
U.S. College Acronyms Quiz

For each acronym, guess the school name.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: November 28, 2014
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First submittedJanuary 17, 2012
Times taken42,835
Average score65.0%
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University of Southern California
Louisiana State University
Brigham Young University
University of Texas at El Paso
University of California, Los Angeles
George Washington University
Boston College
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Virginia Commonwealth University
East Carolina University
Texas Christian University
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Utah State University
George Mason University
Northern Arizona University
New York University
San Jose State University
University of California San Diego
University of Georgia
Virginia Military Institute
Level 58
Jan 17, 2012
UCLA is University of Charlotte eLisabeth Avenue
Level 92
Jan 17, 2012
Got them all with 2:30 left. It helps immensely that I devoted so much time to mastering the college basketball team naming quiz. Never would have gotten NAU, USU, or GMU otherwise.
Level 81
Jun 10, 2013
You really must have mastered it if it helped you with GMU. I was at school there the year they made it in to the playoffs. I think it's only happened once, right?
Level 78
Jan 17, 2012
Couldn't NAU also be National American University?
Level 63
Jan 21, 2012
Thank you NCAA march madness
Level 28
Jul 13, 2012
Wow, I am surprised how many correct answers I got!
Level 19
Aug 7, 2012
got all but Utah State?
Level 90
Jun 4, 2014
Utah State, Hey, Aggies all the way! Go Aggies! Go Aggies! Hey, Hey, Hey!!!
Level 33
Dec 2, 2012
should accept eastern carolina for ecu
Level 74
Jan 29, 2015
Except that it's not called Eastern Carolina.
Level 14
Jan 28, 2013
got over half and im canadian..not bad since most of those universities suck
Level 81
Jan 29, 2015
Kudos on learning something in spite of the challenge of going to sucky Canadian universities.
Level 72
Sep 3, 2019
That doesnt even make any sense..
Level 81
Oct 26, 2019
It makes the most sense possible out of the comment I was responding to. If he's trying to disparage the universities on this quiz he should at least say "these" and not "those." But I'm not even sure if that's what he means.
Level 44
Mar 11, 2013
100% with 2:12 left
Level 78
Apr 9, 2014
Southern Cal is USC on the west coast. South Carolina is USC on the east coast. But why are their nicknames the Trojans and the Cocks? That is just too funny.
Level 85
May 9, 2014
Too Califronia/Virginia-centric
Level 60
Jan 23, 2019
I agree. As a Virginian, it made it pretty easy. To be honest, Virginia and California do have a lot of universities but as far as Virginia goes having UVA or VT would be a lot easier to guess than GMU.
Level 81
May 19, 2019
GMU is the biggest public university in the state.
Level 70
Jan 29, 2015
The Quizmaster's silence on the USC issue is deafening. ... Both South Carolina and Southern Cal should be accepted. It doesn't matter what the logo on the title screen is, that is not part of the quiz. ... Rather than argue with some idiot about SJSU, quizmaster should address this blatant error.
Level 81
Jan 29, 2015
I think you're taking this very serious issue much too lightly!!
Level 43
Apr 16, 2017
Okay, I'll sub for QM since he didn't show up to answer this. The issue of the USC's went to a federal appeals court, and the judges ruled that South Carolina couldn't use USC on their athletic uniforms because SoCal already was. Honestly, I think that's BS, especially considering South Carolina was founded 79 years before SoCal, but not being a huge fan of either school, I won't stick my nose too much further.
Level 58
Nov 12, 2023
South Carolina has reverted to officially using USC in marketing as of 2023 (source: I go here). We were founded before California was a part of the United States. However, we were called South Carolina College at the time, and Southern California did actually get to USC first. Either way, since USC is an officially-accepted abbreviation for the school per the school itself, I still think it should be accepted.
Level 81
Oct 26, 2019
My high school when I was going there was CHS. There was another, older high school nearby with the same initials. Eventually mine changed its initials to CVHS which sounds really strange to my ear, since I was used to the former abbreviation.
Level 71
Jan 29, 2015
Argh! VMI - I kept putting Virginia Medical Institute!!
Level 76
Jan 29, 2015
There are several Brown Colleges.
Level 60
Jun 20, 2019
Level 75
Jan 29, 2015
suggestion for next time: CONDOM (College of Notre Dame of Maryland - seriously). :)
Level 81
Oct 26, 2019
Wouldn't that just be CNDM?
Level 78
Oct 23, 2020
It's been Notre Dame of Maryland University since 2011.
Level 55
Jan 30, 2015
I got about half, but was disappointed not to see two of the ones I would have got - CUNY and SUNY.
Level 44
Jan 31, 2015
sad that 72% miss NAU what is wrong with you ?
Level 45
Jul 3, 2015
The University of South Carolina was founded before California was even a state.
Level 32
Nov 30, 2015
I don't personally, but I've heard a lot of people refer to the University of South Carolina as USC.
Level 62
Feb 17, 2016
I though GWU was Gardner Webb University.... Oops
Level 65
Jun 6, 2016
Yo same!
Level 67
Jan 5, 2017
accept San Jose State as San Jose St
Level 45
Aug 11, 2018
USC is the University of South Carolina, Founded 1802, 48 years before California was even a state, 78 years before USoCal ** update, I just saw I made the same comment 3 years ago!!
Level 72
Sep 3, 2019
Seeing how I only ever heard of "UCLA" (and only like that , not the full version) I think I did pretty well managing to decipher 8 of those :) I had zero clue haha
Level 58
May 18, 2020
As people have pointed out, USC was University of South Carolina first, and "Eastern Carolina" should be accepted for ECU because that's what people in North Carolina actually call it (as a North Carolinian, I can attest). Other than that, though, good quiz, and you stumped me on several of them!
Level 96
Mar 13, 2021
Somehow managed to miss my own alma mater. Oops
Level 71
Dec 18, 2023
You've missed the comma for UCSD!