
U.S. General Knowledge #19

Can you answer these random questions with an American focus?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 2, 2017
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First submittedMarch 2, 2017
Times taken15,630
Average score50.0%
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What type of animal is a “cottontail”?
What member of the Bush family was governor of Florida?
Which U.S. state was visited by explorer Vitus Bering in 1741?
What was the name of the coffee shop in the TV show "Friends"?
Central Perk
What city in New Jersey inspired many of the place names on the Monopoly board game?
Atlantic City
On what game show might a contestant have said "One dollar, Bob"?
The Price is Right
What exploded due to a faulty o-ring seal in 1986?
Space Shuttle Challenger
Near what city is the U.S. Air Force academy located?
Colorado Springs
What endangered bird has the largest wingspan of any bird in North America?
California Condor
What soft drink brand has released strange flavors including "Code Red",
"Pitch Black", and "White Out"?
Mountain Dew
What religious society founded many colleges including Gonzaga and Loyola Marymount?
The Jesuits
What name comes next in this sequence: George, John, Thomas, ... ?
What TV network originally aired "Breaking Bad" and "The Walking Dead"?
What city is just across the border from Juarez, Mexico?
El Paso
Who pardoned Richard Nixon?
Gerald Ford
In what industry can a person win a "CLIO" award?
Whose "Rules of Order" are commonly used to run meetings in the United States?
Henry Martyn Robert’s
What beverage is for "closers" in the movie "Glengarry Glen Ross"?
What lake in Oregon is the deepest in the United States?
Crater Lake
What is the name of New York City’s premier symphony?
New York Philharmonic
Level 82
Mar 2, 2017
I like the "George, John, Thomas, " question. :-)
Level 86
Mar 3, 2017
Me too! Before I got it, I was thinking, 'there was no Thomas in the Beatles!'
Level 74
Mar 3, 2017
Even after seeing the answer I still didn't get it until I Googled it. My brain didn't go in that direction at all.
Level 81
Jun 3, 2017
Supreme Court chief justices?
Level 91
Jun 3, 2017
My first thought went to English kings, until I found out there is no King Thomas.
Level 90
Apr 18, 2019
John Thomas is something else according to Monty Python.
Level 87
Jun 30, 2024
And it's right where it belongs!
Level 84
Mar 3, 2017
Is symphony the same as symphony orchestra in US?
Level 65
Jun 3, 2017
Yes. We have to shorten everything, y'know.
Level 65
Jun 3, 2017
I got 3. I'd be interested to see what score those outside north America achieve.
Level 68
Jun 4, 2017
I got 5. From New Zealand.
Level 49
Jun 4, 2017
I got 2, I'm in Ireland. Although I did know the challenger one but couldn't remember the name of the ship, I tried discovery, explorer, endeavour etc etc. Everything except challenger!
Level 80
Dec 8, 2022
Got 12, but one of them by just guessing (the first question). And actually another one (the George, John etc.) was also mostly guessed, happened to know that one of the first presidents of US was James Madison. Tried John and John Quincy first, thinking the younger Adams.

Generally I seem to get 1 or 2 points only in these US specific quizzes.

Level 36
Jun 5, 2017
Vitus Bering could not have visited the STATE of Alaska in 1741 as Alaska did not become a state until 1959... the only reason we get

it is because I presume, the Bering Straight was named after him.

Level 92
Jun 5, 2017
Stop being pedantic. It's the third most answered question at 77%. I imagine that number would not change if the question was rewritten to read. "What future state...."
Level 70
Jun 6, 2017
It would be a better question though!
Level 90
Apr 18, 2019
You put down a future state of enlightenment for all who will eventually read your comment.
Level 87
Jan 26, 2022
It's so much fun watching someone misspell the word STRAIT while being pedantic about when Alaska became a state. petard-hoisting, anyone?
Level ∞
Sep 2, 2022
Muphry's Law!
Level 65
Apr 19, 2024
do you know what a petard is?
Level 87
Jun 30, 2024
What an explosive question! ;-)
Level 82
Jun 6, 2017
Should accept John for Jeb Bush. John Ellis Bush. JEB. What a dope.
Level 90
Apr 18, 2019
George Oscar Bush.

Level 90
Apr 18, 2019
Bluth, not Bush. My bad.
Level 61
Jun 27, 2017
Can we all take just a moment to appreciate Quizmaster's absolute dedication to "Glengarry Glen Ross"?
Level 90
Apr 18, 2019
Go to lunch.
Level 90
Apr 18, 2019
I was going to comment on the general underappreciation of Glengarry. For a movie with some famously quoted scenes, it's taken in very little total revenue.
Level 87
Jan 26, 2022
Yes. Hear, hear!

It's especially refreshing to see the movie being specified since the "coffee is for closers" line isn't in the original play. Indeed, that entire character was invented for the movie. This is why it's one of those very rare cases of a film adaptation improving upon its source material.

Level 75
Dec 8, 2022
The exclamation point is missing from Jeb!
Level 43
Dec 8, 2022
Americans give awards to advertisers?

That will only encourage them!

Level 77
Dec 8, 2022
AMC (in this context) is a tv channel, not a network.
Level 82
Dec 8, 2022
Why is Mountain Dew on here? Sure, it was invented in the US, and its primary market is the US. But, its owned by PepsiCo which was founded by Caleb Bradham who was born in North Carolina in Duplin County, and Duplin sounds pretty close to Dublin which is in Ireland, not the US!
Level 82
Dec 10, 2022
is it just me who's never heard of Henry Martyn Robert?
Level 86
Jan 10, 2023
Level 71
Feb 6, 2023
I love all of Mountain Dew's obscure experimental flavors