*Shakes fist like an old man*
Perhaps there should be two quizzes, one pre and one post the Champions League introduction.
I didn't get Liverpool or Porto