
U.S. General Knowledge #32

Can you answer these random questions with an American focus?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 14, 2023
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First submittedAugust 22, 2018
Times taken21,148
Average score60.0%
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Who is the teddy bear named after?
Theodore Roosevelt
What beverage is Mr. Pibb an imitation of?
Dr Pepper
What California location is known as "The OC"?
Orange County
The phrase "it's not rocket science" means that something is not extremely difficult.
What's another phrase that means the same thing?
It's not brain surgery
What television character said "How YOU doin"?
Joey Tribbiani
What is the best-selling brand of acetaminophen in the U.S.?
Who is Raggedy Ann's brother?
Raggedy Andy
What song made 14-year old Rebecca Black an internet sensation in 2011?
Hint: "Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal"
What TV show did "The Fonz" appear in?
Happy Days
Whose dentures were made of ivory and human teeth, not of wood
as is sometimes believed?
George Washington
Most U.S. Presidents had one. A few had more than one. Only James Buchanan
never had any. What didn't he have?
What strategically-important part of Central America was a territory of the
United States from 1903–1979?
Panama Canal Zone
What team name is used by the University of Nebraska's sports teams?
In the spy world, what is "the company"?
What major American city is named after an ancient Egyptian capital?
What is the oldest state capital in the U.S., founded in 1610 by by Spanish colonists?
Santa Fe
What U.S. territory is located about 800 miles from Fiji?
American Samoa
If some asks for your "John Hancock", what are they asking for?
Your signature
What Civil War general is the M4 tank named after?
William Tecumseh
What does F stand for in the equation F = 1.8C + 32 ?
Level 78
Aug 24, 2018
The Fonz also appeared on Laverne and Shirley several times
Level ∞
Aug 31, 2018
Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer incorporated!
Level 74
Sep 6, 2018
You jumped the shark with that reply. :)
Level 90
Sep 24, 2018
He probably also appeared on The Muppets and SNL. So what?
Level 66
Jun 8, 2023
and Out of the Blue, and Mork and Mindy, and began on Love, American Style.
Level 71
Aug 31, 2018
"wives" as a valid replacement for spouse/wife please.
Level ∞
Aug 31, 2018
Level 63
Sep 6, 2018
how about accepting "first lady"?
Level 86
Apr 15, 2023
A number of women, who weren't the wife of the president, have served as first lady. The earliest example is Martha Jefferson Randolph - when Jefferson became president, he had already been widowed for years, so his daughter filled the role.
Level 69
Sep 6, 2018
@Twentysix385 Buchanan did have a "first lady". Harriet Lane, his niece, served as official first lady.
Level 65
Sep 6, 2018
"Rocket science"', "Brain surgery", AND "Chinese calculus"
Level 87
Sep 6, 2018
Heard the first two many times. Never heard the last one.
Level 85
Apr 15, 2023
I've never heard the latter two. Who says "It's not brain surgery"?
Level 79
Apr 15, 2023
I’ve been the recipient of the brain surgery line before and heard it plenty, especially when I was about 10. “Mom, I don’t know how to make scrambled eggs, can you help me?” It turns out I could handle making scrambled eggs; it’s not brain surgery.
Level 87
Sep 6, 2018
Oh man. Shame on you, QM, for putting a certain song in my head.
Level 61
Sep 6, 2018
As Panama was founded in the early 19th century as Panama, this shouls be accepted and NOT the PCZ which was only formed in 1903 as a union to build the canal.

Pedantry doesn't always shine through.

Level 92
Sep 6, 2018
The question clearly states 1903 and 1979 when we ceded it back. The only acceptable answer is the PCZ. Your conclusion does not support the supporting evidence you cite.
Level 90
Apr 15, 2023
Also, the Canal Zone was only a small portion of Panama.
Level 90
Sep 24, 2018
Obviously Panama was created by puppet soldiers and leaders to separate from Colombia to build the canal. As long as the puppets obeyed the strings they were independent in internal affairs, just like colonies and vassals in any well administered empire since time immemorial.
Level 68
Sep 6, 2018
Wow, I did not too well on this quiz!
Level 68
Sep 6, 2018
I have a quibble with the wording of a question. I realize Wikipedia describes Santa Fe as the oldest state capital in the United States

And indeed the settlement that became today's city was founded by Spanish colonists in 1610 (and native Americans lived in the area long before that).

But since New Mexico wasn't admitted to the union until 1912, Santa Fe wasn't a state capital until 1912. So it's not the oldest state capital. It's the oldest city that is a state capital.

For what it's worth...

Level 79
Sep 6, 2018
I have to agree with your argument. It is hard to be a state capital when you are not a state.
Level 96
Apr 16, 2023
I have to strongly disagree. It'd be like saying the answer to "Who was the oldest US President?" is Franklin Roosevelt, because he served in the office for just over 12 years, longer than any other. No matter that he was only 51 when elected, compared to Biden's 78. The age of the city is independent of its capital status.
Level 73
Jun 8, 2023
I disagree as well. The plainest reading of "the oldest state capital" is definitely "the oldest city that is a state capital" and how it would be understood by nearly every reader. @imalittledespot is describing a different (though valid metric) which is not "age". I would be curious as to the answer that different question, as well. Maybe Dover, which became capital of Delaware in 1777?
Level 80
Oct 28, 2024
Although this does bring up a question. Who was the oldest US president? Is it Joe Biden, who is the oldest at the time he is president, or is it Jimmy Carter, the US president who lived to the longest age?
Level 75
Jun 13, 2022
"It's Herbie Hancock!"
Level 82
Apr 15, 2023
A lot of people go to college for 7 years.
Level 77
Apr 15, 2023
allow 'it's not that hard' and 'it's not complicated lmao'?
Level 78
Apr 15, 2023
Paracetamol for Tylenol? No one calls it Tylenol in the UK. I mean I guess they don't sell it as that but it's the same thing.
Level 84
Apr 15, 2023
You're on a US quiz. The question is perfectly clear and a generic name can't be accepted when the most common *brand* is asked for.
Level 82
Apr 16, 2023
Some of these questions are not particularly American. Is this quiz not sufficiently US-centric?
Level 73
Apr 16, 2023
The Fahrenheit question adds enough stars and stripes to the other questions
Level 58
Jun 8, 2023
# 4 (rocket science question) is too vague, in my opinion. Too many different phrases could fit.
Level 78
Jun 8, 2023
Like what?
Level 74
Jun 10, 2023
Never heard of Rebecca Black and no idea what her song has to do with the US, but happy for her apparent success.
Level 60
Oct 8, 2023
There's a typo in the question "What is the oldest state capital in the U.S., founded in 1610 by by Spanish colonists?", the word "by" is repeated twice