
U.S. General Knowledge #7

Can you answer these random questions with an American focus?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: February 22, 2022
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First submittedMay 20, 2015
Times taken16,495
Average score55.0%
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What 1954 Supreme Court case made school segregation illegal?
Brown v. Board of
What brand's slogan is "when it rains, it pours"?
Morton Salt
Who is He-Man's twin sister?
What plant which grows on Live Oak trees is, despite its name, neither
a moss nor native to Spain?
Spanish Moss
The tallest mountain in the U.S. is located in Alaska. In what state would
you find the country's second-tallest mountain?
What type of rain has been greatly reduced in the United States due to reductions
in of sulfur dioxide emissions?
Acid Rain
What politician famously added the letter "e" to the spelling of potato?
Dan Quayle
What street do Bert and Ernie live on?
Sesame Street
Who, according to the Chicago Tribune, did Thomas Dewey defeat in 1948?
Harry S. Truman
What Native American warrior is the subject of an unfinished outdoor sculpture
that dwarfs Mount Rushmore?
Crazy Horse
Complete the John F. Kennedy Quote: "Ich bin ein ......"
Who played Uncle Jesse on the show "Full House"?
John Stamos
What came to an end in Appomattox Court House, Virginia?
The Civil War
What syndrome did Corky have on the show "Life Goes On"?
Down Syndrome
Who founded O magazine?
Oprah Winfrey
Who hosted the show "No Reservations" on the Travel Channel?
Anthony Bourdain
What gemstone has a blue-green color and is common in the Southwest United States?
What South Dakota drug store is advertised on road signs for hundreds
of miles in either direction?
Wall Drug
Whose trial featured the quote "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit"?
O.J. Simpson's
Fill the blank in the quote: " Will it ____ in Peoria?"
Level 66
Jul 21, 2015
I'm surprised not everyone got Oprah Winfrey...
Level 80
Dec 12, 2020
I've never heard of 'O magazine' before.
Level 66
Jul 25, 2023
Only her minions read it. There is a different picture on the cover of every issue... Of Oprah.
Level 67
Sep 28, 2015
Twice across South Dakota and I had to stop at Wall Drug. Marketing works!
Level 90
Sep 29, 2015
I was really hoping "jelly donut" would work for the Kennedy question! ;)
Level 55
Sep 29, 2015
I hate this quiz because I really know a great deal about the United States... but not stuff you actually have to live there to know (eg see the tv shows, drive hundreds of miles in a remote states). Also, biology knows no national boundaries, so I'm not sure you can guarantee that moss question is general knowledge "about the United States".
Level ∞
Feb 22, 2022
There's no pleasing everyone.

The reason I made this series is that people whined about our other General Knowledge series being "too American".

I am sorry that this "isn't American enough", but I'm not going to throw out good quiz questions just because they are between 0% and 100% American.

Level 45
Sep 30, 2015
"Spanish moss" is not a type of moss -- it's a flowering plant.
Level ∞
Feb 22, 2022
Changed the question, thanks!
Level 65
May 7, 2017
What do He-man and She-ra have to do with the US?
Level 85
Feb 23, 2022
They were created by American company, Mattel. They were featured in TV shows produced by American company, Filmation.
Level 39
Aug 28, 2018
I know TV is important to the US, but really, these quizzes have too much to do with TV and not enough history or ecology or, you know,other forms of culture.
Level 28
Dec 5, 2019
Adora should be accepted for She-Ra because that is her real name.
Level 64
Jul 19, 2021
i am no dan quayle fan, but in this instance, he was not really to blame. he had cards that were given to him by someone from the school, and when the boy spelled "potato" correctly, quayle corrected him by adding an e, which is what was on the card.
Level ∞
Feb 22, 2022
Huh, I didn't know that. I wonder if they set him up for failure.

"The card says Moops".

Level 89
Feb 22, 2022
Level 85
Feb 22, 2022
He’s still to blame. Good test though. If you give the guy information that a reasonably smart 10-year-old should know is wrong, will he question it or just parrot it in public…?
Level 70
Jun 9, 2022
That basically makes him the Ron Burgandy -- who would say anything if it was on a teleprompter -- of Vice Presidents.
Level 85
Feb 23, 2022
Is Morton Salt a thing I should have heard of?
Level 91
Feb 23, 2022
In the US it would be an actual chore not to know of Mortons Salt. Perhaps not the same with our friendly neighbours
Level 91
Feb 23, 2022
No politics here on jetpunk my friendly neighbour. He's definitely not Castro's son.
Level 70
Jun 9, 2022
I know the brand but have never heard that supposedly famous slogan.
Level 81
Jun 24, 2022
If you're over 40 and grew up in the US you probably would have.
Level 73
Jun 23, 2022
Tried so many unlikely states to get the 2nd highest mountain...without thinking it might be the same as the highest mountain : (
Level 65
Jun 23, 2022
Yeah I interpreted as which state has the highest mountain besides Alaska.
Level 86
Aug 31, 2023
Me too.
Level 80
Jun 23, 2022
There's a redundant 'of' in 'in of sulfur dioxide emissions'.
Level 44
May 13, 2023
Never heard "will it play in Peoria." I've only ever heard it as Poughkeepsie. Interesting.
Level 66
Jul 25, 2023
"Have you ever played Peoria?" "Peoria? Oh, yes—I spent four years there one night!"
Level 67
Jul 15, 2024
I typed ever state with even a hill and never thought to type Alaska. Ugh! Lol