
U.S. Multiple Choice General Knowledge #1

Can you answer these multiple-choice questions with an American focus?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: February 19, 2021
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First submittedFebruary 18, 2021
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1. Which model of Chevy was shaped like a car, but had a cargo bed like a pickup truck?
El Camino
2. Which of these is NOT a real college?
3. Which of these letters is NOT the first letter of a state capital?
4. How many people did Texas execute in 2020?
Throughout the entire country, only 17 people were executed in 2020
5. What is the most severe level of DEFCON?
6. Which Kansas City has a larger population?
Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City, Kansas
7. On what day of the week are national elections held?
8. What does the Herman Miller company make?
Model cars
Toilet paper
9. Who are sometimes known as "G-Men"?
Bankers who make at least $1,000 a day
FBI agents
Players on the Green Bay Packers
10. How did Bonnie & Clyde meet their end?
Jumping off a cliff
Machine gunned by law enforcement
Old age in prison
11. Which of these animals is NOT native to the United States?
The cassowary is only found in Australia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea
12. In the book "Moby-Dick", who was Moby Dick?
The captain
The harpoon
The ship
The whale
13. How many votes are needed to overcome a filibuster in the Senate?
14. How old are the horses that race at the Kentucky Derby?
3 years old
7 years old
All different ages
Since horses don't fully mature until four years old, they aren't even the fastest horses
15. Which of these songs was originally recorded by Garth Brooks?
Friends in Low Places
Mama Tried
These Boots are Made For Walking
Level ∞
Feb 18, 2021
Regarding the death penalty... only 22 people were executed in 2019 and 17 executed in 2020. It's a virtual certainty that most people currently on death row will die of old age before they are executed. Which really begs the question. Why does the U.S. even bother? It makes us look bad, wastes untold hours of court time, and doesn't even happen anyway. Regardless of how you feel about the fairness of the death penalty, it should be ended on practical grounds.
Level 54
Feb 18, 2021
Life with no parole is also psychologically worse for prisoners. Many prisoners view the death penalty as relief, instead of punishment.
Level 51
Feb 18, 2021
Yes, but we spend millions getting complicated equipment and chemicals, yet like QM said, some people die even before it happens. Hardly anybody is put on it either.
Level ∞
Feb 19, 2021
American prisons are a cakewalk compared to Japanese prisons.

Level 63
May 26, 2023
How is it a cake walk he literally talks about how Japanese prisons aren’t violent. Clearly you haven’t been or seen a prison in the us they are extremely violent and guards won’t do anything to stop it.
Level 54
Feb 19, 2021
Just to clear confusion, by "relief" I meant that prisoners view the Death Penalty as an easy way to escape their horrendous crimes. I wasn't attributing it to prison conditions. Sorry for being Vague. US prisons are easy off compared to other places no doubt.
Level 84
Feb 18, 2021
Because it looks "tough on crime". But it's not even effective. And irreversible - mistakes still happen.
Level 86
Feb 19, 2021
It keeps lawyers employed. Others too, obviously, but the real winners are the lawyers.
Level 67
Mar 14, 2021
This is a preposterous statement. No lawyer's practice depends on death penalty appeals, except lawyers who have chosen over other options to fight the death penalty on moral grounds. I have been in the law a long time. I've never once heard of a lawyer who depends on death penalty appeals to get rich. The only lawyers who work mostly on death penalty appeals earn a fraction of what they are worth, because they care more about the cause than the money.
Level 90
Feb 19, 2021
Nope, the death penalty saves time and money. Look up how many plea deals happened to take the death penalty (and life on death row) off the table. Also, saying prisoners view the death penalty as a relief is laughable. Life in prison has usually has many benefits over death row, such as time out of cell, commissary, visitation, etc., though these probably vary state by state.
Level 54
Feb 19, 2021
Source that makes you call it laughable? I have my sources for what I said.

Level ∞
Feb 19, 2021
That's a good point @loganite and one I hadn't considered. It is possible that the possibility of the death penalty reduces the amount of total court hours spent arguing murder cases. I withdraw my statement that it wastes court time pending further evidence.
Level 51
Feb 19, 2021
SAVE?! It's much easier and more cost-effective to do it the traditional way, instead of getting scientists to make special substances for it. We already have everything needed in prisons, so it's kind of a waste of time with the death penalty.
Level 67
Mar 14, 2021
Yes, the death penalty's main utility is as a bargaining chip. When there is an ironclad case against a murderer, he has no reason to spare the state a trial unless the death penalty is hanging over his head. If a life sentence is certain, he may as well go to trial. But if conviction at trial brings the threat of the death penalty, he'll be much more likely to plead to life in prison. I'm philosophically opposed to state execution, but the death penalty is a valuable force in plea bargaining.
Level 90
Mar 14, 2021
Proxima - There are two problems with listing a new article as a source. First, they are not experts and only give a snapshot of any situation based on limited research. Have you ever watched a news story on a subject on which you are an expert and noticed how many things they get wrong? Why would you trust they get everything right on a story you know nothing about? Second, news companies do have political biases and report stories through their preferred lens. My response is based on my over 20 years experience working in the American legal system and seeing first hand how it works (and doesn't work).
Level 59
Mar 14, 2021
The family of any person who was killed so horrifically that the death penalty is an option should get that option. If they want it. I don’t care if it never happens, I don’t care how much it costs or practical grounds. Psychologically, if your child, spouse, parent, whoever you love was brutally murdered, you might sleep better knowing that a jury of the perpetrators peers found him unworthy of living.
Level 87
Feb 19, 2021
Technically it only takes one senator to block legislation using a filibuster. Legislation in the Senate (with some exceptions) is given unlimited debate time. Accordingly, a single Senator can hold the floor for debate as long as they want to prevent a final vote on a bill, thereby "blocking" legislation (even if temporarily). Stopping such a filibuster requires ending debate by invoking cloture. A successful cloture motion on a bill normally requires 60 votes in favor. A cloture motion will fail if there are not 60 votes in favor, regardless of how many vote against it (there is a proposal under consideration to change this to requiring 41 votes against instead of 60 votes for, but this has not yet passed). Senators who vote against a cloture motion are technically declining to end debate on a bill; the one Senator is still doing the procedural blocking.

Perhaps a more accurate formulation would be: Q: "How many votes are needed to overcome a filibuster in the Senate?" A: 60

Level 54
Feb 19, 2021
But if 60 senators say no filibuster, it can't happen
Level ∞
Feb 19, 2021
Good points @Gregger. Made the change you suggested.
Level 80
Feb 19, 2021
For some reason, the World quizzes are much easier for me than the USA quizzes (I'm American)
Level 65
Mar 14, 2021
You should put a jaguar as one of the animals native to the united states.
Level 61
Mar 15, 2021
Happy to snag 13 out of 15. More important, any quiz that has Swearingen as a clue is fabulous, but as the possible answer for an American college? Brilliant!
Level 72
May 23, 2024
Wow I only got 3 wrong! Felt more like I would have gotten only 3 right, it felt catastrophic. I guessed nearly all of them

The only ones I knew/ had a strong feeling about were pick-up, fbi, cassowary and whale.

Ow and I did sort of expect to get the defcon right, guess I was counting the wrong way (and it might have still been wrong even then) (My other 2 wrong were the college and horses)

And I am very curious to know which animal the people, that thought the cassowary ran around in the US, thought was not native to the US